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Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49

2 Place this in the proper place
Physical Science May 4, 2017 Place this in the proper place Last day to turn in Solar system booklet is tomorrow. Planner grading tomorrow

3 link

4 Write your summary from Last Class’s notes on Last Class’s paper
Write your summary from Last Class’s notes on Last Class’s paper. Last class’s EQ was: Essential Question: What energy burst is the 2nd most powerful energy source in the universe?

5 Summary We had a standard opening. We finished the Solar System booklet, and watched videos on singularities, nebulas, supernovas, and meteors. I learned

6 Singularities Essential Question: Why do they call it a pulsar?
Topic/Objective: Name: Singularities Class/Period: Date: Essential Question: Why do they call it a pulsar?

7 Warm Up

8 1. Name the planet


10 2. Name the planet


12 3. Name the planet


14 4. Name the planet


16 Answers

17 1. Name the planet


19 Name the planet Mars

20 2. Name the planet


22 2. Name the planet Neptune

23 3. Name the planet


25 Name the planet Jupiter

26 4. Name the planet


28 Name the planet Saturn

29 Homework Planner and Solar booklet graded tomorrow

30 Today’s Work 1. Finish Solar System booklet 2. Deep space objects

31 Black holes
Deep space objects Black holes Open & Globular Star Clusters Nebula slides Supernovas & Remnants Quasars Pulsars

32 Space Exploration Brief history of rocketry -

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