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Register SPID - Wholesaler

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Presentation on theme: "Register SPID - Wholesaler"— Presentation transcript:

1 Register SPID - Wholesaler
Graham Hainsworth

2 Today’s agenda MOSL plan Introduction Outline of the process
Creating core data Adding service components Adding a discharge point Wrap-up

3 ? 1.5 REC Welcome to the CMOS Portal Administration webinar Feedback
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Welcome to the CMOS Portal Administration webinar Feedback 1.5 REC ? Introduce Presenters - Session being Recorded - This sessions is being recorded and will be made available after the event via the MOSL web pages Phone lines will be muted - Telephone lines will be muted throughout the presentation to ensure a high quality recording Questions taken at the end We will open the telephone lines at the end of the presentation to take any questions If you wish to ask a question during the presentation please use the chat facility Duration of the session This session is scheduled for 1.5hrs however we don’t expect it to take the full allotted time… User Manuals Additional information can be found in the User Manuals, now available and covers everything you will learn today.

4 Overview of the process for registering a new supply point
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction In this section: Overview of the process for registering a new supply point Some key terms

5 Registering a SPID Creating core data: T101.W; T137.M/W
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Creating core data: T101.W; T137.M/W Notify new SPID: T102.M Adding a discharge point: T121.W, T123.W, T128.W, T168.W Adding service components: T139.W, T140.W, T129.W, T133.W, T144.W, T145.W, T147.W, T149.W, T158.W, T159.W, T181.W Adding meter data: T104.W, T114.W, T136.W, T168.W Wholesaler transactions Retailer transactions Provide effective from date: T107.W Adding retailer data to SPID T146.R, T112.R, T160.R, T156.R, T132.R Registering a retailer: T103.R Notify tradable SPID: T135.M Reject registration: T103.M The process for creating a new Supply Point is a multi-stage process that requires data to be added by several Trading Parties. it uses several transactions to build the full set of data In several stages Most parts done by wholesaler and others by the retailer The SPID itself goes through a simple lifecycle from NEW to PARTIAL to TRADABLE Most but not all transactions are required. The process has loose dependencies, for example the transactions don't need to be executed strictly in the order shown in diagram. And they don’t need to be all executed at the same time. If you are the Wholesaler for the new Supply point then you will need to: Add Discharge Point data if these apply at the Supply Point Add Service Components Add Meter data Provide a date by which the Supply Point should be effective, ie the connection complete date. If you are a Retailer, then you may need to register that Supply Point in the name of your Organisation. There are other types of Retailer data that you may need to provide for new Supply Point (eg Billing Address, Meter Location, etc). For a full definition of process refer to CSD 0101 Registering a SPID

6 Registering a SPID Creating core data: T101.W; T137.M/W
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Wholesaler transactions Retailer transactions Creating core data: T101.W; T137.M/W Notify new SPID: T102.M Registering a retailer: T103.R Adding a discharge point: T121.W, T123.W, T128.W, T168.W Reject registration: T103.M Adding service components: T139.W, T140.W, T129.W, T133.W, T144.W, T145.W, T147.W, T149.W, T158.W, T159.W, T181.W Adding retailer data to SPID T146.R, T112.R, T160.R, T156.R, T132.R Adding meter data: T104.W, T114.W, T136.W, T168.W This session will cover a few of the key parts of the wholesaler parts of the process Raising the request for a new SPID and entering the core data via a T101.W Adding some service components with a T139.W Attaching a discharge point with a T121.W This is just a representative sample of the process Once the basic concepts are understood the remaining parts are very similar Future training sessions will cover the retailer parts of the register new SPID process and adding meters to a SPID. Provide effective from date: T107.W Notify tradable SPID: T135.M Registering a SPID

