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International Workshop on Usability and Biometrics: NIST Welcome

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1 International Workshop on Usability and Biometrics: NIST Welcome
Martin Herman, Ph.D. Chief, Information Access Division Introduction Manager of the Image Group within the Information Access Division at NIST Many of you have no doubt become accustom to Mike McCabe coming from NIST to give an annual update on the progress of the ANSI/NIST Standard. Well after 41 years of Federal service, Mike retired at the end of September. Some of you may know Elaine Newton who has been delegated Mike’s responsibilities. Elaine regrets having a prior commitment and not being able to be here to give this presentation in person. So that means you are stuck with me! I come with the customary update on the ANSI/NIST Standard, but Glen McNeil also asked that I provide some information on some of our biometric testing – specifically MINEX and Latent. But before I dive into these topics, I thought it would be good to start off with sharing a little bit about who is NIST, what do we do, and why are we relevant to you, the users of AFIS technology

2 Purpose of Workshop – identify gaps and opportunities for further research and standards in biometric usability NIST’s Information Access Division is a co-host

3 Usability and Biometrics
NIST IAD has a history of biometrics research going back decades NIST IAD has a history of usability research since the mid 1990’s Recognized that usability could enhance performance of biometric systems (e.g., system throughput; biometric sample quality)

4 NIST biometrics work focuses on
Needs of industry, government, and academia in R&D for enhancing biometric technologies Needs from USA Patriot Act and Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act NIST works very closely with DHS and supports US-VISIT (entry/exit system for foreign visitors) Needs for law enforcement & Intelligence Community NIST works very closely with the FBI Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) – largest biometrics database in the world; Next Generation Identification (NGI) NIST works closely with National Institute of Justice on DNA NIST works closely with the R&D components of the Intelligence Community Needs for Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12 Personal Identity Verification (PIV) ID card for federal employees and contractors Needs defined by White House National Science & Technology Council (NSTC) Subcommittee on Biometrics and Identity Management “National Biometrics Challenge”

5 What NIST does in biometrics
Standards Development Work with others to accelerate the development of consensus-based standards which are closely coupled to the stated needs of private industry Development of test and evaluation methods Develop metrics, testing design, evaluation methodology, performance & conformance testing, data collection and formatting Perform tests and evaluations On both research systems and vendor products Develop and transfer technology

6 NIST biometrics modalities
Fingerprints (Includes Latent Fingerprints) Face Iris Voice DNA Multimodal

7 NIST biometric standards activities
NIST Standards ANSI/NIST ITL Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Other Biometric Information – used in law enforcement and interagency biometric data exchange NIST Special Publication Biometric Specification for Personal Identity Verification – as part of FIPS for PIV cards American National Standards International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) International Standards International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC)

8 Finger Projects [ELFT] Evaluation of Latent Fingerprint Technologies
Evaluate and advance latent fingerprint matching technologies Fast Fingerprint Capture Evaluation Develop methods and standards for evaluating next generation fingerprint acquisition systems; e.g. contactless and 3D [MINEX] Minutia Exchange Tests MINEX04 -- Interoperability of INCITS 378 fingerprint template Ongoing MINEX -- Supports compliance for Personal Identity Verification (PIV) program MINEXII -- Fingerprint template interoperability with Match-on-Card technologies [PFT] Proprietary Fingerprint Template Testing SDK fingerprint matcher tests [SlapSeg] Slap Segmentation Tests Evaluate the performance of slap fingerprint segmentors

9 [FRVG] Face Recognition Grand Challenge
Face Projects [FRVG] Face Recognition Grand Challenge Advance state of the possible with face recognition [FRVT] Face Recognition Vendor Tests Evaluate state of the possible with face recognition Evaluation of Face for US-VISIT

10 [ICE] Iris Challenge Evaluation
Iris Projects [ICE] Iris Challenge Evaluation Evaluate the accuracy of iris matching technologies [IREX08] Iris Exchange Test Study and compare accuracy and interoperability as related to iris compression levels and alternative image formats Evaluation of Iris for US-VISIT

11 Speaker Recognition Tests
Voice Projects Speaker Recognition Tests Evaluation of speaker identification technologies Voice Biometrics Develop methods for standardized voice enrollment followed later by 1-to-many speaker identification

12 DNA Projects Develop standards and methods for processing and matching DNA

13 Multiple Biometrics Large-Scale USG Systems (e.g. FBI IAFIS/NGI & DHS US-VISIT) Conduct benchmarking & performance evaluations Develop and evaluate next generation biometric capabilities & integration of standards Evaluate system interoperability [MBARK] Multimodal Biometric Application Resource Kit Develop client-side technologies and standards for multimodal biometric acquisition [MBGC] Multiple Biometric Grand Challenge Evaluate performance with multimodal use of face and iris Quality Develop standards and methods for evaluating and utilizing biometric sample quality

14 Recent NIST IAD usability research
Usability engineering Industry Usability Reporting (IUSR) Project Goal: Develop family of usability standards to support reporting on the usability lifecycle process. This includes requirements, formative, and summative testing Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability: Approved by ISO SC7-SC4: Software Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability – General Framework for Usability-related Information Interactive Intelligent Systems Today’s computing power resides with end users (as opposed to central computing facilities). Novel interfaces (e.g. virtual environments and wearable devices) and novel interactions (e.g. haptic devices, touch screens, speech) require novel evaluation methods and new metrics for measuring system effectiveness Evaluation includes principles of usability (efficiency, effectiveness, user satisfaction), but also whether novel technologies actually provide utility to the end user. Applied interactive system utility measurements against some hard problems in both the intelligence community (IC) and the military (DARPA). Usability and Accessibility for Voting Systems Today’s voting systems have poor usability and accessibility. NIST was called upon in the HAVA Act to provide technical assistance to develop standards and test methods to improve voting system usability and accessibility.

15 History of NIST IAD Usability and Biometrics
2004: began researching usability and biometrics; worked with MBARK interface design and testing 2005: funding from DHS S&T; habituation study – differences in male/female and age relationships to quality; height study 2006: health and safety user perceptions; a taxonomy of definitions; usability process view of biometric capture process; 10-print timing study 2006: National Biometric Challenge Document: call for “biometric sensors that are easy to use” and "biometric systems that have intuitive interfaces for the operators and end users.” 2007: accessibility; symbols study; height-angle study; Biometrics Consortium Conference special session on Usability and Biometrics 2008: submissions to ISO on symbols; phase 2 of symbols – face and iris symbols; face templates study

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