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Which Strategy to Europe?

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Presentation on theme: "Which Strategy to Europe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which Strategy to Europe?
Hip Fractures Which Strategy to Europe? Paulo Felicíssimo

2 Topics 1- Introduction 2- Why is important? 3- Incidence 3- Challenges
4- Clinical Pathway 5- Discharge Program 6- Conclusions

3 Nota para conversão: _____ng/ml • 2.5 = ______nmol/L _____µg/dia • 40 = UI/dia

4 Hip Fractures

5 Why is Important? … de forma a padronizar a nossa actuação!

6 4ª feira –

7 This is a picture of my department…I spend most of time is with these girls!!!

8 Hip Fractures World Prevision
1,6 Millions in 2000 2,6 Millions in 2025 it is supposed1,6 millions of fractures in 2000…..And it is expected 2,6 millions in 2025 , and probably 4,5 millions ! 4,5 Millions In 2050 Johnell O, Kanis JA, Osteoporos Int. 2006;17:





13 …and gonna be worse!!!! … de forma a padronizar a nossa actuação!

14 Growth of population


16 Growth of life expectancy

17 Population aging


19 Hip Fracture Challenges
Medical Challenge Orthopedic Challenge Social / Familiar Challenge Economic Challenge Organizational Challenge Como em muitas outras áreas da Medicina as fracturas da extremidade proximal do fémur são um verdadeiro desafio….pluridisciplinar!

20 The fracture is the drop of water in a full glass

21 The Patient with a Fracture that has Diseases
The Patient with a Fracture that has Diseases???? or The Patient with Diseases that have a fracture???? …nós somos habitualmente o fim da linha! Quando recebemos um doente

22 Are Orthopedic Departments prepared to Treat these Patients?
… de forma a padronizar a nossa actuação!

23 No!!! Internal Medecine We try to know the opinion of the partners in this war

24 No!!! We try to know the opinion of the partners in this war Anesthesiology

25 No!!! Orthopedic Nurses

26 …Yes!!!! and No!!!…and it's their fault!!!

27 …No!!!!…

28 No!!!

29 Organizational Model Insufficient Not adjust ... Clinically Bad!
... Economically Bad! Diagnostic delay Therapeutic delay Higher mortality …existe pois uma opinião quase consensual… More Diagnosis Tests Discharge Delay

30 Solution? …nós somos habitualmente o fim da linha! Quando recebemos um doente


32 Multidisciplinar Team
Orthopedic Surgeon Internal Medicine Anesthesiology Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Nurse Social support Nutritionist Pharmaceutics

33 Organizational Model Multidisciplinary
Teams!!!!! Clinical Pathway with Therapeutics Protocols!!!

34 «Clinical pathway» Hip Fractures
Dia Emergence Room Analgesic Protocol VTE prophylaxis Geriatrics/Internal Medicine Medical evaluation 0- 2 Surgery Analgesic Protocol Timing of Surgery! Surgical Decision? Fracture Personality Parker and Parker scale Charlson comorbidity Scale VTE prophylaxis AB prophylaxis Anemia Protocol Avaliação Physiotherapy Protocolo Exames Complementares Nutrition Protocol 5- 7 Delirium Protocol Discharge

35 Is this enough? … de forma a padronizar a nossa actuação!

36 Previous Physical Function
Hip Fractures 15% of patients recover Previous Physical Function Mortality 20% to 30% In the first year 40% of patients severe disability

37 After a Hip Fracture 10,4 / 100 Patients/ year 1
Incidence of new Osteoporotic Fracture is: 10,4 / 100 Patients/ year 1 2,5 X Superior to population with similar characteristics, without previous fracture 1 1 – Colón-Emeric C et al. The contribution of hip fractureto risk of subsequent fracture:data from two longitudinal studies. Osteoporos Int. 2003;14:





42 What to do?

43 We can try not to see

44 We can hope that the obvious do not happen.

45 Nothing to do because is a superior punish

46 …or just give a little help

47 Discharge Program!!! … de forma a padronizar a nossa actuação!

48 Discharge Program - Hip Fractures
Dia Emergence Room Movement Medicine Fall Prevention 0- 2 Surgery Fracture Prevention Program Osteoporosis treatment Nutritional Protocol Physiotherapy GP Anemia Protocol Avaliação VTE prophylaxis Schedule Next appointment and X-ray 5- 7 Discharge Schedule Surgical Dressing

49 Conclusions A Clinical Hospital Team organized in turn of a «Clinical Pathway» is the right answer for a success and management of resources It have to be a Multidisciplinary Team «speaking the same language» Discharge Program with GP in close participation Podem estar muito bem operados … mas se morrerem pouca vantagem existe!!!

50 ...all of this for a good physical and mental health of our old ladies.

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