7 Some key terms Discharge Point v. DPID Supply Point v. SPID
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Some key terms Discharge Point v. DPID Supply Point v. SPID Service Component Supply Point A Supply Point is the key entity in the system. It is equivalent to the eligible premises, ie the point at which services are provided. And it is the contestable entity, ie the bit that can be transferred between retailers It can have one water service and/or one sewerage service. But not more than one of either. The SPID is just the unique id for that supply point. Where there are both water and sewerage services provided at a single supply point then the SPID core will be the same for both. But there will be two variants, one with a “W” to denote the water part of the SPID and one with a “S” to denote the sewerage part. Discharge point This is the point at which Trade Effluent Services are provided: A Discharge Point will always relate to a Sewerage Services Supply Point; and There may be more tan one of them at any supply point A DPID is the unique id for that discharge point Service Component These are the specific types of services that are provided at a particular supply point. For example A Water Services supply point may have: Metered Potable Water, Metered Non-Potable Water, Assessed Water, Unmeasured Water and Charge Adjustments A Sewerage Services supply point: Metered Foul Sewerage, Assessed Sewerage, Unmeasured Sewerage, Surface Water Drainage Services, Highway Drainage Services, Trade Effluent Services and Charge Adjustments; In all cases the MAP is the best place to get to definitive definitions of terms. However, the key terms are also defined in the user guide.

8 How to get to the starting point
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction In this session How to get to the starting point Entering data via a T101.W – Request New SPID transaction How pairing works Some basics on data validation What happens after submission

9 Select Market Information menu Select T101 Submit New SPID Request
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Select Market Information menu Select T101 Submit New SPID Request

10 This will open the following transaction screen
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction This will open the following transaction screen For information on the data that is needed to populate this screen refer to CSD 0301 or the user guide

11 Standard features Pre-filled
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Standard features Pre-filled Where possible the system will help you by pre-filling fields In some cases these are non-editable and other you can change the pre-filled value

12 Standard features Pre-filled Drop-downs
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Standard features Pre-filled Drop-downs Where there is a limited set of values that are allowed for a particular field then these can be selected from the drop-down list For example, New Connection Type can be for standard new connection type, a gap site or a change of use. Drop downs are indicated by the inverted triangle icon at right hand side of field

13 Standard features Pre-filled Drop-downs Check boxes
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Standard features Pre-filled Drop-downs Check boxes Where the data item requires a simple boolean type value (on/off or yes/no type fields) then a check box is often used.

14 Save and cancel buttons
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Standard features Pre-filled Drop-downs Check boxes Save and cancel buttons Cancel is used to abort the entry of data and submission of the transaction. Save is used to submit or send the transaction to CMOS.

15 Pairing SPIDs Either by Other SPID, or Pairing Reference
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Pairing SPIDs Either by Other SPID, or Pairing Reference Pairing of SPIDs is a key part of the creation of a new supply point. Bear in mind that the T101.W can only be used for one part of the supply point at a time, ie either the water part or the sewerage part. So there needs to be a mechanism to identify to CMOS when a new supply point is being requested that this should in fact be linked to another SPID because they are both at the same supply point. This uses the other SPID field or the pairing reference field. When you know what the SPID is for the other service component then you use the Other SPID field to enter this value. If you are creating the water and sewerage parts at the same time it is likely that you won’t know the other SPID for either. So in this situation you use the Pairing Reference field. This needs to be a unique text reference that is common to both parts of the Supply Point. If there is no other SPID, either because there is only one service category at the SPID or the other service category is not eligible, they you indicate this by selecting the appropriate code in the Pairing reference reason Code. Refer to CSD 0101 for more details on pairing SPIDS

16 Some basics on validation Field data type
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Some basics on validation Field data type Firstly for fields that have a data format type it is not possible to enter a value that is not of the correct type. For example, the UPRN filed has to be an integer so it is not possible to enter a character

17 Some basics on validation Field data type Screen level checks
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Some basics on validation Field data type Screen level checks In this example, screen level checks stop you from leaving mandatory fields blank. This is the case for the Service Category and the New Connection Type fields. The Postcode field example is different. In this case the problem is that too many characters were entered for that field. In both cases the screen level error message is displayed in the screen before the Save button is pressed.

18 Some basics on validation Field data type Screen level checks
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Some basics on validation Field data type Screen level checks Validation rules Some Validation rule checks kick in after the Save button has been pressed In this case the error occurred because No value was entered in any of the Other SPID, Pairing Reference or Pairing Reference Reason Code fields.

