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Wei Le and Mary Lou Soffa University of Virginia

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1 Wei Le and Mary Lou Soffa University of Virginia
Refining Buffer Overflow Detection via Demand-Driven Path-Sensitive Analysis Wei Le and Mary Lou Soffa University of Virginia

2 Motivation Detect where buffer overflow can occur
Buffer overflow: 20 years since Morris Worm, still the most common exploit Challenge: eliminate exploitable buffer overflows Detect where buffer overflow can occur Determine cause and remove it 2

3 Problems of Static Approaches
Detection Precision: false positives Report for errors does not provide much information for diagnosis report an overflow point in the program Not fully automatic: manual annotation 3

4 Our Goals and Approaches
Goal: automatically identify paths on which a buffer overflow can occur and report the path segment that causes the overflow Challenge: huge number of paths Approach: interprocedual path-sensitive for precision and help diagnosis demand-driven for scalability 4

5 Five Types of Paths Infeasible: no input can exercise the path
Safe: no input can overflow the buffer Vulnerable: users can write any content to the buffer Overflow-user-independent: the buffer content is statically determinable Don’t-know: the buffer status cannot be judged statically 5

6 strlen(wbuf)+rootd+1+ strlen(resolved) > LEN strcat(resolved, wbuf)
An Example Safe Infeasible Overflow 1 y n resolved wbuf 2 3 rootd = 1 rootd = 0 4 \0 \0 strlen(wbuf)+rootd+1+ strlen(resolved) > LEN 5 LEN = 6 y n exit 6 rootd == 0 y wu-ftpd realpath.c 7 n strcat(resolved, “/”) 8 strcat(resolved, wbuf) 6

7 strlen(wbuf)+rootd+1+ strlen(resolved) > LEN strcat(resolved, wbuf)
Demand-Driven Analysis Solved char resolved [LEN ] …… Q053 (LEN-1<l, f) Q153 (LEN<l, f) 1 Q052 (LEN-1<l, f) y n 2 3 rootd = 1 rootd = 0 Infeasible 4 Q05 (LEN-1-rootd<l, f) Q15 (LEN-rootd<l, f) strlen(wbuf)+rootd+1+ strlen(resolved) > LEN 5 exit Q0 Q1 y n 6 rootd == 0 Q1 (s+1<l, f) s: strlen(resolved)+strlen(wbuf) l: sizeof(resolved) f: wbuf y 7 n strcat(resolved, “/”) 8 Q0 (s<l, f) strcat(resolved, wbuf) 7

8 The Demand-Driven Model
PVS (potentially vulnerable statement) strcpy(a,b) Query sizeof(a) > strlen(b), flag Information for Updating Queries char a[9] Propagation Rules interprocedural, loop, join point, infeasible Resolving the Query false, flag = user input 8

9 Approach Propagate Program Feasibility Detection PVS Infeasible Node
Paths Node Information Overflow Properties Raise Query Propagate Query Update Query Resolve Query Yes Propagate Results Label Paths No 9

10 Experiments Purpose Implementation: Microsoft Phoenix APIs[phoenix]
Existence of the 5 types of paths Benefit of demand-driven analysis Implementation: Microsoft Phoenix APIs[phoenix] Benchmarks 9 programs, size K LOC the BugBench[06lu] and Buffer Overflow Benchmark[03Zitser] 10

11 Experimental Results Benchmark Path Types Vul CNST UnK Safe
polymorph-0.4.0 966 ncompress-4.2.4 288 man-1.5h1 16 24 gzip-1.2.4 1 bc-1.06 >50,000 >30,000 squid-2.3 4 2 wu-ftp 4320 18,624 sendmail 48 648 BIND 11

12 Experimental Results All defined types of paths exist
Problematic paths manifest certain complexity Memory usage: 9-65MB Time cost: s

13 User Scenario Entry PVS

14 User Scenario Entry Overflow User Independent Vulnerable PVS

15 User Scenario Entry Overflow User Independent Vulnerable PVS

16 User Scenario Benchmark Average Path Size #P #B polymorph-0.4.0 2.5
25.9 ncompress-4.2.4 2.0 27.8 man-1.5h1 1.8 14.3 gzip-1.2.4 3.0 5 squid-2.3 1.0 6.8 wu-ftp 3.8 33.6 sendmail 35.5 BIND 23.5 User Scenario Entry Overflow User Independent Vulnerable Root Cause PVS

17 Related Work Static Detection for Buffer Overflow
ARCHER[03xie] BOON[00wagner] ESPx[06hackett] Prefast[ms] Prefix[00bush] Splint[96evans] Path-Sensitive Analysis for Defects ARCHER[03xie] ESPx[06hackett] ESP [02das] IPSSA[03livshits] MOPS[02check] Prefix[00bush] Demand-Driven Approach A general framework[96Duesterwald] Application for dataflow computation[96Duesterwald], infeasible detection[97bodik], memory leak[06Orlovich] , postmortem analysis[04Manevich] 17

18 Conclusions A categorization of five types of paths for buffer overflow An interprocedual demand-driven path-sensitive diagnosis tool for identifying the type of paths through a potential overflow Experimental results that demonstrate the path types existing in real program 18

19 Thank you and Questions?

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