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The Role of User Interface for Home Area Networks

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of User Interface for Home Area Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of User Interface for Home Area Networks
Ishak Kang 577 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA P: Blog: empowering self-control™

2 Benefits of the a smart grid?
Operational efficiency AMI/MDM Reliability of service Centralization vs. Micro-grids Atmospheric carbon reduction Transition to renewable generation Cost-savings? Not immediate, but long-term

3 Smart Grid as a Four Party Marketplace
Who is the 1st party? Utility Telco/MSO Vendor Consumer New role for 4th party? Security Ease of use Support Apps

4 Who’s HAN is it anyway? Is it the “edge of the smart grid?”
Who’s paying for it? Financing? What is the opportunity cost? Value proposition? Convenience Functionality Savings?

5 We are Predictably Irrational
Context is King Theory of Affordances (the action possibilities of which a person is aware) Choice Architecture (frame the options) Jevon’s Paradox (resource is squandered if cheap) Spimes (killer app: Google your shoes)

6 Standardized User Interfaces Everywhere
We interact with UI daily Key to safety, efficiency, and behavior change Universal is best

7 References for Further Discussion
Four Party Market Model Envisioned by Doc Searls, Berkman Fellow at Harvard, director of ProjectVRM (vendor relationship management) Predictably Irrational Title of 2008 book by Dan Ariely, Behavioral Economics professor at Duke Choice Architecture Coined in Nudge, a 2008 book by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, professors at U. of Chicago Theory of Affordances Title of 1977 article by Psychologist James J. Gibson, later expanded as Cognitive Design by Donald Norman, professor at Northwestern U. Spimes Coined by Bruce Sterling in his 2007 book, Shaping Things

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