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Religion Review Questions:

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Presentation on theme: "Religion Review Questions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion Review Questions:
What is: Zeus’ Roman name? Jupiter

2 The trident What is: the symbol for Neptune?
Religion Review Questions: What is: the symbol for Neptune? The trident

3 Religion Review Questions:
Who was: Apollo’s twin? Artemis/Diana

4 Religion Review Questions:
Who is: The god of strategy? Athena

5 Persephone/ Proserpina Who is: Hades’s wife?
Religion Review Questions: Who is: Hades’s wife? Persephone/ Proserpina

6 Wine / Partying What is: Dionysus the god of?
Religion Review Questions: What is: Dionysus the god of? Wine / Partying

7 He’s part goat What is: Unique about Pan’s appearance?
Religion Review Questions: What is: Unique about Pan’s appearance? He’s part goat

8 He has two faces What is: Weird about Janus?
Religion Review Questions: What is: Weird about Janus? He has two faces

9 He is purely Roman god How is: Janus different from other major gods?
Religion Review Questions: How is: Janus different from other major gods? He is purely Roman god

10 Pomegranate seeds What did: Persephone eat while in the underworld?
Religion Review Questions: What did: Persephone eat while in the underworld? Pomegranate seeds

11 Hermes / Mercury Who is:
Religion Review Questions: Who is: The god of merchants and the messenger of the gods? Hermes / Mercury

12 Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades Who is: A brother to Hera?
Religion Review Questions: Who is: A brother to Hera? Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades

13 Religion Review Questions:
Who is: The most hated GREEK god? Ares

14 Religion Review Questions:
Who: Burst out of Zeus’s head decked out in battle armor? Athena / Minerva

15 Hestia / Vesta Who: Gave up their seat on Olympus for Dionysus?
Religion Review Questions: Who: Gave up their seat on Olympus for Dionysus? Hestia / Vesta

16 Hephaestus / Vulcan Who: Is the ugly deformed god?
Religion Review Questions: Who: Is the ugly deformed god? Hephaestus / Vulcan

17 Homer Who is: The author of the Iliad and the Odyssey?
Religion Review Questions: Who is: The author of the Iliad and the Odyssey? Homer

18 Aphrodite / Venus Whose symbol is: The dove?
Religion Review Questions: Whose symbol is: The dove? Aphrodite / Venus

19 Demeter / Ceres Whose symbol is: Corn/Grain?
Religion Review Questions: Whose symbol is: Corn/Grain? Demeter / Ceres

20 Religion Review Questions:
Who is: The god of prophecy? Apollo

21 Nemesis Who is: The personification of “divine retribution”?
Religion Review Questions: Who is: The personification of “divine retribution”? Nemesis

22 BONUS QUESTION! Who is: The god of victory? Nike

23 Hermes / Mercury Whose symbol is: The caduceus?
Religion Review Questions: Whose symbol is: The caduceus? Hermes / Mercury

24 Dionysus / Bacchus Who is: The god of drama?
Religion Review Questions: Who is: The god of drama? Dionysus / Bacchus

25 Poseidon / Neptune Who is: The god of earth-quakes?
Religion Review Questions: Who is: The god of earth-quakes? Poseidon / Neptune

26 Poseidon / Neptune Who is: The god of horses?
Religion Review Questions: Who is: The god of horses? Poseidon / Neptune

27 Apollo Who is: The god of the arts (music, poetry, medicine, etc)?
Religion Review Questions: Who is: The god of the arts (music, poetry, medicine, etc)? Apollo

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