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Navigating Through Canvas

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating Through Canvas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating Through Canvas
Quick Video Tutorials for the Parent and Student

2 Introduction To Canvas
For Students: Hey guys and gals… Are you already somewhat familiar with Canvas? Do you ever have questions about uploading assignments, checking on grades, or taking a quiz? Use this PowerPoint tutorial to help you answer some of those questions and navigate through Canvas more easily. For Parents: Did you know you could observe the assignments, grades, activities, due dates, and work your child is completing in Canvas? Use this PowerPoint Tutorial to help you sign up as an observer and monitor the work your child completes on Canvas!

3 Canvas For Students

4 Logging in to Canvas for Students
On the Greeneville Middle Webpage, under “Classes and Teachers,” you will find a link to Canvas. Click it! You must use the Greeneville Middle School Webpage to log in. You CANNOT go straight to the Canvas Website to login because this site will now allow you to use your school credentials. To know if you are in the right location, your URL will be… (Notice the word INSTRUCTURE in the URL.)

5 Logging in to Canvas for Students
Once you have clicked the link, you will use your school credentials to log in. (You MUST use the Canvas link on the GMS website.) Now you have access to Canvas, you have class course once you are in the site.

6 Canvas Dashboard for Students
Your dashboard contains the courses your teachers have made for Canvas. When you click on a course, this screen should appear. Most of the time, I will have you go to “Modules” for ALL assignments as we work through the unit.

7 Canvas Modules for Students
When you click on the “Modules” link, you should see all of your assignments, videos, quizzes, tests, etc. This is the hub for all the material for the unit for which you are working.

8 Canvas Tabs for Students
Canvas contains many tabs on the menu bar that you may use. Each tab takes you to the same page that is listed under “Modules,” however it is an organizational system that makes it easier to locate specific items. Some of the most commonly used tabs are… Assignments that have been given and most likely have a document or such to submit. Grades that have been given in CANVAS only. Content pages that contain information only. Quizzes that have been posted and graded in CANVAS only. Modules contains all the activities given per unit.

9 Canvas Modules for Students
Each Symbol in the Module represents something different. These are just a few most commonly used. This symbol represents a content page. There is no assignment to be uploaded on this page. This symbol represents an assignment. You will either have and assignment to submit, upload, or copy and paste into Word. You might even see a rubric on this page that will be used to grade your assignment. This symbol represents an assessment page. You will answer questions directly on this page and will be able to receive feedback and view your grade immediately (based on your teacher’s settings in Canvas) This symbol represents a peer review.

10 Canvas Modules for Students
There are many, many other icons.

11 Canvas Overview for Students
Once you are logged in, you have access to all the assignments and activities your teachers have placed in Canvas. Click on this link to watch this short video for an Overview of Canvas.

12 Assignments in Canvas for Students
Wondering what assignments you have to do in Canvas, due dates, to do list, overdue assignments? Watch this short video to explain assignments in Canvas.

13 Wondering how to submit an assignment in Canvas?
Submitting Assignments in Canvas for Students Wondering how to submit an assignment in Canvas? Watch this short video to explain assignment submission in Canvas. Note: There may be some differences that you see in YOUR Canvas submission, versus the video; however, the way you submit is basically the same. Most of the time you will be submitting Word documents, Power point presentations, and/or videos.

14 Wondering what your grades or your average is in Canvas?
Grades in Canvas for Students Wondering what your grades or your average is in Canvas? *Take Note of the “What If” Score that you can use to see what your Canvas average would be IF you had made a better score than you made, or to determine a score you need to make on an assignment in Canvas.

15 Grades in Canvas for Students
Remember… The grades you see in Canvas will be entered into PowerSchool. The grades you see in PowerSchool are the grades you will see on your grade card.

16 Canvas For Parents

17 For Parents: Becoming a Canvas Observer
Hey Parents! Did you know your could observe what your child is doing on Canvas? The assignments, deadlines, tests and quizzes, grades, submitted assignments, etc.? Well…. You can!!! There are two ways to become a Canvas Observer. This will take you to a page to sign up as an Observer of the Canvas Courses in which your student is currently enrolled. Go to the Middle School Website and click… “Canvas Observer Login”

18 For Parents: Becoming a Canvas Observer
Click on the “Parent of a Canvas User?” link. Fill out the online information. You will need your child’s credentials (username and password) to continue this process.

19 For Parents: Becoming a Canvas Observer
Click “Start Participating.”

20 For Parents: Becoming a Canvas Observer
You should now see a screen similar to this one. As you can see, this student is enrolled in one course; however, you will be able to observe all the courses in which your student is enrolled. You can navigate through the site by using the menu to the left. Right now, we are in the “Dashboard.” As you can see, there are several other items on the menu that you may observe as well. Menu

21 For Parents: Becoming a Canvas Observer
Watch this short tutorial to learn how to sign up as a Canvas Observer. The feature will provide you the opportunity to see all of your child’s assignments, due dates, grades, calendars and many other features included in Canvas.

22 Tutorials for All Things Canvas!!
Click on the Canvas link for more Video Tutorials for All Things Canvas!

23 Parents and Students: As we go through the school year, this presentation will be updated as more questions about Canvas arise. With that said, if you have any questions about Canvas, and would like to see them addressed with a video tutorial or step by step slide presentation, please feel free to contact me, and I will do my best to address your questions. Thank you!!!

24 References:
Canvas Overview - Canvas Assignments Overview - Canvas Assignment Submissions - Canvas Grades - Canvas Parent Observer -

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