19 Using the Connectivity Scenario 1 example
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Using the Connectivity Scenario 1 example Field Data Retailer Id Select from list Pairing Reference Enter a unique reference Service Category Water New Connection type Standard new connection VOA BA Ref Reason Code No number - property not yet rated UPRN Reason Code No number - missing Entry from the NLPG Secondary Addressable Object 5 Primary Addressable Object Street Postcode A valid postcode To work through an example Entering the data from the Connectivity Scenario 1. With other fields left blank

20 The screen looks like this The press Save
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction The screen looks like this The press Save

21 Using the Connectivity Scenario 1 example
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Using the Connectivity Scenario 1 example You get confirmation that the new Supply Point has been created with the SPID as shown And other data as you entered. The happy path

22 Using the Connectivity Scenario 1 example
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Using the Connectivity Scenario 1 example Alternatively, to check that the new SPID has been created, you can search the Market Info, as shown. There may also be some open transactions related to continued creation of this supply point. You can find these in the Open Transactions List.

23 Search by address or postcode, for example.
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Search by address or postcode, for example. You can see the newly created supply point listed at the bottom of the screen. The one with SPID W10.

24 Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction You can also see, in the open transactions list, a transaction requesting you to submit the connection completer – T107.W transaction Note – this is the same SPID as the one we created, ie ending in ….77W10

25 How to get to the starting point
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction In this session How to get to the starting point How to enter service component data using a T139.W Tradable SPIDs

26 Getting to the starting point Select Market Information menu
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Getting to the starting point Select Market Information menu Select Search Market Information Search for required SPID Click on W (Water) for the required SPID which will take you to the Supply Point screen Click the T139.W button This is the sequence of events.

27 Select Market Information menu Select Search Market Information
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Select Market Information menu Select Search Market Information

28 Search for required SPID
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Search for required SPID Click on W (Water) for the required SPID which will take you to the Supply Point screen

29 Click the T139.W button Wrap-up Adding a discharge point
Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Click the T139.W button

30 Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction The T139.W screen This is the screen to enter the service component data. It follows the standard approach and has the same type of features as the T101.W screen. In this case there is one field for each the service components that can apply to a water SPID. The equivalent transaction screen (ie for the T140.W) for sewerage service components will show the possible sewerage service component types (eg highway drainage or surface water run off). Select the appropriate Tariff Code from those available in the drop-down list. Then press “save” The process for adding the other service component data is the same. Market info search Select the right supply point Open the relevant info screen Click on the relevant transaction button The user guide explains this for all transactions.

31 Adding a discharge point: T121.W, T123.W, T128.W, T168.W
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Creating core data: T101.W; T137.M/W Notify new SPID: T102.M Adding a discharge point: T121.W, T123.W, T128.W, T168.W Adding service components: T139.W, T140.W, T129.W, T133.W, T144.W, T145.W, T147.W, T149.W, T158.W, T159.W, T181.W Adding meter data: T104.W, T114.W, T136.W, T168.W Wholesaler transactions Retailer transactions Provide effective from date: T107.W Adding retailer data to SPID T146.R, T112.R, T160.R, T156.R, T132.R Registering a retailer: T103.R Notify tradable SPID: T135.M Reject registration: T103.M PARTIAL NEW TRADABLE retailer service component Meter customer At this point it is saying a little about TRADABLE supply points. A supply point goes through a number of different states, eg NEW, PARTIAL and TRADABLE. After a successful T101.W the SPID is created and the supply point has status NEW When a retailer has accepted the registration, it acquires a status of PARTIAL. For a supply point to be TRADABLE it must satisfy a number of conditions. It must have: a SPID Status of PARTIAL (ie have a retailer that has accepted the registration by submitting a T103.R at least one valid Service Component and associated Tariff on the Supply Point Effective From Date. The service components are added to the supply point using a T139.W or a T140.W an associated meter with an Initial Meter read on or before the Supply Point Effective From Date, if the SPID has any metered Service Component. This uses the T104.W; and a customer name associated with it. This uses a T132.R So the T139.W in itself doesn’t make the supply point tradable, but it is a necessary pre-requisite.

