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Unit 3 Chapter 6 Lesson 1 Review.

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1 Unit 3 Chapter 6 Lesson 1 Review

2 Before the French and Indian War, what land did the British and French both claim?

3 Who built Fort Presque Isle, Fort Le Boeuf, and Fort Duquesne?

4 Who did the governor of Virginia send to Fort Le Boeuf to tell the French to leave?

5 Who is a person, group, or nation united with another for a special purpose.

6 What two groups were allies in the French and Indian War?

7 What is another word for an agreement?

8 What is the surrounding of an enemy by an army trying to capture it?

9 Who won many of the early battles in the French and Indian War?

10 What fort did George Washington surrender on July 3, 1754?

11 In what battle was General Edward Braddock killed?

12 What happened to Fort Duquesne?

13 What fort did the British build in place of Fort Duquesne?

14 What Pennsylvanian led the victorious attack on the Native American village of Kittaning?

15 Who won the French and Indian War?

16 What was the name of the treaty that ended the French and Indian War?

17 What was the Proclamation of 1763 supposed to do?

18 Who fought against each other in Pontiac’s Rebellion?

19 What happened to Fort Pitt?

20 Who, from Lancaster, along with 500 soldiers, beat the Native Americans in the Battle of Bushy Run?

21 What is one thing that Native American warriors NOT do during Pontiac’s Rebellion.

22 -What were the reasons for the French and Indian War?
Can You Explain? -What were the reasons for the French and Indian War? -What were the reasons for Pontiac’s Rebellion?

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