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StrikeLink® Digital Messaging

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1 StrikeLink® Digital Messaging

DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS 3000 MARINE CORPS PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC IN REPLY REFER TO: 5000 A 29 Aug 07 Digital Systems must provide Future Interoperable Communications for Marine Aviation and Joint Platforms. Other Messages: Non-Proprietary / Standard / Common Software Driven Scaleable Agile & Flexible Seamless Evolutionary MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Subj: MARINE AVIATION DIGITAL SYSTEMS INTEROPERABILITY

3 Yesterday’s Battlefield Un-integrated
AIR GROUND Tell story of how Close Air Support was conducted (“Imagine yourself on the front line of the fight, within the distance to see the eyeballs of the enemy”, etc.) Pulling coordinates from map, writing down, voice call, etc. Coordinating via voice blue force locations Visual on aircraft for Clear Hot/Abort Voice BDA Amazing that we ever got bombs on target in a timely manner Mark Eyes-On

4 Today’s Fight Stove Pipes… Makes FAC/JTAC job too COMPLEX
Erodes Interoperability Exponential dev and test costs Virtually impossible to sync F/A-18 AV-8B F-16 DASC / AOC MTS (USMC) VMF (R3/R6/6017) AFAPD (USAF) AH-1 AO Artillery AFATDS VMF (6017) HIMARS Tell Story of how things are now (“Now imagine yourself in the hills of Afghanistan with a piece of gear…”) Good: Digital Maps / Coordinates (Very Precise) Digital feeds of Blue Force Information Sensor to Shooter to Weapon Impact Digital Tracking / Terminal Control Image / Video Tempo of Mission Bad (with Stove Pipes… fly-in): Too Complex for FAC / JTAC (who should be focused on targeting and handoff – not getting the network working.) Aircraft all talk using different protocols / interpretations of the standard Aircraft release on varying cycles …now add many more aircraft (AH-1, JSF, A-10, F-15, Bombers, etc) …and what about Assault Support aircraft! …and UAVs … and Network Enabled Weapons We’re killing our warfighters with complexity!! Plus very expensive to develop, test, etc on a per platform basis Mortars VMF (SWB1/SWB2) Naval Gunfire 4

5 The StrikeLink® Innovation StrikeLink/A™
E-2C AV-8B AH-1 F/A-18 F-35 A-10 VMF …220D …47001D …6017A DASC / AOC CH-53 AO Artillery MV-22 Assault Support AFATDS HIMARS The Idea: Take the same non-proprietary software and hardware digital communication components from the ground kit and place it all USMC MAGTF aircraft Scales very well Free software distribution throughout US DOD Removes dependency on costly radio and OFP modifications Squirt capability – Lockstep Sustainable A/G & A/A interoperability What does it solve: Makes our ground warfighter’s job easier – more focus on the target, less on comms Provides Air to Air interoperability. Includes Assault Support Operations (Transport, Delivery, Refueling, Air Evac / CASEVAC, Recovery, Logistics Support & Illumination) & UAV Low costs & Rapid Insertion Mortars Naval Gunfire

6 But That’s Not All… Objective Modes Levels of Integration
CAS Aircraft FAC(A) / JFO(A) DASC(A) Digital Comms Only Mission Computer for Business Logic and Displays Separate Cockpit Computer StrikeLink® MRT, MR1 or Other StrikeLink® Display Handoff with Mission Computer for Navigation, HUD or Targeting Info Objective Optimize Air / Ground: Commonality Funding Effectiveness Situational Awareness Interoperability can be at different levels: Interface Definitions Common Digital Comms software / hardware Common Business Logic Common Displays / PVI (Common Situational Awareness!) We can build this entire stack once, copy it many times for many platforms … and upgrade it rapidly and inexpensively per evolving warfighter / pilot requirements … including other advanced off-OFP applications Common Tactical Picture

7 In a Nutshell StrikeLink® & StrikeLink/A™ Enable:
Rapid & Inexpensive Interoperability Insertion with Continual Upgrades Lockstep Interoperability Across the Battlefield Scalable Integration Digital Messaging Business Logic Application User Interface / Pilot Vehicle Interface

8 Call to Action Industry’s Responsibility
Stand In Response to Gen Trautman’s Vision Rapid Insertion of Low Cost, Scalable, Open Solutions Enable our Marines & Joint Warfighters Focus on Fight at Hand – Not Fight Against Technology Allow Flexibility to Rapidly Adjust & Optimize Tactics, Techniques & Procedures

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