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Departure from what is normal, proper, right, expected ** deviation

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1 Departure from what is normal, proper, right, expected ** deviation
Aberration (n) Departure from what is normal, proper, right, expected ** deviation

2 for this specific purpose; improvised syn: makeshift
Ad hoc (adj) for this specific purpose; improvised syn: makeshift

3 Bane (n) The source or cause of fatal injury, death, destruction, or ruin; poison syn: spoiler **rain

4 syn: mawkishness, mush, schmaltz
Bathos (n) Intrusion of commonplace or trite material into a context whose tone is lofty or elevated; exaggerated sentimentality syn: mawkishness, mush, schmaltz

5 Cantankerous (adj) Ill-tempered, quarrelsome; difficult to get along or deal with syn: cranky, testy, peevish, irascible, ornery **cranky tank

6 syn: sophistry, quibbling
Casuistry (n) The determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by the application of general ethical principles; specious argument syn: sophistry, quibbling

7 Syn: in actuality, in point of fact
De facto (adj) Actually existing or in effect, although not legally required or sanctioned; (adv) in reality, actually Syn: in actuality, in point of fact ** the facto is…

8 ***a predator would plunder
Depredation (n) The act of preying upon or plundering Syn: looting, pillage, outrage ***a predator would plunder

9 Syn: sympathy, compassion
Empathy (n) A sympathetic understanding of or identification with the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of someone or something else Syn: sympathy, compassion **sympathy

10 A fore runner, herald; (v)to herald the approach of Syn: (n) precursor
Harbinger (n) A fore runner, herald; (v)to herald the approach of Syn: (n) precursor

11 syn: pleasure seeking, sensuality
Hedonism (n) The belief that the attainment of pleasure is life’s chief aim; devotion to the pursuit of pleasure syn: pleasure seeking, sensuality ***enjoy-ism

12 Lackluster (adj) Lacking brilliance or vitality; dull syn: vapid, insipid, drab, flat **lacking luster/shine

13 Malcontent (adj) discontented with or in open defiance of prevailing conditions; (n) such a person **not content

14 Mellifluous (adj) Flowing sweetly or smoothly; honeyed
syn: euphonious, musical **fluidity

15 Nepotism (n) Undue favoritism to or excessive patronage of one’s relatives **favoritism

16 Pander (v) To cater to or provide satisfaction for the low tastes or vices of others; (n) a person who does this Syn: to indulge **pamper

17 A minor sin or offense; a trifling fault or shortcoming
Peccadillo (n) A minor sin or offense; a trifling fault or shortcoming syn: indiscretion ***petty misdeed

18 Piéce de résistance (n)
The principal dish of a meal; the principal event, incident, or item; and outstanding accomplishment syn: chief d’oeuvre ***centerpiece

19 Remand (v) To send or order back; in law, to send back to jail or to a lower court ** remit, return

20 **symptoms may point to ….
Syndrome (n) A group of symptoms or signs that collective characterize or indicate syn: complex, pattern **symptoms may point to ….

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