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Globalization & Culture

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization & Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization & Culture

2 What is Culture? Attributes Symbolic Information
Self-expression- Language, music, art, etc. Symbolic Information Slow to change Causality

3 IKEA Adapts Brand name ↑ gl. Demand
Tailored catalog; 1-size fits all products Ethnographers Set prices by market

4 More or Less Alike? (DQ 1) Hyperglobalizers:
More, and it’s a bad thing Homoginization ‘Culture Industry’ ‘McDonaldization’ Uniform standards ‘Ethos of Infantilization’

5 The English Empire Disadvantages Hostility toward ‘Englishnisation’
Disenfranchises slow learners Fluent speakers’ expectations May get complacent

6 Iceland & France Threats Technological devices
Fear of lack of global competitiveness Cultural dilution Threat of foreign competition = Decline of traditional communities

7 More or Less Alike? (DQ 2) Optimists: More, and it’s a good thing
Americanization New forms cultural expression ‘Glocalization’ ‘Hybridity’

8 The English Empire Benefits Recruit globally Reach global markets
Gl. production teams Foreign acquisitions Promotes ‘free thinking’ Faster meetings Neutral language

9 Iceland & France Benefit from English as the lingua franca Imports
Exports Global job opportunities = Infusion of products, exposure to new stuff ↑ shared knowledge ↑ interaction

10 News Rappers Non-trad. format, YouTube French & local Wolof
Rap engages/mobilizes French & local Wolof Medium spread to other countries Foreign correspondents ‘Journartists’ who ‘edutain’ Humor

11 News Rappers (cont.) Objectives: Reach youth Combat info overload
Ed. media consumers

12 Languages How well do you know ‘English’? Could you pass me a rubber?
Can I borrow your torch? Could you put the billy on? Would you like an ice block? Did you see that sheila?

13 Impact on Languages Disagree about direction
Question dominance of any one Extinction trend- Why? ↓ indigenous groups ↓ dialects Year # of Languages 1500 145,000 2007 <7,000 2100 Expect loss of 50%-90

14 Factors & Actors Exploration Migration Education Consumerism
Colonization Migration Mixed languages Education Discipline jargon Cost/availability Consumerism Distribution

15 Factors & Actors (cont.)
Media Communication, entertainment MNC Media Shape identities, desires Small group dominates Affects values Weakens civic bonds Less journalistic

16 Global Consciousness Barriers Cultural imperialism Cultural relativism
Advantages Share ideas Brings together diverse groups Social media, travel, products

17 Recap Tensions Globalization of languages
Hyperglobalizers v. Optimists Globalization of languages Disappearing English as business lingua franca More interaction= need for communication Reactionist policies Mass media rules

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