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Creating a Digital Learning Portfolio SI August, 2015

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1 Creating a Digital Learning Portfolio SI August, 2015
Liv Musel-Staloch, Mankato ABE

2 Outline of Presentation:
What does the research say about online learning? Tips to facilitate learning in an online environment Suggestions to design learning activities with standards in mind Different types of online platforms Hands-on review of a sample electronic portfolio Take home technology tips to upload content Resources for further research

3 Have you tried creating an electronic portfolio before?

4 What does the Research Say?
“43 percent of students feel unprepared to use technology as they look ahead to higher education or their work life.” “Technology can equip students to independently organize their learning process. So, instead of being passive recipients of information, students using technology become active users.” (Moeller & Reitzes, 2011)

5 Think-Pair-Share: What are some benefits of using technology with basic skills instruction?

6 Benefits of Integrating Technology:
See Handout Engaged Empowered Better prepared Desirable skills Independence Less vulnerable Responsible parents More personal attention Accommodations Flexibility

7 Best Practices for Online Learning
Share very clear expectations on: how you will communicate how much time students should be working on the course each week Plan to model--A LOT Empower students to access technology Incorporate group work and team students to scaffold skills Use a variety of large group, small group, and individual work activities Focus on content resources that are easily accessed from learner's computers Help students create content related to their goals and needs for purposeful, relevant engagement Provide many ways to reflect and critically think about material

8 Samples of online portfolios
What online classroom platforms are you familiar with? Google Docs Google Classroom Moodle Edmodo D2L

9 Steps to Creating a Portfolio:
Figure out what platform is best for your class needs Determine what standards your course will cover/measure Identify and create course units Chunk out when you can accomplish which standards Set up syllabus based on testing dates & school calendar Design curriculum ahead of time or as you go Get organized--get folders and files going ASAP

10 My Classroom Context: Advanced ESL Learners Pre-Diploma
CASAS 221+ Transition to ABE Coursework is F2F and electronic Pre-Diploma CASAS or TABE Coursework is all electronic Need basic skills development Technology skills Study and self-management skills

11 Contents of Portfolio See Handout Planners/Graphic Organizers
Standards Assignments Project Documents Resources

12 Technology Take-Out Tips
See Handout Don’t feel like you have to do everything at once! Pick a platform that suits your learners and class Use help topics Find resources/research on teaching adults online Open-source options (MERLOT; Khan Academy, OER Commons)

13 Bibliography Learning with Computers: The Theory Behind the Practice
Cromley, Jennifer G, Focus on Basics, Volume 4, Issue C. National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy, December 2000. Integrating Technology with Student-Centered Learning Moeller, Babette & Reitzes, Tim. Nellie Mae Education Foundation, July 2011. Connected Teaching and Personalized Learning: Implications of the National Education Technology Plan Russell, Michael & Lippincott, Joan & Getman, Joan. American Institutes for Research, May 31, 2013.

14 Liv Musel-Staloch

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