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Oral Presentation Reminders

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1 Oral Presentation Reminders

2 Watching the Disciplinary Oral Presentations
As you watch the group oral presentations, you’re going to be performing a standards check on the thinking you see presented. Remember that the purpose for each group is To show that they can create, focus, and support a clear position on a Q at I within their discipline (or one of its cognates) To show that they understand the disciplinary concepts, assumptions, implications, and points of view involved in answering this Q at I (i.e. apply Nosich chapter 3) To show that they can present a complex issue in terms of the kinds of thinking that might go on in your discipline(s), using its f&p concepts To show that they can weigh outcomes and alternatives, and develop a defensible pitch that answers/solves their Q at I and shows their collective excellence in critical thinking.

3 So when you watch and take notes,
Ask yourself how effective the presentation is. Apply the CAIR standards to what you hear; how good a job did they do? At the end of the presentations, you’ll be ranking the teams on how well they did in the five target areas and on their overall presentations. The “winners” in each category will receive extra credit on their presentation grades. So take good notes as you listen so that you can be informed voters!

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