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IENG 451 / 452 Standardized Work: TAKT Time, Standardized Work Charts

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1 IENG 451 / 452 Standardized Work: TAKT Time, Standardized Work Charts
IENG Lecture 19 Standardized Work: TAKT Time, Standardized Work Charts 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies (c) D.H. Jensen

Hoshin Planning, Takt, Heijunka Involvement, Lean Design, A3 Thinking JUST IN TIME INVOLVEMENT JIDOKA Standardized Work 5S TPM Kaizen Teams Suggestions Safety Activities Hoshin Planning Flow Heijunka Takt Time Pull System Kanban Visual Order (5S) Robust Process Involvement Poke Yoke Zone Control Visual Order (5S) Problem Solving Abnormality Control Separate Human & Machine Work Involvement STANDARDIZATION Standardized Work Kanban, A3 Thinking Visual Order (5S) Hoshin Planning STABILITY Standardized Work, 5S, TPM Jidoka, Heijunka, Kanban 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies

3 IENG 451 Operational Strategies
Standardized Work Leveraging on Productivity: Mass Prod.: Machines are Fixed Costs – maximize their utilization Run the machines constantly and at full speed Add extra people (as needed) to keep the machines running Increase WIP to keep the machines from being starved for work when problems arise Lean Prod.: People are Fixed Costs – maximize their utilization Move people from machine to machine to make the product as required Load/unload and transfer parts easily, utilizing the adaptability of the people Adjust work cycles in response to demand changes Lean Prod.: Right-Size Machines – keep fixed costs low and flexible Right-Sized machines are cheaper and can be tailored in-house Right-Sized machines are simpler and more robust Right-Sized machines are easily adjusted to demand changes Lean Production requires us to standardize the work 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies

4 IENG 451 Operational Strategies
Why Standardize Work? Process stability drives repeatability Clear operating conditions at each station Organizational learning Problem solving is improved Employees become involved Kaizen is easier (the Muda is visible) Training is easier 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies

5 Prerequisites for Standardized Work
Standardized work is incompatible with instability Common sources of instability: Quality problems – if our supply of good components is disrupted, production stops Problems with machinery, tools, fixtures – if our tooling and equipment are not available when we need them, production stops Parts shortages – if our parts supply is disrupted, production stops Safety and ergonomics problems – if workers are hurt or slowed, production stops. Terms for stoppages: Starved – an up-stream process cannot produce, so we run short of parts Blocked – a down-stream process cannot produce, so we run short of space Malfunction – our station cannot produce, so we run short of our quota 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies

6 Elements of Standardized Work
Standardized work is composed of three elements: TAKT Time This is the rate at which we do the work at each station, to produce in coordination with our demand Work Sequence These are the steps that we do at each work station to produce what is demanded In-Process Stock These are the components that we use to produce value at each workstation, adjusted to meet our demand 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies

7 Elements of Standardized Work
TAKT Time – (a German term) is the unit production time required to meet demand – the time between output units. It comes from the sound of a metronome – the regular rate that synchronizes all the instruments in the orchestra It is similar to, but not the same as Cycle Time – which is the actual time required to do the process. TAKT and Cycle Time should be synchronized as much as possible. TAKT Time = Net Operating Time / Period Req’d Production Units / Pd 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies

8 Elements of Standardized Work
Work Sequence – These are the elements of work, in the time order that they are accomplished, to make a product. This should be communicated visually, in order … showing: Proper posture for the operation How the hands and feet should move How to hold the tool(s) Ins and Outs of the job (institutional knowledge / experience) Quality check(s) Critical safety items We do these with a human focus and constantly improve the sequences using team involvement! 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies

9 Elements of Standardized Work
In-Process Stock – this is the minimum number of unfinished work required for the operator to complete the process without waiting for a machine. The operator idle time should be ZERO, so we sometimes increase WIP: if quality checks require additional workpieces (i.e. n = 5 for a control chart) if process conditions must return to normal to start a cycle (i.e. temperature must drop before the next injection cycle) if the machine cycles automatically (i.e. fixed cycle time) or if machine operation is in the reverse order of the process (no example here – just take the textbook on faith?) 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies

10 IENG 451 Operational Strategies
Questions & Issues 11/22/2018 IENG 451 Operational Strategies (c) D.H. Jensen

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