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Delegation of Authority تفويض السلطة
Lecture 7 تفويض السلطة
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 نظام السلطة بالمؤسسة السلطة هى القوة التى تعطيها المؤسسة للأفراد حتى يتمكنوا من إستخدام أرائهم وتقييماتهم فى إتخاذ القرارات0 Decentralization is a fundamental aspect of delegation; to the extent that authority is not delegated, it is centralized. If managers should delegate all their authority, their status as managers would cease, their position would be cease, their position would be eliminated, and there would be no organization. Centralization and decentralization are tendencies. The degree of decentralization is greater: The greater the number of decisions made lower down the management hierarchy. The more important the decisions made lower down the management hierarchy. The more functions affected by decisions made at lower levels. The less checking required on a decision. Decentralization is greater when no check at all must be made; less when superiors have to be informed of the decision after it has been made. The fewer people to be consulted, and the lower they are on the managerial hierarchy, the greater the degree of decentralization. Decentralization requires careful selection of what decisions to push down into the organization structure and what to hold at or near the top, specific policymaking to guide the decision making, selection and training of people, and adequate control. Without decentralization, managers could not use their discretion to meet the ever-changing situations they face.
التعريف الخاص بتفويض السلطة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 التعريف الخاص بتفويض السلطة تفويض السلطة هو عبارة عن نقل أو مشاركة السلطة التى تمكن الفرد من التحرر من المسئولية ومن الرد على الإستفسارات الخاصة بالنتائج0 Authority: power to discharge responsibility and maintain accountability. Responsibility: the obligation to perform the duties of one’s position and meet objectives within standards. Accountability: the obligation to answer for how well one has discharged responsibility and managed the authority delegated. One can delegate authority but not responsibility or accountability. Though he can hold people responsible and accountable within their areas, the supervisor is still ultimately responsible for their performance. Any boss who shifts personal responsibility or accountability onto others is guilty of abdication. Employees are not mere hired hands or order takers. They must be delegated enough authority to exercise judgment and make decisions about their work. If supervisors don’t delegate, they’ll stay fully involved in their employees’ work or will end up doing it themselves. They must share authority through delegation. This is the most powerful tool in the supervisor’s toolbox. Bosses who delegate measure their success by the results their employees produce. By empowering them they’re treating people as adults. They’re confident they’ll act responsibility without constant checking. Delegation raises peoples’ stature from hired hands to valued team members.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 تفويض السلطة Authority is delegated when a superior vests decision-making power in a subordinate by a superior. The entire process of delegation involves: 1.The determination of results expected from persons in a position. 2.The assignment of tasks to persons in a position. 3.The delegation of authority for accomplishing these tasks. 4.The holding of people responsible for their accomplishment of these tasks. Holding subordinates responsible to their superiors for using delegated authority to accomplish expected results must be regarded as a part of the process of delegation.Furthermore, since responsibility is an obligation subordinates owe to their superiors, it cannot be delegated by subordinates to anyone else. Their obligation runs to their superiors and to no one else. تحديد النتائج المتوقعة من الأفراد المتواجدين فى المناصب0 تقييم المهام المسندة للأفراد المتواجدين فى المناصب0 تفويض السلطة لإنجاز هذه المهام0 تحميل الأفراد مسئولية إنجاز هذه المهام0
ما الأمور التى يتم تفويضها؟
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 ما الأمور التى يتم تفويضها؟ مهام الإثراء (عن طريق جعل العمل الذى يقوم به الفرد له معنى وإعطاؤه مسئولية هذا العمل وكافة السلطات الخاصة به0) القرارات الروتينية0 التفاصيل Delegate everything you need not do personally. To do this, learn everyone’s responsibilities, especially your own Types of tasks to delegate: Enrichment tasks. Routine decisions. Details. Duties of your old job. Jobs that don't require perfection. One-time tasks. Jobs that others do better. Tasks to change behavior Jobs to improve performance. Problems. Enrichment enables people to do a good job because the job has been made good. This doesn't mean simply giving them more work to do. It means making their work more meaningful by giving them more responsibility, authority, and control over it. One way to enrich the job is to combine separate tasks into whole projects. People will commit to success if given ownership of the project.
