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Team Solkraft Conceptual Design Review

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1 Team Solkraft Conceptual Design Review
Fall 2010 Rev A Team Solkraft Conceptual Design Review Thomas Buck, Kyle Garner, Alexandra Jung, Quinn Mcgehan, Mark Sakaguchi, and Scott Taylor 9/16/2010

2 Mission Overview To test the effectiveness of solar panels under near-space conditions of approximately 30 km. We expect the functionality of solar panels to vary under different conditions of temperature and light intensity. We want to see what is the most efficient way to use a solar cell.

3 Design 90 mm 220 mm 110 mm 128 mm

4 Design HOBO 3 9v Batteries Heater Batteries Camera Switch Memory Card
Photodiodes Solar cells Battery Arduino 328

5 Management Normal meetings -Tuesday Nights -Sunday Afternoons Date
Tasks 9/20/10 All Hardware needed addressed 9/21/10 Hardware Order Form processed 10/1/10 Design complete 10/5/10 Revision A/B Due 10/09/10 Acquire all hardware and materials 10/11/10 Start building structure 10/17/10 Start preliminary tests on structure 10/25/10 Balloon Sat. Built 10/26/10 Final Critique 10/29/10 Simulation Test All testing complete (whip test, cold test, etc.) 11/1/10 Troubleshooting complete 11/2/10 Revision C due 11/5/10 BalloonSat Weigh-in and Turn in 11/6/10 Launch Day 11/8/10 Post-launch Data Review Complete 11/30/10 Final Presentations 12/4/10 Revision D due 12/7/10 BalloonSat Hardware Turn In

6 Management Science and Thermal S. Taylor Team Leader Q. Mcgehan
Programmer K. Garner Electrical T. Buck Power Structure Designer A. Jung Budget, ADCS, Planning M. Sakaguchi

7 Budget Name Purpose Mass (g) Cost Where We get it Canon A5701S Camera
Take Pictures 220 Provided HOBO Datalogger Measure/record temperature and humidity 30 Solar Panels (6: 4 used, 2 extra) Experiment Each: ~6* Total: ~24* Each: $5.95 Total: $35.70 Edmund Scientific Photodiodes (6) Measure light intensity 4g Each: $.40 Total: $2.40 West Florida Components Heater Maintain internal temperature 100 9V Batteries (5+extra) Provide Power Each: 34 Total: 170 Each: ~ $3 Total: ~$20 Arduino Duemilanove Microcontroller Record voltage readings from solar cells and light intensity readings from photodiodes 40 $29.95 Sparkfun electronics 9V to barrel jack adapter Power Microcontroller ~10 $2.95 Sparkfun Switches Turn on/off electronics Connecting Wires Integrate electronics Foamcore Structure of satellite Totals $91 *We have not been able to find the exact weight of these solar panels, so therefore this weight is from a pair of similar panels. .

8 Biggest Worries Camera failure including camera fogging up
Hardware failure i.e. solar panels breaking Programming Lack of experience working with Java Using Arduino Microcontroller

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