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In-Text Citations & MLA Format
By the end of this lesson you will know how to create an in-text citation & how to format a paper using MLA.
Formatting a Paper Times New Roman 12 point font
Only print on one side of the paper. Margins: Your margins on all pages of your paper should be 1 inch. Use the Page Setup feature under File to change these.
Formatting a Paper Spacing: Double space throughout the paper.
Use the paragraph feature that you can find by right clicking in the document. Under the line spacing drop down box, click double. DO NOT try to hit enter twice at the end of every line to double space. It’s more trouble than it’s worth!
Formatting a Paper Heading and Title:
You do not need a title page in MLA format. You DO need to include the following… Your Name Teacher Class/Period Date Header - Last name and page # Title
Sources General Rules:
In a perfect world, no more than 25% of your paper should be direct quotations. Paraphrase as much as you can. Use direct quotations when citing numerical data such as statistics. Use an author’s words if they capture a point exactly or use interesting wording you don’t want to lose in a paraphrase.
Sources When to put the source in your paper: A direct quote
A statistic An idea that is not your own Someone else’s opinion Concrete facts, not considered “common knowledge” Knowledge not considered “common”
Paraphrasing and Summarizing
Even if you paraphrase or summarize, YOU STILL MUST ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR SOURCE!!
Signal Phrases in MLA Model Signal Phrases: Verbs in Signal Phrases:
“In the words of researchers Long and McKenzie…” “As Paul Rudnick has noted…” “Melinda Stuart, mother of a drunk driver, points out…” “…, writes Michelle Moore,…” Verbs in Signal Phrases: acknowledges admits agrees asserts believes claims comments confirms contends declares denies disputes emphasizes endorses grants illustrates implies notes observes points out reasons refutes suggests writes Complete list: Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, p. 336.
Parenthetical Citations or In-Text Citations
What is it?? A system in which you give your source in parenthesis immediately after you give the information. Five Common Citations: Author and page number (Smith 29) Title and page number (if author name not available) Example: (“American Dream” 18) Page number only (if author name has already been used in signal phrase) Author OR Title only (if it’s an internet source with no page numbers) Example: (Smith) OR (“American Dream”) Secondhand quotations-- Example: (qtd. in Smith 29) The first word of your citation MUST match the corresponding entry on your Works Cited page.
Parenthetical Citations or In-Text Citations
How Often to Give Citations When several facts in a row within one paragraph all come from the same page of a source, use one citation to cover them all. Place the citation after the last bit of information.
In-text Citation Example
Cultural concerns: It seems like Croatians are friendly. On his trip last year, Jason Scheldman stated they were “nice and helpful.” For instance, whenever he was in need of directions, Scheldman could usually find someone to speak English or at least gesture to help. Croatia also seems to be an intelligent country as is shown by the +99% literacy rate, and their religious views are similar to the United States as many are Christian (“Croatia”).
Matching citation to Works Cited entry
Which one is the source for the intext citation on the previous slide? “Croatia Tourism: Best of Croatia.” TripAdvisor, 12 Feb. 2016, “Croatia.” Central Intelligence Agency, 15 March 2016,
Parenthetical Citations or In-Text Citations
Author and Page Number (Keeling 125) Notice there is no “p” and no comma. (Keeling, p 125) INCORRECT!!! The struggle for identity is common during puberty (Keeling 125).
Parenthetical Citations or In-Text Citations
Title, Page Number and Punctuation Her distinctive writing style adds to her mystique (“Plath” 19). Often, articles, editorials, pamphlets, and other materials have no author listed; give the first distinctive word of the title followed by the page number. Punctuation always goes AFTER the closing parenthesis.
Parenthetical Citations or In-Text Citations
Page Number Only If you have already mentioned the author’s name in signal phrase, put the page number only. Keeling states that Plath’s work stand in stark contrast to other confessional poets (58).
Parenthetical Citations or In-Text Citations
Sometimes in this class you will need to use citations for poetry or line numbers in a story. You use these in place of the page number, but you must still have the authors name somewhere as well. When you are writing about a single work of fiction, you do not need to include the author’s name each time you quote from or paraphrase the work. After you mention the author’s name at the beginning of your paper, you may include just the page number in your parenthetical citations.