ما الأمور التى لا يجب تفويضها؟
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 ما الأمور التى لا يجب تفويضها؟ المهام والواجبات الإشرافية Supervisory duties الأمور الشخصية Personal matters الطوارىء والأزمات Emergencies الأمور السرية والحساسة Sensitive issues المتعلقة بالمؤسسة Supervisory Duties Don’t delegate key supervisory duties. Examples: Hiring. Discipline. Awards. Counseling. If you do this you're abusing authority and evading responsibility. You could also cause grievances. Don’t pass the buck or dump your responsibilities on subordinates in the name of delegation. Remember, whether you delegate or not, you're still responsible. Personal Matters Don't delegate personal matters an employee brings to you in confidence. If he has family or financial problems, offer what help you can. Preferably, you should refer him to appropriate counsellors. Emergencies When a crisis erupts, you won't have time to leisurely delegate tasks. Most likely, you'll shift into an authoritarian mode to get the job done. People usually understand and cooperate. Sensitive issues Don't delegate a task that's sensitive, confidential, or embarrassing to the organization.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 كيفية تفويض السلطة إختيار المهمة0 إختيار الشخص للقيام بالمهمة0 توضيح المهمة0 تنظيم المهمة0 تحرير كل من الفرد والمهمة0 الإستمرار فى الرقابة0 تقييم النتائج0 Select the task: Fit the task to the person. Make it challenging but doable. Try to delegate the whole task to provide enrichment and avoid confusion. Select the person: Fit the person to the task. Ensure he can handle it. Explain why you selected him. If it's a developmental task, tell him so. Clarify the task: Define the requirement. Check for understanding. Ask for input. Confirm acceptance of the task. Gain commitment-most important point! Note: Checking for understanding helps to fix accountability. It eliminates the excuse, "I couldn't do it because 1 didn't understand what you wanted."
Delegation of Authority
سوء إستخدام السلطة Lecture 7 يحدث إساءة إستخدام للسلطة عندما يقوم المديرين إما بالإشراف الزائد عن الحد أو الإشراف الأقل من المعدل0 Bosses who misuse their authority by supervising too much or too little: Hovering, meddling, or providing unsolicited help. No accountability people become loose cannons. Overloading and exhausting people they can’t get everything done. People have little or nothing to do. Poor performance condoned or even penalized. Outstanding performance unrecognized or even penalized.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 التجميد Hoarding يقوم المديرين القائمين بتجميد السلطة بعمل الأتى:- يجعلون الأفراد مجرد متلقين للأوامر0 يعملون كل شىء بأنفسهم0 يستغرقون بالكامل فى أعمال مرؤوسيهم0 لا يتركون العاملين يؤدون العمل إذا كانوا يستطيعون هم أداؤه بصورة أفضل0 لا يسمحون بأى مخالفة لأوامرهم0 Bosses who hoard authority Do everything themselves. Stay fully immersed in their subordinates’ work. Don’t let anyone do it if they can do it better. Forbid people to act until they receive detailed instructions. Permit no deviation from orders. Supervising this way reduces people to mere order-takers.