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Office 365 Improves Marketing ROI by Faster Retargeting Via Viewer Engagement Scores Partner Logo “Utilizing Office 365, Didgebridge was able to streamline.

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Presentation on theme: "Office 365 Improves Marketing ROI by Faster Retargeting Via Viewer Engagement Scores Partner Logo “Utilizing Office 365, Didgebridge was able to streamline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office 365 Improves Marketing ROI by Faster Retargeting Via Viewer Engagement Scores
Partner Logo “Utilizing Office 365, Didgebridge was able to streamline access to its proprietary IntelliSmart lead-scoring data through an Outlook Add-in. This integration allows our clients to grow sales by more efficiently retargeting only their highest-scoring leads.” – John McNulty, CEO, Didgebridge SITUATION Didgebridge wanted to reduce the time it took for customers to retarget their hottest campaign leads. Didgebridge clients wanted to access these leads in the convenience of Microsoft Outlook. In the past, clients had to access a separate online portal, which often resulted in delayed access and response time. Didgebridge’s clients needed instant mobile access to this data. OFFICE 365 ISV: Didgebridge WEB SITE: LOCATION: Chicago, IL, USA ORG SIZE: employees OFFICE 365 ISV PROFILE: Didgebridge (DB) is a mobile marketing technology company. DB has developed a proprietary, Microsoft Azure cloud-based platform that transforms static touchpoints such as television, radio, print, stadium and retail displays into mobile video engaging experiences with instant IntelliSmart analytics. Customers include midsize to Fortune 100 companies. SOLUTION Microsoft Office 365 addressed this challenge by allowing Didgebridge clients to have mobile access to data via one Outlook Add-in. Office 365 allows clients the ability to send campaign snapshots and monitor reports from the convenience of Outlook . Utilizing the power of Office 365, with IntelliSmart analytics in the Azure cloud, no matter where sales teams are traveling to they can check their business-class and instantly access a campaign’s highest-scored leads. Office 365 thus helps clients maximize sales time ROI via 24/7 instant mobile data access, allowing for immediate follow-up with most AVID leads. IntelliSmart Leads by Mail BENEFITS Office 365 allows Didgebridge agency partners/clients to access campaign data without leaving Outlook’s inbox and quickly retarget top prospects. Office 365 provides agency partners the ability to improve customer loyalty marketing results and help them score leads based on depth of interest.

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