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EECS Department University of California, Berkeley

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1 EECS Department University of California, Berkeley
Capture Sensing Simultaneous Access Exploiting the Capture Effect for Greater Spatial Reuse and Higher Bandwidth Xiaofan Jiang EECS Department University of California, Berkeley

2 Capture Effect CSMA What happens when 2 packets collide?
PREAMBLE PAYLOAD PACKET A PREAMBLE PAYLOAD PACKET A At R1: What happens when 2 packets collide? What information can we collect during a collision? How good (bad) is CSMA? PREAMBLE PAYLOAD PACKET B PREAMBLE PAYLOAD PACKET B Nothing! At R2: A R1 A B T1 R1 T2 C R2

3 Capture Sensing Simultaneous Access
According to my table: T2 < T1 -> OK to send T3 > T1 -> NOT OK to send Build a table of stronger-weaker neighbors Propagate tables? Packet format Eliminating hidden-terminal ? A R1 C T1 T2 T3 R2

4 Questions or suggestions?
Status and Plan Future Plans (winter break and spring semester) Choose best one Implementation Deployment Assessment Dissemination Design space in spatial reuse (spectrum) CSMA vs CSSA vs No Carrier Sensing at all Protocol design Apriori vs adaptive 2nd tier tables TTS (CSMA-EX) RTS/CTS Bandwidth gain / (loss) under: Point-point Broadcast Low-power listening Network layer choice Simulation (matlab) Questions or suggestions?

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