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 التنازل Abdicating يعتبر المديرين الذين يتنازلون عن السلطة يسيئون إستخدامها بصورة سيئة للغاية0 فهم يقومون بعمل الأتى: يقومون بإسناد المهام ولكن بدون توجيه أو موارد0 يفوضون السلطة ثم يختفون بعد ذلك0 يلقون بالمسئوليات على الأخرين0 يتركون العاملين يفعلون ما يريدون0 يتلقون التهنئة على العمل الجيد ولا يقبلون اللوم بل يوجهونه للعاملين0 Bosses who abdicate are misusing authority in the worst way: Assign tasks but furnish no guidance or resources. Delegate then disappear. Dump responsibilities onto others or Let people do whatever they want. Take the credit and pass the blame. Lose control and then panic in trying to regain it.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 مميزات تفويض السلطة الإختيارات Options:- يمكن للمدير أداء العمل بنفسه أو التأكد من أداء الأخرين له وتفويض السلطة لهم ليتمكنوا من أداء العمل0 قرارات أفضل Better decisions:- إشراك الأفراد القائمين بالعمل فى الخطط والقرارات الخاصة بذلك العمل نظراً لما لديهم من خبرة وحقائق متعلقة به0 التأثير والفاعلية Leverage:- مشاركة السلطة مع الأخرين لزيادة الكفاءة والإنتاجية0 النمو Growth:- منح الأفراد حق التصرف لمواجهة المشاكل والإستفادة من الأخطاء ولزيادة الإلتزام لديهم0 توفير الوقت Time saved:- تقل الحاجة لتفاصيل التعليمات والإشراف عن قرب وذلك يوفر الكثير من الوقت للتفاعل مع الأخرين ومقابلة متطلبات المدير وأداء المهام ذات المسئوليات الكبيرة0 Options You can do it yourself, spend time making sure others do it and delegate authority to those who can do it. Better decisions Involvement: Involve people in plans and decisions, especially those affecting them. This increases quality of input to these efforts. Ownership: If you make all the plans, you can’t be sure others will support you. You’ll be depending on others to make your plan work, so it’s better to make it “our” plan rather than “mine”. Proximity: Those close to the action have a clearer grasp of facts, so you’re likely to make better decisions by consulting them. Leverage Sharing authority enhances efficiency, increases productivity and widens your range of authority when you’re not there work still goes on. Growth When empowered, people get a chance to face problems, exercise judgment, gain competence, profit from mistakes, satisfy needs and grow in commitment. Time saved Less need for detailed instructions or close supervision, more time to interact with peers, meet the boss’s demands and able to take on larger, more responsible tasks. If nothing else, you’ll simply gain time to keep your wits.
المفاهيم الخاطئة عن تفويض السلطة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 المفاهيم الخاطئة عن تفويض السلطة لا يمكنك الوثوق بالعاملين لتولى المسئولية0 عندما تفوض السلطة فإنك تفقد السيطرة على المهمة ونواتجها0 أنت الشخص الوحيد الذى يكون لديه كل الإجابات0 يمكنك أداء العمل بطريقة أسرع إذا قمت به بنفسك0 1. You can’t trust employees to be responsible. If this were true, no one would trust you, you’re an employee’s easier to trust people when you have coached them to a high level. 2. When you delegate, you lose control of a task and its outcome. While you relinquish total control, you still maintain control through the subordinate’s self-control and well-defined standards. 3. You are the only one who has all the answers. Actually, your employees often know more about a situation than you. They are doing the hands-on work every day. By blending your big picture perspective with their technical expertise, you can ensure that your organization has answers your customers need. 4. You can do the work faster yourself. May be true the first time you delegate a task. But long term you increase your effectiveness by developing the capabilities of others. Your organization gets more work done than you do individually.
