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SAT Vocabulary List # 7.

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1 SAT Vocabulary List # 7

2 1. Copious Adj. Produced or existing in large quantities
While reading the textbook, Suzi took copious notes to use later as she studied for her history test.

3 2. Cupidity N. Greed, especially for money
Hank did not really see his wife’s cupidity until they'd been married for a few years.

4 3. Decadence N. Decline or decay in a society’s morals
By looking back in history, we can see how decadence is slowly seeping into our culture.

5 4. Dilatory adj. Slow to act
Because of his dilatory efforts in finding a job, Bodi lost out on getting hired by the new company.

6 5. Emulate V. To try to be like somebody successful or admired
When we emulate successful people, we use them as a role model to help us in our decisions.

7 6. Genial adj. Having a kind and good-natured personality
I like to be around Audrey because her genial manner helps me feel comfortable with her.

8 7. Gravity N. The seriousness of something
Paul did not realize the gravity of the situation he had put himself in when he snuck out of his house late at night.

9 8. Hiatus N. A break in something
About this time of year we need a hiatus from our school work so we are excited about Christmas break.

10 9. Ponderous adj. Moving heavily
The ponderous bear inched its way up to mountain to his cave for his long winter nap.

11 10. Puerile adj. Childishly silly or immature
Brett did not realize how puerile he was being when he kept yelling out silly comments during class.

12 11. Relegate V. To move to a less important position
When Kia was relegated to the job of dishwasher from being a waitress, she decided to quit that job and find another one.

13 12. Rebuttal N A contradiction to something
Now that you've heard the accusations, you can make a rebuttal statement.

14 13. Tenuous adj. Unconvincing, not based on anything significant
Lance’s ideas seem to be more tenuous than meaningful.

15 14. Trepidation N. Fear or uneasiness about the future
Because her voice kept cracking while she sang,Patti was filled with trepidation after she auditioned for the leading role in the musical.

16 15. Wane V. To decrease gradually in intensity or power
I am always sad when I see the moon wane after enjoying the light from a full moon.

17 Vocab Practice Assignment
Using all the words, write a story about a student. Be sure to use each word correctly in the sentence and underline it. Scott’s genial personality helped him make a lot of friends at his new school. He never participated in puerile activates that irritated the teacher.

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