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The next step in mastering LATITUDE and LONGITUDE

2 In this lesson you will…
recall what you know about latitude and longitude so far. learn how to find a location on Earth by its coordinates, or latitude and longitude. practice the skill.

3 You need a copy of this Study Sheet to complete this lesson.
NAME SECTION DATE DIRECTIONS: Let's take a trip around the world. Study the map on this page. Use the latitude and longitude coordinates for the cities listed below to find their locations. Then, label each city's approximate location on the map with a letter. Finally, connect the dots in order, A through J, with straight lines. For help, refer to atlas pages in your text or look at the classroom wall map. latitude numbers longitude Latitude is always given first. It tells how far north or south of the equator you are. Longitude is always given second. It tells how far east or west of the prime meridian Latitude lines are called parallels because they are always the same distance apart. Longitude lines, also called meridians, meet at the poles so they are not always the same distance apart. The one going through Greenwich, England is the prime, or first, meridian. The prime meridian is at 0° longitude. The equator is at 0° latitude. You need a copy of this Study Sheet to complete this lesson. A. New Orleans, Louisiana 30°N latitude, 90°W longitude B. Brasilia, Brazil 15°S latitude, 45°W longitude C. Dakar, Senegal 15°N latitude, 15°W longitude D. Stockholm, Sweden 60°N latitude, 15°E longitude E. Cairo, Egypt 30°N latitude, 30°E longitude F. Bangalore, India 15°N latitude, 75°E longitude G. Manila, Philippines 15°N latitude, 120°E longitude H. Sydney, Australia 27°S latitude, 150°E longitude I. Honolulu, Hawaii 20°N latitude, 155°W longitude J. Los Angeles, California 35°N latitude, 116°W longitude

4 What is Latitude? Recall that latitude lines run around the globe in a/an ____________ direction. They really measure the distance from the _______________. east-west equator latitude numbers The boundary separating the northern and southern hemispheres is the ____________.

5 What is Latitude? Another name for latitude lines is ________________ because they are always the same distance apart. Latitude tells how far _____________ of the equator you are. parallels north or south latitude numbers

6 Notice how the degrees count on this map. By 5s, 10s, 20s, or what?
What is Longitude? Longitude lines, also called ____________, run in a north-south direction and meet at the poles. The one going through Greenwich, England is the first, or ______________. meridians prime meridian So, were you thinking of 15? longitudenumbers Notice how the degrees count on this map. By 5s, 10s, 20s, or what?

7 What is Longitude? EASTERN WESTERN
The prime meridian divides the globe into two hemispheres. The one on the left is the ___________________ and the one on the right is the ___________________. western hemisphere eastern hemisphere EASTERN WESTERN Longitude tells how far ________ or _________ of the prime meridian you are. east west

8 Put the Ideas Together The map below is in fourths, or quadrants. When coordinates are given, the latitude will be north or south of the equator by some number of degrees. It is given first. longitudenumbers latitude numbers The longitude will be east or west of the prime meridian in degrees, and comes second.

9 Get ready to take a trip around the world.
On your matching map, find and label with an “A” New Orleans, Louisiana °N latitude, 90°W longitude A. THINK: above the equator and left of the prime meridian

10 Next, on your matching map, find and label with a “B”
Brasilia, Brazil °S latitude, 45°W longitude A. B. THINK: below the equator and left of the prime meridian

11 Next, on your matching map, find and label with a “C”
Dakar, Senegal °N latitude, 15°W longitude A. C. B. THINK: above the equator and left of the prime meridian

12 Next, find and label with a “D”
Stockholm, Sweden °N latitude, 15°E longitude D. A. C. B. THINK: above the equator and right of the prime meridian

13 Next, find and label with a “E”
Cairo, Egypt °N latitude, 30°E longitude D. A. E. C. B. THINK: above the equator and right of the prime meridian

14 Next, find and label with a “F”
Bangalore, India °N latitude, 75°E longitude D. A. E. C. F. B. What are you thinking? above the equator and to the right of the prime meridian

15 Next, find and label with a “G”
Manila, Philippines °N latitude, 120°E longitude D. A. E. C. F. G. B. What are you thinking? above the equator and to the right of the prime meridian

16 Next, find and label with a “H”
Sydney, Australia °S latitude, 150°E longitude D. A. E. C. F. G. B. H. Remember what you know when you have to estimate.

17 You’re Almost Finished
Next, find and label with a “I” Honolulu, Hawaii °N latitude, 155°W longitude D. A. E. I. C. F. G. B. H. Be as precise as you can when estimating.

18 Last One Last, find and label with a “J”
Los Angeles, California °N latitude, 116°W longitude D. J. A. E. I. C. F. G. B. H. Are you on the correct side of the lines?

19 Do NOT freehand, but use a ruler.
Finally… Use a ruler to connect the dots in order, A through J with straight lines. Remember, however, that this is a flat map but that you went around the globe. D. J. A. E. I. C. F. G. B. H. Do NOT freehand, but use a ruler.

20 Your trip should resemble this.
You can hold up your map to the Answer Key map and see if they agree. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

21 Let’s Review and Check Latitude lines run around the globe in a/an ____________ direction. They really measure the distance from the _______________. The boundary separating the northern and southern hemispheres is the ____________. Another name for latitude lines is ________________ because they are always the same distance apart. Latitude tells how far ___________ or _________ of the equator you are. Longitude lines, also called ____________, run in a north-south direction and meet at the poles. The one going through Greenwich, England is the first, or __________________. The prime meridian divides the globe into two hemispheres. The one on the left is the ___________________ and the one on the right is the ___________________. Longitude tells how far ________ or _________ of the prime meridian you are. When coordinates are given, the one that is always given first is ____________. east/west equator equator parallels north south meridians prime meridian western hemisphere eastern hemisphere east west latitude

22 longitude latitude numbers
NAME SECTION DATE DIRECTIONS: Let's take a trip around the world. Study the map on this page. Use the latitude and longitude coordinates for the cities listed below to find their locations. Then, label each city's approximate location on the map with a letter. Finally, connect the dots in order, A through J, with straight lines. For help, refer to atlas pages in your text or look at the classroom wall map. latitude numbers longitude Latitude is always given first. It tells how far north or south of the equator you are. Longitude is always given second. It tells how far east or west of the prime meridian The prime meridian is at 0° longitude. The equator is at 0° latitude. A. New Orleans, Louisiana 30°N latitude, 90°W longitude B. Brasilia, Brazil 15°S latitude, 45°W longitude C. Dakar, Senegal 15°N latitude, 15°W longitude D. Stockholm, Sweden 60°N latitude, 15°E longitude E. Cairo, Egypt 30°N latitude, 30°E longitude F. Bangalore, India 15°N latitude, 75°E longitude G. Manila, Philippines 15°N latitude, 120°E longitude H. Sydney, Australia 27°S latitude, 150°E longitude I. Honolulu, Hawaii 20°N latitude, 155°W longitude J. Los Angeles, California 35°N latitude, 116°W longitude

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