المفاهيم الخاطئة عن تفويض السلطة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 المفاهيم الخاطئة عن تفويض السلطة تفويض السلطة يضعف سلطتك0 سيتم تقدير العاملين على أداؤهم الجيد للعمل وليس تقديرك أنت0 التفويض يقلل المرونة0 سيصبح العاملين لديك كثيرى المشاغل0 لن يستطيع العاملين لديك أن يروا الصورة كاملة0 5. Delegation dilutes your authority. No, it extends your authority, because your employees act for you. 6. Your employees will be recognized for good work but you won’t. Sure they will, you’ll see to that. You will also achieve recognition when your organization consistently achieves its goals. It’s a win-win situation. 7. Delegation decreases flexibility. On the contrary. Delegation increases time available to deal with unforeseen situations or strategic issues. 8. Your employees are too busy. People increase effectiveness if they manage the whole task. Let them finish jobs by delegating them the authority to do so. 9. Your employees don’t see the big picture. They won’t until you share it with them. Coach them in key skills, then watch them achieve the results you intended.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 السلطة المجزئة يحدث تجزئة للسلطة عندما يكون هناك مشكلة لا يمكن حلها ، أو عندما يتم إتخاذ قرار بدون مشاركة تفويض السلطة لمديرين أو أكثر0 Splintered authority exists wherever a problem cannot be solved or a decision made without pooling the authority delegations of two or more managers.For example: when the superintendent of plant A sees an opportunity to reduce costs through a minor modification in his procedures and those in plant B, his authority cannot encompass the change. But if the superintendents of the two plants can agree upon the change and if it affects no other equal or superior manager, all they need do is pool their authority and make the decision. Their authority is said to be “splintered”.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 إسترجاع تفويض السلطة جميع تفويضات السلطة معرضة للإسترجاع بواسطة الشخص الذى منح هذه السلطة للأخرين0 All delegations of authority are subject to recovery by the grantor. It is a characteristic of authority that original possessors do not permanently dispossess themselves of this power by delegating it. Reorganization involves some recovery and redelegation of authority. A shuffle in organization means that rights are recovered by the responsible head of the firm or a department and then redelegated to managers of new or modified departments, so that the head of a new department may receive the authority formerly held by others managers.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 مبادىء تفويض السلطة مبدأ التفويض وفقاً للنتائج المتوقعة0 مبدأ التعريف الوظيفى0 تعريف التدرج Scalar definition مبدأ مستوى السلطة0 مبدأ وحدة الأمر مبدأ المسئولية المطلقة0 مبدأ ثنائية السلطة والمسئولية 0 Unless carefully recognized in practice, delegation may be ineffective, organization may fail, and the managerial process may be seriously impeded.
1- مبدأ التفويض وفقاً للنتائج المتوقعة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 1- مبدأ التفويض وفقاً للنتائج المتوقعة يجب أن يتم تفويض السلطة للمدير بطريقة ملائمة لضمان القدرة على تحقيق النتائج المتوقعة0 Principle of delegation by results expected: since authority is intended to furnish managers with a tool for so managing as to gain contributions to enterprise objectives, authority delegated to an individual manager should be adequate to ensure the ability to accomplish results expected. In no other way can a manager delegate authority in accordance with responsibility exacted. Often a superior has some idea, vague or fixed, as to what is to be accomplished but does not trouble to determine whether the subordinate has the authority to do it. Delegation by results expected implies that goals have been set and plans made, that these are communicated and understood, and that jobs have been set up to fit in with them.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 2- مبدأ التعريف الوظيفى يجب تجميع الأنشطة لتسهيل إنجاز وتحقيق الأهداف من أجل تطوير التقسيمات الوظيفية0 Principle of functional definition: the more a position or a department has clear definitions of results expected, activities to be undertaken, organization authority delegated, and authority and informational relationships with other positions understood, the more adequately the responsible individuals can contribute toward accomplishing enterprise objectives. Scalar principle refers to the chain of direct authority relationships from superior to subordinate throughout the organization. The clearer the line of authority from the top manager in an enterprise to every subordinate position, the more effective will be responsible decision making and organization communication. The chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest ranks. The line of authority is the route followed by all communications which start or go to the ultimate authority. Although the chain of command may be safely departed from for purposes of information, departure for purposes of decision making tends to destroy the decision-making system and undermine managership itself.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 3- تعريف التدرج يرجع مبدأ التدرج إلى سلسلة علاقات السلطة المباشرة من المدير إلى المرؤوس فى جميع أنحاء المؤسسة0 فكلما كان خط السلطة موضح من الإدارة العليا لكل المرؤوسين فى جميع المراكز كلما كانت القرارات مسئولة والإتصالات فى المؤسسة ذات فاعلية0 Scalar principle refers to the chain of direct authority relationships from superior to subordinate throughout the organization. The clearer the line of authority from the top manager in an enterprise to every subordinate position, the more effective will be responsible decision making and organization communication. The chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest ranks. The line of authority is the route followed by all communications which start or go to the ultimate authority. Although the chain of command may be safely departed from for purposes of information, departure for purposes of decision making tends to destroy the decision-making system and undermine managership itself.
