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Brîff 7 Munud – Cleisio Bruising - 7 Minute Briefing

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1 Brîff 7 Munud – Cleisio Bruising - 7 Minute Briefing

2 1. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Bruising occurs after a bump or injury which damages underlying capillaries and causes leaking and collection of blood in the soft tissue under the skin. Usually bluish or purple coloured, bruises gradually fade through shades of yellow or green – usually after around two weeks. Many factors affect the colour of the bruise, including the amount of blood that leaks after injury, the amount of force applied and the amount of tissue damage incurred, the age of the person injured and the underlying colour of the injured person’s skin. The precise age of bruises is impossible to estimate by colour. Mae cleisio yn digwydd ar ôl clec neu anaf sy’n niweidio capilarïau gwaelodol ac sy’n achosi i waed ollwng a chasglu yn y meinwe meddal o dan y croen. Fel arfer bydd cleisiau lliw glas neu biws yn diflannu’n raddol gan newid i liw melyn neu wyrdd – fel arfer ar ôl tua phythefnos. Mae sawl ffactor yn effeithio ar liw y clais, gan gynnwys faint o waed sy’n gollwng ar ôl yr anaf, faint o rym a roddir a faint o ddifrod i feinwe a achoswyd, oedran yr unigolyn sydd wedi’i anafu a lliw gwaelodol ei groen. Mae’n amhosibl amcangyfrif union oedran cleisiau yn ôl eu lliw.

3 2. BETH YDYW ? WHAT IS IT? Mae cleisiau mewn plant actif yn gyffredin ac fel arfer cânt eu hystyried yn anafiadau “normal” mewn plentyndod. Fodd bynnag, gall cleisiau hefyd fod o ganlyniad i gam-drin corfforol neu gyflyrau meddygol difrifol. Mae’r Adolygiad Achos Difrifol ar gyfer Baby Peter, y gwnaeth ei fam guddio ei gleisiau gyda siocled, yn ein hatgoffa fod rhaid i ymarferwyr fod yn wyliadwrus a gofyn am eglurhad boddhaol am gleisiau ar blant. Bruises in active children are common and often are considered "normal" childhood injuries. However, bruises may also be the result of physical abuse or some serious medical conditions. The Serious Case Review for Baby Peter, whose bruises were hidden with chocolate by his mother, stands as a reminder that practitioners must remain alert and seek a satisfactory explanation for bruising on children

4 3. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Cleisiau yw'r anaf mwyaf cyffredin i blentyn sydd wedi’i gam-drin yn gorfforol. Po ieuengaf yw’r plentyn, y mwyaf o risg yw nad damwain oedd y cleisiau. Nid yw’n anghyfreithlon i riant daro eu plentyn, cyn belled â bod y ‘smac’ yn cyfrif fel cosb resymol. Mae cosbau afresymol yn cynnwys smac sy’n gadael marc neu glais ar blentyn, neu ddefnyddio offeryn i daro’r plentyn, fel gwregys neu ffon. Mae cam-drin corfforol yn achosi niwed difrifol, hirdymor yn aml – ac mewn achosion difrifol, marwolaeth. Bruising is the most common injury to a child that has been physically abused. The younger the child, the greater the risk that bruising is non accidental. It is not illegal for a parent to hit their child as long as the ‘smack’ amounts to ‘reasonable punishment Unreasonable punishment is classed as a smack that leaves a mark or bruise on the child, or the use of an implement to hit the child, such as a belt or cane. Physical abuse causes serious, and often long-lasting, harm – and in severe cases, death.

Mae cleisiau ar fabanod ifanc iawn ar unrhyw le ar y corff, yn anghyffredin. Mewn babanod iau na 9 mis, heb gyflwr meddygol hysbys, mae cleisiau yn arwyddion tebygol o gam-drin. Wrth i blant ddechrau cerdded, gwelir cleisiau yn amlach. Ar ôl 9 mis oed, gwelir cleisiau yn aml ar y crimogau a’r pengliniau. Rhwng 9 mis a 4 oed, nid yw’n anghyffredin i blant glecio a chleisio’r talcen. Mae rhannau o’r corff na chaiff eu heffeithio’n aml ar blant o unrhyw oedran, ond sy’n gyffredin ar blant sy’n cael eu cam-drin yn cynnwys y wyneb, pen, gwddf, prif ran y corff, a’r pen-ôl. Bruises in very young infants in any location are uncommon. In infants less than 9 months, without a known medical condition, bruises are likely indicators of abuse. As children begin to walk, bruises are seen more frequently. After 9 months of age, bruises commonly are seen on the shins & knees. Between 9 months and 4 years of age, it is not unusual for children to bump and bruise the forehead. Parts of the body rarely affected in children of any age but common in abused children include the face, head, neck, trunk, and buttocks.

O ganlyniad i amddiffyn eu hunain, mae’n bosibl y bydd gan blant sy’n cael eu cam-drin gleisiau ar flaenau eu breichiau, cefn eu coesau, eu dwylo neu eu traed. Mae clystyrau o gleisiau yn nodwedd gyffredin ar blant sy’n cael eu cam- drin. Gwelir cleisiau sydd â smotiau o waed dan y croen o’u hamgylch yn fwy cyffredin mewn plant sy’n cael eu cam-drin. Yn aml bydd ôl yr offeryn a ddefnyddiwyd neu’r llaw i’w weld ar gleisiau. As a result of defending themselves, abused children may have bruising on the forearm, upper arm, back of leg, hands or feet. Clusters of bruises are a common feature in abused children. Bruises which have dots of blood under the skin around them are found more commonly in abused children. Bruises can often carry the imprint of the implement used or the hand

A ofynnwyd i rieni/gofalwyr am eglurhad a phryd sylwyd ar y cleisiau gyntaf? Ydi’r eglurhad yn cyd-fynd â’r cleisiau, hanes achos a cham datblygiad y plentyn? Have parents/carers been asked for an explanation & when was bruising first noticed? Is the explanation compatible with the bruising, case history and the child’s stage of development?

8 7. GWEITHREDU ACTION Os oes plentyn wedi’i anafu’n ddifrifol ffoniwch 999 Mae anaf, cleisiau neu farc a allai fod yn glais, ar blentyn o unrhyw oedran a ddaw i sylw gweithiwr proffesiynol yn fater ar gyfer ymchwiliad a phryder. Dylai anafiadau ar blentyn nad yw’n symud o gwmpas godi amheuaeth o gamarfer ac arwain at atgyfeiriad brys at Wasanaethau Cymdeithasol i Blant a barn pediatreg brys. If a child has been seriously harmed call 999 Any injury, bruising, or mark that might be bruising, in a child of any age that is brought to the attention of a professional is matter for inquiry and concern. Injuries in a non-mobile child should raise suspicion of maltreatment and result in an immediate referral to Children’s Social Care and urgent paediatric opinion.

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