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How were genetics involved?

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1 How were genetics involved?
(3 – 5 sentence answer)

2 Why do you look like you look? What made you the way you are?
Heredity Why do you look like you look? What made you the way you are? All of your genetic information is contained on your CHROMOSOMES!! GENES are on your chromosomes!! DNA is found on your genes!!

3 Different organisms contain different numbers of chromosomes!!
Dogs - 78 Cats – 38 Human body cells 46 chromosomes 23 from mom 23 from dad 23 pair of chromosomes Each pair has a number from 1-23. Chromosome 1 from dad/mom have similar genetic information. This is also true for the other 22 pairs.

4 These chromosome pairs are called
HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES Genes that determine a specific trait are found in the same location on that pair of chromosomes Example: the gene that determines ear shape is located in same place on 2 homologous chromosomes.

5 Sex Chromosomes In humans, females have 2 “X”
chromosomes. So, each egg contains one “X” chromosome. Males have both an “X” and a “Y” chromosome. Each sperm cell contains either an “X” or a “Y” chromosome.

6 Those homologous chromosomes carry the genes that make you—YOU!!
Those two make up your GENOTYPE Genes passed to offspring. Genotype determines Phenotype. PHENOTYPE Actual (expression) Physical appearance.

7 Dominant and Recessive Alleles
Different forms of same gene are called Trait Trait Made By Dominant Allele Recessive Hair Type Curly or Wavy Straight Color Dark Light Earlobe Free Attached Dimples Present Not ALLELES Alleles will be either: Dominant = Stronger Trait Recessive = Weaker Trait Many traits are controlled by a single gene. Look at the table to the right for examples of human traits.

8 Identifying Genotypes and Phenotypes
Genotype trait is written as 2 letters. Dominant Allele-- Capital Letter Recessive Allele-- Lowercase Letter The allele that causes free earlobes is dominant over the allele for attached earlobes. So F is used for free earlobe gene. What do you think is used for attached earlobe gene? Lowercase f

9 ff Ff Homozygous genotypes FF a.k.a--Hybrid
Offspring receive 2 copies of each gene-1 from each parent. 3 possible genotypes FF, ff, or Ff The 2 alleles are the exact same-- “Homo” ---“the same.” Homozygous genotypes Homozygous Dominant-- FF ff Homozygous Recessive-- a.k.a--purebred “Hetero” --- “different.” Heterozygous genotype 1 dominant allele and 1 recessive allele-- Ff a.k.a--Hybrid

10 Punnett Squares are used to predict results of genetic crosses.
Mating of 2 parent organisms Punnett Squares are used to calculate probability of genotypes/phenotypes in offspring.

11 Let’s make a Punnett Square with the information below.
Predict outcome of crossing tall pea plant with short pea plant. First, we must know the genotype of each parent plant. There are 3 possible genotypes : TT, Tt, and tt Genotype of pure tall plant : TT <---- It has 2 dominant alleles Genotype of pure short plant : tt <--- It has 2 recessive alleles. To make a Punnett Square, 1st separate the parent alleles. Place 1 pair across top of square, and other pair down the left side. t t Genotype – Genes/letters Tt Tt T tall tall Phenotypes – physical Tt Tt T tall tall Dominant Gene always 1st in genotype

12 T t TT Tt T Tall Tall Tt tt t Tall Short TT, Tt, tt
Let’s consider a cross between 2 plants with heterozygous genotypes : Tt (mom) x Tt (dad) T t Probability of tall plants? TT Tt T Tall Tall 3 out of 4, or 75%. Tt tt Probability of short plants? t Tall Short How many possible genotypes here? 1 out of 4, or 25%. TT, Tt, tt How many phenotypes? Tall , Short

13 We’re done! Let’s answer some questions.
1. 2 different forms of the same gene are called A. phenotypes. C. dominant traits B. genotypes. D. alleles 2. An organism’s expressed traits make up its A. recessive traits C. phenotype B. genotype D. alleles 3. A pea plant that is homozygous dominant for seed color is crossed with a pea plant that is homozygous recessive for seed color. Since yellow is the dominant color, the letters Y and y represent the genes for seed color. What cross represents these 2 plants? A. Yy x Yy C. YY x yy B. YY x Yy D. Yy x yy

14 4. Suppose you crossed a pea plant that has round seeds (R)
with a pea plant that has wrinkled seeds (r). If 50 percent of the offspring have round seeds and 50 percent of the offspring have wrinkled seeds, what are the genotypes of the parent plants? Make a Punnett Square to help you answer the question. 5. You meet a person and notice that she has dimples. What can you say for sure about the phenotypes of her parents? A. At least 1 of her parents has dimples. B. Both of her parents have dimples. C. Neither parent has dimples. D. 1 of her parents does not have dimples

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