Delegation of Authority
4- مبدأ مستوى السلطة Lecture 7 فيما يتعلق بكفاءة القرارات الخاصة بالأفراد ، فإنه يتم عملها بواسطتهم وليس بواسطة إرجاعها إلى أعلى الهيكل التنظيمى فى المؤسسة (الإدارة العليا) 0 Authority level principle: maintenance of intended delegation requires that decisions within the authority competence of individuals be made by them and not be referred upward in the organization structure. A common complaint of top executives is that while they know the importance of delegating downward, they are concerned with the practice of subordinates delegating “upward”. Subordinates have a way of quickly detecting bosses who are willing to make decisions that should have been made by them.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 5- مبدأ وحدة الأمر كلما كان للفرد علاقة تقريرية كاملة بمدير واحد فقط كلما قلت مشاكل الصراعات والنزاعات0 Principle of unity of command: the more completely an individual has a reporting relationship to a single superior, the less the problem of conflict in instructions and the greater the feeling of personal responsibility for results. An obligation is essentially personal, and authority delegation by more than one person to an individual is likely to result in conflicts in both authority and responsibility.
6- مبدأ المسئولية المطلقة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 6- مبدأ المسئولية المطلقة بما أنه لا يمكن تفويض المسئولية ، فلا يمكن للمدير الهروب من مسئوليته تجاه أنشطة مرؤوسيه من خلال تفويض السلطة لهم0 Principle of absoluteness of responsibility:the responsibility of subordinates to their superiors for performance is absolute, once they have accepted an assignment and the power to carry it out, and superiors cannot escape responsibility for the organization activities of their subordinates.
مبدأ ثنائية السلطة والمسئولية
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 مبدأ ثنائية السلطة والمسئولية بما أن السلطة هى الحق فى تنفيذ المهام وبما أن المسئولية هى الإلتزام بتحقيق هذه المهام ، فإنه يترتب على ذلك أن تكون السلطة متوافقة مع المسئولية0 ولا يمكن أن تكون المسئولية تجاه الأعمال أكثر أو أقل من المسئولية الموجودة ضمنياً داخل تفويض السلطة0 Principle of parity of authority and responsibility: since authority is discretionary right to carry out assignments and responsibility is the obligation to accomplish them, it follows that the authority should correspond to the responsibility. The responsibility for actions cannot be greater than that implied by authority delegated, nor should it be less. Managers try to hold subordinates responsible for duties for which they do not have the requisite authority. Sometimes sufficient authority is delegated, but the delegant is not held responsible for its proper use.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 فن تفويض السلطة تفويض السلطة هو العمل الأول للإدارة0 القدرة على تفهم وإستيعاب أفكار الأخرين : المدير الذى يفوض السلطة هو المدير الذى يرغب فى إعطاء الأخرين الفرصة لتحقيق أفكارهم. الرغبة فى إعطاء الأخرين فرصة إتخاذ القرار: يجب أن يقوم المدير الراغب فى تفويض السلطة بإعطاء حق إتخاذ القرارات للمرؤوسين0 الإستعداد لترك الأخرين يرتكبون الأخطاء: نجد أن المراجعة المستمرة للمرؤوسين للتأكد من عدم وجود أخطاء تجعل التفويض الحقيقى للسلطة مستحيلاً0 الإستعداد للثقة فى المرؤوسين: فإن عدم ثقة المدير بمرؤسيه تجعله يؤجل تفويض السلطة لإعتقاده بأنه ليس لديهم التدريب الكافى0 الإستعداد لإنشاء وإستخدام ألواح التحكم: حيث لا يمكن إنشاء الرقابة والتحكم إلا إذا كانت هناك أهداف وسياسات وخطط تستخدم كمعايير أساسية للحكم على أنشطة المرؤسين0 Delegation is an elementary act of managing. Receptiveness: a manager who would delegate authority is a willingness to give other people’s ideas a chance. The manager who knows how to delegate must have a minimum of NIH (“not intended here”) factor. Willingness to let go: the manager who would effectively delegate authority must be willing to release the right to make decisions to subordinates. Where size or complexity forces delegation of authority, managers should realize even if their superiors must go out of their way to teach them that there is a kind of law of comparative advantage. Managers will enhance their contribution to the firm if they concentrate on tasks that contribute most to the firm’s objectives and assign to subordinates other tasks, even though they could accomplish the latter better themselves. Willingness to let others make mistakes: let a subordinate make a mistake that might endanger the subordinate’s position in the company, continual checking on the subordinate to ensure that no mistakes are ever made will make true delegation impossible. Repeated mistakes can be largely avoided without negating delegation or hindering the development of the subordinate. Asking leading or discerning questions, and careful explanation of objectives and policies are among the tools available to the superior who delegate well.