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How do video games impact our lives?

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Presentation on theme: "How do video games impact our lives?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do video games impact our lives?
by:Taylor Eaton

2 .Info. You can get a eye for detail.
Studies have shown that when kids have 3 degree burns you can play video games and it will decrease the pain.

3 .Facts. The more you play video games your driving will get better 50% of the time less crashes. If you go online when you are playing a video game you can get a social connection

4 Studies Video games are good for family night or fun night
Some learning games are good for your brain like Minecraft,Mario,Survivalcraft ect.

5 .More facts. Some doctors use video games to help them do the surgery.
50% of the time kids have nightmare from scary games like zombie ones

6 .Websites used. www.bigqustion

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