32 Basic concepts for a discharge point How to get to the starting point
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction In this session Basic concepts for a discharge point How to get to the starting point How to attach a discharge point to supply point, using T121.W How to search for a discharge point Other stages in building a discharge point

33 Use T123.W to associate a discharge point with a meter
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Many supply points will have trade effluent services provided. To do this the supply point will need to have, one or more, discharge points. These will always be attached to the sewerage service component of the supply point The DPID is the unique identifier for that discharge point at the supply point. The main transaction for creating a discharge point is a T121.W – Submit DPID. But the process may also: Use T123.W to associate a discharge point with a meter Use T128.W to qdd a trade effluent special agreement Use T163.W to submit calculated discharge details

34 Getting to the starting point Select Market Information menu
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Getting to the starting point Select Market Information menu Select Search Market Information Search for required SPID Click on S (Sewerage) for the required SPID which will take you to the Supply Point screen Click the T121.W button

35 Select Market Information menu Select Search Market Information
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Select Market Information menu Select Search Market Information

36 Search for required SPID
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Search for required SPID Click on S (Sewerage) for the required SPID which will take you to the Supply Point screen

37 Click the T121.W button Wrap-up Adding a discharge point
Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Click the T121.W button

38 Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction T121.W transaction screen This is the data entry screen to submit a T121.W. A very large screen! Enter the data required. Please refer to the user guide or CSD 0301 for details. One point to mention. The DPID is user entered, unlike the SPID which is system generated. The main condition is that the DPID you choose must we unique at that supply point. This screen has similar data entry features and a similar approach to validation rules as shown for the other screens. Then press Save to enter.

39 To search for a discharge point
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction To search for a discharge point The usual search via market information menu. You actually search for the supply point at which the discharge point is attached. Note this will be a sewerage supply point

40 To search for a discharge point
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction To search for a discharge point This brings up this results screen The top one in the list has a “D” box, as shown. This indicates that there is a discharge point at that supply point. Click on the “D” to bring up the details for that discharge point. This will be open on the core data part

41 Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Using advanced search Alternatively you can use an advanced search for a discharge point. In this case the search was by DPID You can see that it brings up the same supply point in the search results list.

42 Completing the data for discharge points
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Completing the data for discharge points Use the T121.W repeatedly to add more discharge points Use T123.W to associate a discharge points with a meter Use T128.W to add a trade effluent special agreement Use T163.W to submit calculated discharge details For T123.W, T128.W and T168.W Can use market information search, or Can use open transactions list To complete the build of a discharge point you may need to use some or all of these transactions. In fact you may need to use some of them repeatedly. To get to these transactions, you can use a standard market info search to find the relevant discharge point. Alternatively you can look in the open transactions list

43 Via the open transactions list
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction Via the open transactions list To complete the build of a discharge point you may need to use some or all of these transactions. In fact you may need to use some of them repeatedly. To get to these transactions, you can use a standard market info search to find the relevant discharge point. Alternatively you can look in the open transactions list

44 Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction This is the open transactions list, after submitting the T121.W Submit DPID

45 CLCDDTLSBM: Submit Calculated Discharge Details (T168.W)
Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction CLCDDTLSBM: Submit Calculated Discharge Details (T168.W) DPMTRACSBM: Submit Discharge Point Meter Association (T123.W) TRDEFSASBM: Submit Trade Effluent Special Agreement (T128.W) You can see three open transactions – one each for the T123.W, the T128.W and T163.W This gives you the opportunity to select any of these three transactions to continue the build of a discharge point.

46 Wrap-up Adding a discharge point Adding service components Creating core data Outline of the process Introduction You have learnt: How to use CMOS to register a new supply point (from a wholesaler’s perspective) Some basic principles of CMOS use: searching market info; submitting transactions; data validation; and the open transaction list There is a parallel training session that covers this from a retailers perspective.

47 Thank you… REC Feedback ?

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