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Electronic Health Records vs

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1 Electronic Health Records vs
Electronic Health Records vs. Niche Software that is actually useful for Family History Kevin S. Hughes, MD, FACS Co-Director, Avon Comprehensive Breast Evaluation Center Massachusetts General Hospital Bruce Lin Project Director, Family History for Prenatal Providers Manager, Public Health Initiatives March of Dimes

2 The EHR has tremendous promise as a means of decreasing workload, decreasing cost and improving quality of care

3 The EHR has tremendous promise as a means of decreasing workload, decreasing cost and improving quality of care Reality EHRs decrease productivity or are neutral EHRs have not been shown to increase quality EHRs have not been shown to decrease cost Consider what Jonathon Bush (AthenaHealth) calls the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program. Doctors have to be paid to install these EHRs

4 EHR HIT has tremendous promise as a means of decreasing workload, decreasing cost and improving quality of care

5 Clinical Decision Support
Apply Algorithms/Guidelines to patient data Identify best course of action Results displayed as intuitive Visualizations BRCAPRO Mutation Risk 25% Suggest Genetic Testing Facilitates best action as part of workflow

6 EHR Issues

7 “Computerization hasn't saved a dime, nor has it improved administrative efficiency”
4,000 hospitals 2003 to 2007 Computerization Weak correlation Quality for MI No correlation Cost savings Improvements in administrative efficiency Quality for pneumonia Quality for heart failure Overall quality (MI, heart failure, pneumonia) Himmelstein, The American Journal of Medicine (2010) 123, 40-46

8 EHR and productivity varies by specialty 100 internists, pediatricians and family practitioners
25 to 33 percent drop in MD productivity Over time Internists slightly above original productivity Pediatricians /family practitioners never recovered Hemant Bhargava, UC Davis Graduate School of Management

9 Quote from a breast surgeon beginning EHR use
…our productivity is down 28% I am the highest paid transcriptionist in the state Each cancer patient chart takes me apprx 1 hour For the first time in my career, I turned down an add-on patient


11 Currently: Paper + memory
Patient completes paper form Reviews data using memory of guidelines Documents and Orders Orders Genetic Testing

12 EHR: Paper + extra work + memory
Patient completes paper form Staff enters data into the EHR Reviews data using memory of guidelines Documents and Orders


14 Document Management System
Same interface for every Specialty EHR Small Database Meds Allergies Generic Interface Mostly Filing Cabinet Or Document Management System

15 Cardiovascular Pathology Anesthesia Generic Mammography EHR

16 IT ≠ EHR Role of the EHR in Family History …close to non-existent
While EHRs do poorly for most aspects of medical care, they are worse relative to family history and genetics

17 Health IT EHR ‘Niche’ Software
Designed to manage the entire spectrum of medical care Created by large corporations E.g., NextGen, Allscripts, eClinicalWorks, Misys, Centricity, Eclipse, LMR ‘Niche’ Software Designed for specialty areas Homegrown or developed by small vendors E.g., My Family Health Portrait, Jameslink, GREAT, Progeny, HughesRiskApps

18 Health IT EHR ‘Niche’ Software
Designed to manage the entire spectrum of medical care Created by large corporations ‘Niche’ Software Designed for specialty areas Homegrown or developed by small vendors

19 Health IT and Clinical Care
EHR ‘Niche’ Software

20 EHRs are limited to major areas
Notes Allergies Path Reports Problem List Meds Lab

21 Adding new features for small markets is expensive
Notes Genetics Ө Pedigree Allergies Θ Family History Path Reports Risk Problem List Meds Lab

22 Every EHR must rebuild the same basic route

23 EHRs have difficulty improving
AHIC Core Data Set Published 2008 No EHR Vendor has adopted it HL7 Pedigree model for interoperability Approved 2006 Family history upgrade to EHR at my institution submitted 2006 slated for analysis 2009 Implementation 2013 or later

24 … Modular family history tool
The American Health Information Community (AHIC) Personalized Health Care Workgroup Recommendations to Secretary 2007 … Modular family history tool … collection of family health history within the EHR…messaging of … information to a variety of richer … tools that perform risk analyses… results of … calculations … returned to the EHR … for curation

25 Testing and iteration possible
Niche/Modular Software Innovative approaches to data entry Patient data entry Clinician data interface Innovative approaches to CDS Risk Algorithms/Guidelines Visualization appropriate to user Pedigree drawing EHR as a repository Core data set Interoperable Testing and iteration possible

26 EHRs and Niche Software
EHR vendors say: Wait for the EHR to do this Niche software is not needed EHR should not exchange data with Niche Software

27 Current EHR Future EHR Monolithic
Interoperable with multiple ‘Specialty Specific’ systems

28 Current EHR Future EHR Monolithic
Interoperable with multiple ‘Specialty Specific’ systems

29 Hereditary Risk Identification

30 Hereditary Risk Identification
Click open 4 screens BRCA1+

31 Hereditary Risk Identification

32 Typical EHR HughesRiskApps

33 Better workflow EHR Patient enters data Tablet PC iPad Website
Patient educational materials Clinical Decision Support EHR Reviews Report & Pedigree Reviews suggested management Clinical Decision Support Documents and Orders

34 Current EHR Future EHR Decrease productivity or neutral
Increase productivity Mostly document repository Database Mostly free text Structured data Data entered by staff or provider Data entered by patient, staff or provider Generic interface Specialty specific interfaces Rudimentary CDS/Drug-Drug interactions Effective CDS for multiple specialties View isolated transactions View consolidated information about a given problem Proprietary hidden information Open access to patient data Monolithic, barely intraoperable Interoperable with multiple ‘best of breed’ systems

35 Future EHR Interoperable with multiple ‘Specialty Specific’ systems
Current EHR Future EHR Monolithic Interoperable with multiple ‘Specialty Specific’ systems

36 HughesRiskApps Breast Surgery Module

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