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#UIADD: UI Automation During Development

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1 #UIADD: UI Automation During Development
Gulshan Yadav and Sowmya H, Senior Quality Specialist SAP LABS India Pvt. Ltd. Logo of your organization

2 Abstract Scalability and Quality is a challenge in agile development where the focus is on continuous/early deliveries. One of the means to achieve high quality in agile/cloud model is to have large scale of automates. The same cannot be achieved via traditional practice of creating automation by test engineers. Question is how to achieve high quality automates? A paradigm shift is needed in product teams - Creating and executing test automates by developers as soon as first UI (Partially or Fully) is ready. This is UIADD (UI Automation During Development). Automation of UI begins in Takt N and tested automatically at the end of Takt. In Takt N+1 and beyond, developer can Create/ Extend UI automates.

3 Quality Challenges in Agile Development/Cloud Model
Continuous Testing Shorter delivery cycles No defect leakage

4 How to overcome the quality challenges in agile/cloud model?
We recommend UIADD Approach – Automate all feasible UI test cases from FIT by development close by developers in collaboration with test engineers (brings automation tool expertise)


6 UIADD – Benefits Early automates focused on UI Improved UI Quality
Daily automated regression tests Reduced Defects Make informed decisions on UI developments/changes

7 References: SAP Internal

8 Author Biography Gulshan Yadav is a Senior Quality Specialist with around 9+ years’ experience in testing SAP functional areas of Business Suite. Sowmya H is a Senior Quality Specialist with around 8 years experience in testing SAP functional areas.

9 Logo of your organization
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