Parenthetical Citations or In-Text Citations
In Susan Glaspell’s short story “A Jury of Her Peers,” two women accompany their husbands and a county attorney to an isolated house where a farmer named John Wright has been choked to death in his bed with a rope. The chief suspect is Wright’s wife, Minnie, who is in jail awaiting trial. The sheriff’s wife, Mrs. Peters, has come along to gather some personal items for Minnie, and Mrs. Hale has joined her. Early in the story, Mrs. Hale sympathizes with Minnie and objects to the way the male investigators are “snoopin’ round and criticizin’” her kitchen (200). In contrast, Mrs. Peters shows respect for the law, saying that the men are doing “no more than their duty” (201). Notice the use of page numbers in the parenthetical citation.
Parenthetical Citations or In-Text Citations
In Susan Glaspell’s short story “A Jury of Her Peers,” two women accompany their husbands and a county attorney to an isolated house where a farmer named John Wright has been choked to death in his bed with a rope. The chief suspect is Wright’s wife, Minnie, who is in jail awaiting trial. The sheriff’s wife, Mrs. Peters, has come along to gather some personal items for Minnie, and Mrs. Hale has joined her. Early in the story, Mrs. Hale sympathizes with Minnie and objects to the way the male investigators are “snoopin’ round and criticizin’” her kitchen ( ). In contrast, Mrs. Peters shows respect for the law, saying that the men are doing “no more than their duty” (145). You will use line numbers mainly when citing poetry but also when you write short responses to a story in class.
How to Incorporate Quotes into Your Writing
What is a quote?? Quotes are one way of adding concrete details to your paper. When you quote a text, you use the EXACT words of the writer. You do not change them in any way. What should a quote accomplish?? A quote is a way for you to illustrate your point in your writing. If it doesn’t back up what you are saying, don’t use it!
How to Incorporate Quotes into Your Writing
Quotes should be… Brief Relevant to your point Introduced Discussed Readers need to know… Who is speaking When or in what situation the speaker said this Why this quote is important and how it fits in with your argument
How to Incorporate Quotes into Your Writing
We will be using the Claim – Quote - Commentary method when responding to questions in class or when using quotes in research papers. Claim, the first sentence of the response should reword the question and state a personal opinion or direct response to the question. Quote, look at what the author said and include a detail from the text to support your answer (TEXTUAL EVIDENCE!!) Suggested Sentence Starters: In the text… The text states… According to the passage… One example from the text… The author states…
How to Incorporate Quotes into Your Writing
commentary the response should end with you explaining or interpreting the significance of the evidence. One of these sentence starters may help: This shows… This demonstrates… I believe… Now I know… This proves… Closing statement reminds you that a constructed response requires multiple supporting details from the author. In the text… The text also states… According to the passage… A second example from the text… The author also states…
How to Incorporate Quotes into Your Writing
Think of it like a sandwich. Your own words are the bread. The top piece is the introduction and the bottom is the conclusion. The items in the middle are your quoted information. Each piece of quoted information MUST have an introduction and an explanation.
How to Incorporate Quotes into Your Writing sandwich example!!
First, decide on the point you want to make. I want to prove that the residents of Maple Street are allowing fear to turn them into a mob. Now, find a quote that illustrates your point. I am going to look at Les Goodman’s words when he is being threatened by his neighbors. Next, introduce your quote. I will write: As the residents of Maple Street turn on Les Goodman, he warns them that, “this thing you’re starting – that should frighten you” (77). Finally, discuss your quote. My commentary might be: Les Goodman makes clear that his neighbors are choosing a path that can only lead to chaos and the breakdown of their community. This point will later be echoed by the aliens.
All together now… As the residents of Maple Street turn on Les Goodman, he warns them that, “this thing you’re starting – that should frighten you” (77). With these words, Goodman makes clear that his neighbors are choosing a path that can only lead to chaos and the breakdown of their community. This point will later be echoed by the aliens.
