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By: Felicity Hunsinger Mr. Kunigea Period: 3/

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1 By: Felicity Hunsinger Mr. Kunigea Period: 3/4 12.18.15
Emmy Noether By: Felicity Hunsinger Mr. Kunigea Period: 3/4

2 Emmy Noether Birthdate: March 23, 1882 Birthplace: Erlangen, Germany
Nationality: German Educational Background: Emmy went to University of Erlangen-Nuremburg, and the University of Gottingen. She had a doctorate degree.

3 Emmy Noether Emmy Noether was a German Jewish mathematician known for her landmark contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics. Emmy also made a German textbook on graduate abstract algebra called Moderne Algebra.

4 Emmy Noether Abstract algebra is the set of advanced topics of algebra that deal with abstract algebraic structures rather than the usual number systems. The most important of these structures are groups, rings, and fields.

5 Emmy Noether Theoretical physics is a branch of physics which employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena.

6 Interesting Facts About Emmy Noether
She was offered a position at the University of Gottingen, but the faculty of the philosophy department objected to a female lecturer. She spent the next four years researching and teaching under the name of one of the men who invited her to the university, David Hilbert.

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