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Motivating the unmotivated student

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Presentation on theme: "Motivating the unmotivated student"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivating the unmotivated student
David Ackerman and Cindy Campbell Coastal Georgia Comprehensive Academy Savannah, Georgia

2 Why are students unmotivated?
Our focus today is on two reasons students may be unmotivated and what you can do about it.

3 The student is unmotivated because classroom instruction does not engage.
The student is unmotivated because he or she lacks a positive relationship with the teacher.

4 The student is unmotivated because classroom instruction does not engage.

5 Capture them at the outset !
Show enthusiasm ! Capture them at the outset ! High interest topics & activities. Relevant – Real World. Offer choices for assessment.

6 The student is unmotivated because he or she lacks a positive relationship with the teacher.

7 Positive Behavior interventions and supports
PBIS Positive Behavior interventions and supports

8 How do we maintain positive relationships with students who present continual behavioral challenges?


10 Proximity control and non-verbal cues

11 4 to 1

12 Planned ignoring

13 humor

14 Teacher – co-teacher dialogue

15 scenarios #1 – A student puts his head down on his desk.
#2 – A student is talking to another student during instruction. #3 – A student comes in looking angry and tired. #4 – Audience Choice


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