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Seventh online webinar: 25th, April 2018

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1 Seventh online webinar: 25th, April 2018
Marine and terrestrial protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures for achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 R4BLP Member presentation: Palawan, Philippines and Quebec, Canada

2 Agenda Presentation – 5’ Overarching framework – 10’ Presentations:
Quebec State Expert, Mr. Michel Bergeron –20’ Palawan State Expert, Ms. Christina Rodriguez – 20’ Members updates, all participants –20’ Questions & Answers –15’ Discussion items -15’

3 Meeting objectives Learn Engage Exchange

4 Learning Platform Principles
Inclusiveness and diversity; Multilateral exchanges; Collaboration and participation; Actions on the ground. Meeting Agreements Openness; Active listening / genuine presence; Trust and respect; Defer judgment / criticism is ruled out; Participation.

5 Overarching Framework
2 Expert Workshops where carried out on MPA and OEABCMs for Achieving ABT 11 in Marine and Coastal Areas & on OEABCMs for Achieving ABT 11 MPAs are a tool to protect biodiversity, mitigate human impacts, restore species diversity and ecosystem function and provide an insurance policy against broad scale climate impacts. The CBD Aichi Target 11 commits Parties to protect 10% of their marine and coastal environment by Efforts also assist with meeting other ABTs: T6 (Sustainable fisheries), 10 (Coral reef protection), 12 (Prevent extinction), 14 (Ecosystem Services) and 18 (Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous Rights), among others.

6 T11 can be met both by MPAs - where the primary objective is conservation of biodiversity-, and OEABCM, -where biodiversity outcomes are achieved-, but are not considered as protected areas for various reasons. OEABCMs can be considered as additional to MPAs, but not a subset of them. Can be categorized into non-fishery and fishery measures where the outcome of in situ conservation must be demonstrated. As MPAs and OEABCMs are being implemented, a broader understanding of elements to achieve biodiversity conservation is emerging. Conservation objectives are also more likely to be met if governance and management processes are agreed across all stakeholders.

7 Gaps exist in reporting on effective protection, accepted indicators for equity of protected area measures, connectivity, climate change mitigation as well as indicators to assess how MPAs and OEABCMs can be assessed as integrating into the broader seascape. Qualitative and quantitative measures of effectiveness must be a focus going forward, with a commitment to strengthening protection and meeting global standards. Considerations for financial mechanisms and capacity for States to be able to ensure effective protection, should be made to ensure both equity and ability for all States to achieve meaningful outcomes. International guidelines for OEABCMs have not yet been agreed, however draft guidelines have been produced by an IUCN Task Force.

8 Mr. Michel Bergeron Project Manager – Department of Protected Areas Ministry for Sustainable Development, Environment and the fight against Climate Change

9 Ms. Ma. Christina D. Rodriguez, Head of the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD)

10 Member Updates Basque Country: 23% is a Protected Area. Challenges continue, the more challenging are MPAs. 12% of the PA is Marine. National Goverment is involved in MPA designation. EU Life project – improve conservation stages. 314 has of coastal areas now protected thanks to a EU project. Wales: Wales has a network of 135 marine protected areas. Our sites protect a range of globally important habitats and species found in our waters, such as bottlenose dolphin, grey seal and harbour porpoise. 57% of the global population of Manx shearwater are summer migrants to Wales, and we also have well-established tern colonies along the North Wales coast. Aichi: Highly populates region; 10% of the region is designated to conservation forest. Aichi has 18% of natural parks and 4% of no-hunting areas. Therefore we have 30% of protected areas in land. Mainly terrestrial PA. Currently trying to increase the PA by collaborating with the private sector. Currently working on sustainable fisheries Ontario: Over 11K Has of protected areas, represents 10% of the province. Ongoing work in the north part of the region, legislation protects 50% of the far north region, in collaboration with traditional communities. Looking to increase partnership with local stakeholders. Part of an initiative w/ Nat Government.

11 Campeche: 2Mill Has of Natural Protected Areas (federal, state and municipal PA). 4 Federal PA; 2 State PA; 1 municipal PA. 40% of the territory is protected. High biodiversity: 22% of bird species in Mexico, 5/6 feline species reported in Mexico live in the state. Campeche is the 1st state in terms of fuel and gas extraction – economic and population growth, high pressure. Over 400 km of coastal area, working with NGOs and lcoal communities to protect species in this area. Need to improve efforts to safeguard biodiversity (raise awareness to reduce illegal activities in PA). Sao Paulo: More than 330K private land owners. Both terrestrial and marine environments: cerrado biome, and matatlantica (more than 17% of the vegetation is protected* still working on defying the specifics of this region). Coastal and MPA: More than 1.7 Mill of Has of PA, reps more than 10% (need to consider the different ecosystems within the PA). One cat 5 PA, currently working on defying vegetation specifics. Working on improving the protection. Ownership of th eland – working with dif govt levels and private owners to consider all partners. Will share project platforms on MPA and terrestrial PA during next SBSTTA and COP14.

12 Discussion items nrg4SD General Assembly & Biodiversity Conference – June, 2018 Information Paper on Invasive Alien Species to submit to the SBSTTA 22 for the consideration of the Parties of the CBD – July, 2018 COP14 Subnational governments’ contribution – November, 2018

13 THANK YOU! Renata Gomez – #Regions4Biodiv

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