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Counterculture and Environmental Movement

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1 Counterculture and Environmental Movement
Ch. 21 Sec. 1/4

2 The Counterculture Rises
Arose in the 1960s Challenged the values of mainstream American society and reasserted traditional values The Beat Movement and Civil Rights movement prompted people to question traditional boundaries Restrictions on rights Cultural norms (dress/hairstyles)

3 “Don’t trust anyone over 30”
Distrust of authority Valued youth, spontaneity, and freedom of expression Hippies- peace, love, and freedom New dress/music New attitude towards sexual relationships Increase in recreational use of drugs Generation gap- Lack of understanding and communication between the older and younger generations


5 Defining Counterculture
Rock-and-roll Beatles Bob Dylan Protest songs highlighted civil rights and peace movements Communes- small communities in which the people have common interests and share resources Younger generation did not oppose premarital sex and rejected many sexual traditions- “sexual revolution”


7 Defining Counterculture
Haight-Ashbury (district of San Francisco) became the center of counterculture Timothy Leary preached that drugs could free the mind and encouraged youths to “tune in” to drugs and “drop out” of mainstream society High rates of drug abuse which led to increased crime

8 Counterculture Ends Drug addictions/overdoses increased
Violence contradicted the values of “peace and love” Rolling Stones concert the Hells Angles provided security and stabbed to death a young black man when he approached the stage Values became shallow and self-centered But…. The ways of protest would influence the growing “rights revolution”

9 Environmental Activists Speak Out
Public awareness of environmental issues prompted questions about the gov’s role in environmental regulations Toxic waste- smog/acid rain are produced when nuclear power is generated 1962- Rachel Carson writes Silent Spring Described the deadly impact pesticides have on birds and other animals Insisted human activity changes the environment and human had a responsibility to protect it Her work compelled congress to restrict the use of the pesticide DDT


11 Environmental Actions
Earth Day Nationwide protest to “force this issue onto the national agenda” April 22, million people took part in Earth Day Attracted the support of civil/women’s rights groups Nixon began to support environmental reforms Environmental Protection Agency- clean/protect the environment and limit/eliminate pollutants that posed a risk to health Clean Air Act- combated air pollution and emissions from factories and cars Clean Water Act- limit the pollution of water Endangered Species Act- protection of endangered animals/plants

12 Environmental Setbacks
Love Canal- EPA determined illnesses were caused by thousands of tons of toxic chemicals dumped into the ground Congress established Superfund- restore sites in ways to provide economic or environmental benefits to communities Three Mile Island- nuclear reactor began to melt and the plant threatened to release radioactive gas It was shut down the incident was contained with no health risks and gov temporarily stopped building new nuclear power plants


14 Environmental Setbacks
Began to wonder if the gov enacted too many regulations Conservatives felt they stripped individuals of their property rights Worried that too much regulation would hamper business and jobs by diverting funds to cleaning up Americans remained divided on the role of gov

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