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Dictators Gallery Walk.

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Presentation on theme: "Dictators Gallery Walk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dictators Gallery Walk

2 Prompt #1 Based on what you have learned about these leaders and their countries, what are some of the causes of WWII?

3 Totalitarianism, Fascism, & Nazism

4 Political Systems Totalitarianism Fascism Communism Nazism

5 Stalin/ Soviet Union

6 Mussolini/Italy

7 Hitler/ Germany

8 Hitler’s Rise Mein Kampf written in prison
Hitler and Nazis promised redemption for Germany

9 Germany Rearms Military

10 Germany Expands

11 Germany Expands Austria Sudetenland
Anschluss (political union)  Austria says no Hitler invades, many welcomed him Britain and France protested; Hitler kept going Sudetenland



14 What specific actions did Hitler take to expand the German empire?
Turn-and-Talk What specific actions did Hitler take to expand the German empire?

15 Timeline Scramble Place the events beginning WWII in chronological order using the following sections in your textbook: 17.1 & 17.2

16 Document Analysis Causes of WWII in Europe

17 Prompt #2 What cause do you think had the strongest affect in leading to war in Europe? Explain in 2-3 sentences.

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