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Regional Training Resources

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1 Regional Training Resources
Fourth Project Support Meeting, 13 November 2017 Alick Nyasulu/SIAP-ESCAP Fourth Project Support Meeting, 13 November 2017 Bangkok, Thailand |

2 Outline Core Set of Economic Statistics A-P Screening Tool
What Resources Exist What Can we do? Discussion Questions

3 Core Set of Economic Statistics
Prices and costs Consumer, producer, product price indices, labour cost, wages, exchange rates, PPPs, terms of trade Demand & output GDP (p/e), external trade, industrial structure statistics; short-term indicators (industry output/demand) and productivity NA for economy/by sector to measure income, savings, investment, wealth; BoP to measure international income and capital flows, IIP and external debt Income & wealth Money & banking Assets and liabilities of banking sector, monetary measures and interest rates Government Public revenue, expenditure, borrowing and lending, government accounts TAG included IMF, ADB, Eurostat and other international organizations. Core Set indicative not prescriptive judged to be the minimum set for effective economic analysis and monitoring should be tailored to individual country needs needs are determined by information requirements of Government and Non-Government decision makers Description of the Core Set: Domains Key statistics within domains Each key statistic is “core” Flexibility for specific country needs Characteristics Frequency – SDDS,GDDS, ECB Timeliness - SDDS can be used as a guide but this and other quality aspects covered in metadata that will accompany country specific series. International standards / guidelines for each key statistic SNA is an integrating framework for all these statistics. Policy relevance of the Core Set components: The conduct of monetary policy. Establishing and monitoring the government's fiscal position. Assessing the long-term capability of the economy, with a focus on sustainable growth. Developing policies designed to achieve generally agreed economic goals, such as increased economic welfare and greater equity. Measuring the economic, social and environmental impact of internal and external shocks. Providing the information necessary for the efficient functioning of markets. General monitoring and forecasting of the economy. Informing economic, social and environmental analyses. Meeting international obligations to provide information about the performance of the economy and the well-being of the nation. Labour market Labour supply and demand, LF characteristics, employment/unemployment, underemployment, hours worked, employment in informal/formal sector, job creation and vacancies Natural resources & the environment Measures of sustainable economic growth, discovery/depletion and degradation of natural assets

4 A-P Capacity Screening
The greatest gap is in staff skills (based on 48 countries) Information technology 39 countries have adequate IT systems for producing and disseminating the Core Set Human resources 33 countries say human resources are inadequate 36 have conducted a recent skills assessment 32 have manuals/guidelines available to staff on their statistical processes 33 have internal processes (data editing, metadata documentation) documented for reference

5 What Resources Exist Skill based assessment resources
Technical/subject specific resources

6 Skill based assessment resources
SIAP Core Skills Framework (CSF) -CSF Objective Know what skills are required and decide on relevant training

7 Skill based assessment resources
In line with general division of work in NSO, following Subject divisions identified: Social statistics Macro Economics ICT

8 Skills Gap & Resources Knowing what skills are missing CSF Objective
SIAP Core Skills Framework (CSF) CSF Objective Know what skills are required and decide on relevant training NSS, Staff and ESCAP support to skills development

9 Technical/subject specific resources
National Accounts-2008 SNA Not everything is available Special topics Statistical Business Registers Informal Economy/Employment Measures of sustainable economic growth-SEEA

10 Technical/subject specific resources-Issues
Various materials based on workshops Access Issues Standardising Material Curriculum Issues & Level Localising Material Training of Trainers

11 Technical/subject specific resources-What can be done?
Prices/Indices Balance of Payments Labour Force Public Finance/Government Various Price Indices-CPI, PPI, Trade & ICP, IIP BPM6, IMTS, IIP Special Topics in National Accounts Supply and Use Tables NOE, Capital Formation, Finance i.e Islamic Banking Core basic skills for a statistician-data analysis, error detection, questionnaire design etc

12 Discussion Questions Main Discussion Question: How can RPES best support sustainable, national training on economic statistics? Reflective Questions What has worked well regarding training in economic statistics in your country? What are major risks to sustainable national training in economic statistics? What do you think can make training more effective within your country? What topics can you give priority?

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