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 Willingness to trust subordinates: the superior may put off delegation with the thought that subordinates are not well enough seasoned, that they cannot handle people, that they have not yet developed judgment, or that they do not appreciate all the facts bearing on a situation. Willingness to establish and use board controls: controls cannot be established and exercised unless goals, policies, and plans are used as basic standards for judging the activities of subordinates. More often than not, reluctance to delegate and to trust subordinates lies in the planning deficiencies of the superior and an understandable fear of loss of control.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 معارضة تفويض السلطة معارضة تفويض السلطة تنجم عن العديد من الأسباب المترابطة ببعضها البعض كالتالى:- عدم معرفة الفرد بكيفية عمل الأشياء: فإذا كان تدريب الشخص غير كافى وليست لدية الخبرة الكافية وغير معد للإدارة فإن تفويض السلطة سيكون مخاطرة كبيرة لأنها ستفقده السيطرة القليلة التى ربما تكون مازالت متبقية لديه0 عدم إستطاعة الفرد الإتصال الجيد بالأخرين: فهو غير مدرك لما يريده ولا كيفية التعبير عنه وتظل المعلومات بداخل رأسه ويستغرق الكثير من الوقت ليخرجها ولذلك يقوم بأداء العمل بنفسه0 حب الشخص لذاته: فهو ماهر فى أداء المهمة ولكنه يرفض تفويض السلطة لأنه يحصل على الرضا النفسى من داخله لأنه يتفوق فى أداء المهمة على الأخرين0 القوة: يستخدم الفرد تجميد السلطة والمعلومات كأدوات للسيطرة ولحماية مصالحه عادات عمل سيئة: كضعف الرؤيا وعدم الإحساس بالأوليات والإدارة السيئة للوقت0 عدم الإحساس بالأمان: كعدم الثقة بالأخرين والإحساس المبالغ فيه عند تقديره لقيمته الشخصية0 Reluctance to delegate stems from several interrelated causes: Doesn’t know how: poorly trained, inexperienced, and not prepared to manage. Delegating would risk losing what little control he still retains. Can’t communicate: unsure of what he wants or how to express it. Information stays inside his head, and it simply takes too long to get it out. So he does the job himself. Ego: skilled at the task and won’t delegate it. No one else can do it better, and he gains satisfaction from personally excelling at it. Power: hoards authority and information as tools to wield influence and to protect self-interest. Poor work habits: lacks vision and sense of priorities. Works on the wrong things and manages time poorly. Insecurity: afraid to make demands, doesn’t trust others, or has an exaggerated sense of his own worth.
وضع الدوافع فى غير مواضعها
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 وضع الدوافع فى غير مواضعها الحاجات Needs الإندماج Affiliation الإنجاز Achievement القوة Power التوازن Balance Needs We act in certain ways from motivation to satisfy needs. Usually we try to satisfy them in useful ways. However, some folks become so obsessed with fulfilling their needs, they resort to negative behavior to satisfy them. In particular, needs for affiliation, achievement, and power often motivate people to excel, but some people do the wrong things to satisfy them. Affiliation A supervisor obsessed with the need for affiliation. wants to be liked, especially by subordinates. is reluctant to make demands or hold people accountable. gives in to whims to avoid rejection. neglects responsibilities to help others. reverses decisions for appeasement. Achievement A supervisor driven by achievement wants all work to be perfect. does it himself to gain feedback and visibility. puts his stamp on everything and bottlenecks work. neglects subordinates to achieve personal success. becomes indispensable and works to exhaustion. Power A supervisor seized with the need for power spends time acquiring it-usually at the organization's expense. uses power as a weapon or reward. micro-manages to maintain control. hoards information for self-protection. schemes to gain more power.
