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Professional Services at FAS June 9, 2014

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1 Professional Services at FAS June 9, 2014
Presented by: Tiffany Hixson Regional Commissioner NW Arctic Region and GSA Professional Services Category Executive Federal Acquisition Service




5 category management My second, and newest role, is as GSA's professional services category executive. As category executive my initial responsibilities are two fold:  The first is to support federal agency acquisition leadership in better managing their professional services spend.  The second is to ensure FAS's contracts, analytical and online tools, and acquisition support offerings -- like training and direct customer support services -- are managed well and provided in a comprehensive, coordinated, and outcome focused manner.

6 Why Category Management?
Expertise + Data = Smarter Purchasing Provides federal buyers with ready access to, and expert analysis of, a full array of purchase and pricing data, qualified suppliers, acquisition vehicles; and procurement resources Guides buyers to the best solutions for them, and ultimately those in the best interest of the taxpayers, regardless of who manages that solution Offers a holistic view of the landscape so actions can be taken to reduce or eliminate redundancy and increase efficiency Leads to smarter decisions, better purchasing options & saved dollars Category management is how the most successful Fortune 500 companies approach acquisition There are currently an estimated 500 federal departments and agencies that purchase goods and services. With no universal strategy or system for coordinating those purchases, the government market is fragmented with many individual purchases occurring within agencies and across duplicative contracts. FAS is leading the way to a more strategic approach to purchasing by developing marketplace expertise in 17 of the most common categories of products and services in8 government procurement. Category Management is about developing and executing a strategy for product or service categories that treats each category as one market space. Once implemented, federal agencies will be able to rely on category managers for market intelligence and expert guidance on acquisition in each of those categories. The Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) is a good example and a step towards government-wide category management as it takes a coordinated and strategic approach to purchasing by categories. Category Management will streamline government purchasing into controlled categories, which will reduce or eliminate redundancy and increase efficiency by focusing on five key areas:  Optimizing contract vehicles & managing the Landscape  Managing data collection and analysis  Leveraging industry relationships  Maximizing customer relationships  Growing and sharing expertise


8 common acquisition platform
Make Title bigger – maybe change icon

9 business model modernization
Make Title bigger

10 expanded services Make Title bigger

11 Current Initiatives Award and kick-off OASIS
One Professional Services Schedule AIMS Schedule moving to Region 10 in October To support these FAS objectives, during the next 18 to 24 months I will be focused on accomplishing five initiatives:  First, organizationally aligning all of FAS's professional OASIS, OASIS SB, and as well as the FABS and AMES services offerings -- those I currently manage and others like schedules.  Second, providing new and transformed offerings o OASIS and OASIS SB are two examples of new offerings we are currently deploying10 o Others will include improving or consolidating our exploring our federal partners requirements for other existing professional services Schedules as well as types of professional services contracts. o One area we will be reviewing is logistics support in place to support those needs. contracts. Specifically, do we have the right contracts  Third, providing federal partners with comprehensive analytics and business intelligence about their professional strategies. Our initial focus will be on agencies with the top services spend and opportunities to improve their acquisition 10 spend in professional services as well as the VA.  Fourth, we will focus on improving policy and tools for FAS significant effort to review and standardize labor categories managed professional services contracts. This includes a11 and collect prices paid data. o For the labor categorization initiative we will be working the needs of both communities are considered. closely with industry and our federal partners to ensure o For collecting prices paid data, several years ago we began this work at the Schedules level. For 6 of the pricing for r3600 contracts and 38,000 labor categories. professional services schedules, we have documented Sharing this information with the federal acquisition community can be a first step in providing a level of transparency to the Schedules pricing environment. level pricing for our OASIS offering and selected12 o As a second step we will begin to collect task order Schedule programs in partnership with our federal agency partners. engagement activities to support the category and  Lastly, we will be establishing formal stakeholder development of these initiatives. Our initial will be on industry engagement and participation. associations that there will be routine quarterly o For example, this year, we have committed to industry meetings where we can discuss the progress of various initiatives. will provide the acquisition and industry community with o We will be establishing an environment in Interact that information about our work and initiatives…as well as provide a way for us to have real time dialogue about them.13 o We will also begin to host bi-annual virtual industry days as well as small focus groups for our Schedule contractors. We believe these types of forums will better serve the various needs of our industry partners. The next few years are certainly going to be challenging, but a challenge worth taking. I look forward hearing your feedback about our work and look forward to working through these initiatives together Other initiatives are underway. As they are developed, briefings will be provided to industry and feedback sought

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