Use Vivid Verbs to Introduce Quotes
Some alternatives to said or says… All in the present tense describes assesses admits shows reports illustrates finds concedes sees complains notes predicts concurs thinks comments observes insists grants bemoans argues points out maintains laments condemns states relates suggests warns supposes speculates
In conclusion… ASK YOURSELF What is the quote really saying?
Does my quote support my idea? What do I need my readers to understand? Have I introduced the quote…the speaker and the occasion? Have I discussed the quote?
Format of Works Cited Page
Works Cited page is organized alphabetically by author’s last name The first line of each entry is flush to the left; all subsequent lines are indented In MLA, titles of books, names of websites, names of journals or newspapers and other such major works are indicated either by underlining or italicizing (but not both) Titles of articles that appear within larger works or on websites are indicated by placing them in quotation marks
Format of Works Cited Page, cont.
If a source does not give an author, you go by the article title (in the case of a periodical source) or by the title of the work (in the case of a book). Do not assign numbers to your sources. Click for a Sample Works Cited Page
Where can I find help preparing a Works Cited list?
You can also find sample Works Cited pages here!
Most common source types
Books Articles in periodicals (magazines and journals) Newspaper articles Works in anthologies or collections Internet articles Database articles Personal Interview
Works Cited Entry: General Format
Use the following format for all sources (depending on the type of source, some information won’t apply): Author. Title. Title of container (self contained if book), Other contributors (translators or editors), Version (edition), Number (vol. and/or no.), Publisher, Publication Date, Location (pages, paragraphs URL or DOI). 2nd container’s title, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location, Date of Access (if applicable).
MLA Style: Books Consult your reference manual for the proper entry for the type of book you have. Most books are single-author books The entry for a book by a single author follows:
MLA style: Books Morris, Johnny. Babies and the Beginning
of Life. Harcourt Brace, 2001. New MLA rule: do not list place (city) of publication
MLA style: Periodical (Magazine)
Lerse, Todd. “Parents and Toddlers.” Parents and Children, 4 April 2014, pp Or, if it is an online magazine, include URL: toddlers/.
MLA style: Newspapers Garcia, Maria. “Scientists Air New Bottle Feeding Method.” FloridaTimes-Union, 6 March 2001, p. D1. Or, if it is an online newspaper, include URL: Garcia, Maria. “Scientists Air New Bottle Feeding Method.” Florida Times-Union, 6 March 2001, bottle-feeding-method/2001.
MLA Style: Work from an Academic Journal
Mason, John Edwin. “‘Mennenberg’: Notes on the Making of an Icon and Anthem.” African Studies Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 4, Fall 2007, pp Or, if it is an online journal, include URL: Mason, John Edwin. “‘Mennenberg’: Notes on the Making of an Icon and Anthem.” African Studies Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 4, Fall 2007, pp ,
MLA style: anthology article
Rodriquez, Rod. “What Makes a Child a Brat?” Nature and Nurture, edited by Buddy Lewis. Jersey Press,1999, pp
MLA style: Internet sources
Weber, J.T. “Should Parents Spank?” Netparents, Aug. 2005, should-parents-spank/. Accessed 3 Oct If the site is undated, include your personal date of access at end of the citation; otherwise, do not include date of access.
MLA Style: Work from a Library or Other Subscription Database
Poynting, Scott. “The Attack on 'Political Correctness': Islamophobia and the Erosion of Multiculturalism in Australia Under the Howard Regime.” Social Alternatives, vol. 27, no. 1, 2008, pp Academic Search Premier, doi: / If a source does not have a doi (digital object identifier), include a URL (omitting the protocol, such as Poynting, Scott. “The Attack on 'Political Correctness': Islamophobia and the Erosion of Multiculturalism in Australia Under the Howard Regime.” Social Alternatives, vol. 27, no. 1, 2008, pp Academic Search Premier, aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN= &site=ehost-live.
Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014.
MLA Style: Personal Interview Personal interviews refer to those interviews that you conduct yourself. List the interview by the name of the interviewee. Include the descriptor Personal interview and the date of the interview. Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014. .
Four W’s Exit Ticket What was the focus for today’s lesson?
What is the definition for the answer to #1? What does it look like? Give two examples. Why do we use them?
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