Delegation of Authority
Lecture 7 Balance Secure and confident supervisors channel these powerful needs for the good of the organization. measure their achievements through the results of their subordinates. seek reasonable affiliation with peers and mentors. don't ingratiate themselves with subordinates. use their power to empower their subordinates through delegation.
تجنب إنعكاس تفويض السلطة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 تجنب إنعكاس تفويض السلطة كيفية منع العاملين من إعادة المهام المفوضة إليهم:- المسئوليةResponsibility : لابد من معرفة المهمة الرئيسية والأهداف ومعرفة قدرات العاملين وتحديد المسئوليات لكل المهام0 منع الحيل والتلاعبNo monkeys : لابد من مناقشة العاملين بطريقة منظمة بدون تعجل0 وعدم ترك الأفراد يلاحقونك فى الطريق بل على العكس لابد من إخبارهم بتحديد موعد لمناقشة الموضوعات0 التعليمات الشفاهيةOral instructions : تزيد من الفهم وتعمق الإلتزام0 المبادأة Initiative: عدم ترك الأفراد فى إنتظار التعليمات أو السؤال عما يجب عمله0 عدم قبول إعادة العمل إليك مرة أخرى No take backs: يجب التأكد من أن العاملين يفهمون ما هو مطلوب حتى لا يتم إعادة أداء العمل مرة أخرى بطريقة أفضل0 Reponsibility Don't get stuck with a task because you're not sure who's responsible: Know your mission and objectives. Know your staff’s capabilities and workload. Assign responsibility for all tasks. No monkeys Discuss problems in orderly manner, on your terms. Don't discuss them in a rush, or allow people to ambush you in a hallway. If caught by surprise, you're liable to react with a "I'll get back to you later" response. This puts the monkey on your back. Instead, tell the employee to arrange a time to discuss the issue. This keeps the monkey with the employee. Oral instructions Use oral instructions: Preferably, in the employee's presence: Promotes understanding. Builds commitment. Avoids follow-up explanations to clarify written decisions. Avoid memos: Unless you must have it in writing, don't ask someone to send you a memo about a problem. This throws the ball back into your court. Initiative No waiting around: Don't let people work at low levels of initiative-waiting around for your instructions or asking what to do.
التغلب على مقاومة المسئولية
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 التغلب على مقاومة المسئولية ريما يتعود العاملين على مقاومة المسئولية الإضافية التى يتطلبها تفويض السلطة0 If an employees says it’s easier to be told what to do or ask what to do then set clear objectives. build commitment. use tasks to satisfy needs. hold 'em accountable. reward initiative. I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake then provide guidance. train and coach. give feedback. reward small successes. catch 'em doing something right. Already got too much to do then assess time management habits. validate workload. get 'em out of their comfort zone. Most people can do more than they think they can or you think they can
العوامل المؤثرة فى درجة اللامركزية فى تفويض السلطة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 العوامل المؤثرة فى درجة اللامركزية فى تفويض السلطة هناك العديد من العوامل التى تحدد درجة تفويض السلطة: تكلفة إتخاذ القرار: كلما كانت تكلفة القيام بالعمل كبيرة كلما كان من المرجح أخذ هذا القرار من قبل الإدارة العليا0 إنتظام سياسة المؤسسة: تقوم العديد من الشركات بالتأكد من أن بعض السياسات لن تكون منتظمة بالكامل فى بعض الأحيان من أجل مصلحتها العامة0 الحجم الإقتصادى: كلما زاد حجم المؤسسة كلما كان هناك الكثير من القرارات التى يجب إتخاذها فى العديد من المواقع بها ويكون من الصعب التنسيق بينها ، وذلك نظراً لتعدد المتخصصين والمديرين الذين يجب إستشاراتهم0 ولتقليل هذه التكلفة يجب أن يكون تفويض السلطة غير مركزى عندما يكون ذلك ملائماً0 ولذلك فإن المؤسسات الكبرى دائماً تعتمد على وجود المديرين الأكفاء بها0 Managers cannot ordinarily be for or against decentralization of authority. They may prefer to delegate authority, or they may like to make all the decisions. The temperament of individual managers affects the extent of authority delegation, other factors also affect it. Costliness of decision: the more costly the action to be decided, the more probable it is that the decision will be made at the upper levels of management. The cost of a mistake affects decentralization is not necessarily based on the assumption that top managers make fewer mistakes than subordinates. They may make fewer mistakes, since they are probably better trained and in possession of more facts, but the controlling reason is the weight of responsibility.some managers fear to delegate any authority for decision making, exaggerating the dangers and costs of mistakes by subordinates. Overburdened managers may incur greater costs from delay or indecision than they hope to avoid by withholding decision-making power. The need for top control depends on the kind of decision. In large business, top managers may feel that they cannot delegate authority over the expenditure of capital funds. Uniformity of policy: many companies go to considerable length to make sure that some policies will not be completely be uniform. When a firm organizes on a product or territorial basis, it prefers at least some nonuniformity in certain policies affecting the operations of these divisions.
العوامل المؤثرة فى درجة اللامركزية فى تفويض السلطة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 العوامل المؤثرة فى درجة اللامركزية فى تفويض السلطة تاريخ المؤسسة0 فلسفة الإدارة0 الرغبة فى الإستقلالية0 توافر المديرين الموهوبين0 History of the enterprise: enterprises that represent amalgamations and consolidations are likely to show, at least at first, a definite tendency to retain decentralized authority, especially if the unit acquired is operating profitably. In some cases, amalgamation may be toward increased centralization. If the controlling group wishes to put in its own management, the requirements of policy uniformity and quick action necessitate centralization. Management philosophy: top managers keep authority not merely to gratify a desire for power but because they simply cannot give up the activities and authorities they enjoyed before they reached the top or before the business expanded. Many successful top managers find in decentralization a means to harness the desire for freedom to economic efficiency, much as the free enterprise system has been responsible for this country’s remarkable industrial progress. Desire for independence: it is a characteristic of individuals and of groups to desire a degree of independence. A region may resent various aspects of absentee control. Individuals may become frustrated by delay in getting decisions, by long lines of communication, and by the great game of passing the buck. This frustration can lead to dangerous loss of good people and to resigned inertia by the less competent seeker of security.
العوامل المؤثرة فى درجة اللامركزية فى تفويض السلطة
Delegation of Authority Lecture 7 العوامل المؤثرة فى درجة اللامركزية فى تفويض السلطة مرحلة التطوير فى أساليب التحكم0 الأداء اللامركزى0 ديناميكية العمل : سرعة التغيير0 التأثيرات البيئية0 Control techniques: another factor affecting the degree of decentralization is the state of development of control techniques. Not knowing how to control often explains unwillingness to delegate authority and makes valid the belief of some managers that it takes more time to unmake mistakes. Decentralized performance: authority tends to be decentralized when performance is decentralized. For example, some of the large chain store enterprises are characterized by widely decentralized performance, and yet the local manager of a store may have little or no authority over pricing, inventory and purchasing, all of which may be controlled from a central or regional office. Business dynamics: the pace of change: the fast-moving character of an enterprise also affects the degree to which authority may be decentralized. If a business is growing fast and facing complex problems of expansion, its managers, may be forced to make a disproportionate share of the decisions. But this very dynamic condition may force these managers to delegate authority and take a calculated risk on the costs of error. In order to avoid delegation to untrained subordinates, attention must be given to rapid formation of policies and accelerated training in Mgt. An alternative often adopted is to slow the rate of change, including the cause of the change, expansion.
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