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Presentations that Communicate Results

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Presentation on theme: "Presentations that Communicate Results"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentations that Communicate Results
Presentations that Communicate Results Goal to help students better understand the importance of being able to communicate analytical results. Bob’s class story.

2 Presentations are becoming a more important vehicle for communicating, but presenters aren’t really getting any better at effectively using this important vehicle to get their message understood.  Do you agree with this?

3 Every two years David Paradi asks professionals about presentation experiences. This was accountants last year. 2015

4 Audience overwhelmed with numbers
David Paradi,

5 2017 survey http://www. thinkoutsidetheslide

6 2017 Survey

7 Your opportunity You will teach them skills but need to also show them good examples of presentations.


9 Communicate Prepare presentation Build Models Analyze it Pull together
data visualization is last step hires quantitative backgrounds that suit them well for the other steps (finding the data, pulling it together, analyzing it, building models), but not necessarily any formal training in design to help them when it comes to the communication of the analysis—which, by the way, is typically the only part of the analytical process that your audience ever sees.  Find Data

10 Only part analytical process audience sees
Communicate Only part analytical process audience sees Build Models Analyze it Pull together data visualization is last step hires quantitative backgrounds that suit them well for the other steps (finding the data, pulling it together, analyzing it, building models), but not necessarily any formal training in design to help them when it comes to the communication of the analysis—which, by the way, is typically the only part of the analytical process that your audience ever sees.  Find Data

11 Neuroscience Understand principles of neuroscience and why data visualization is so important to get your points across.

12 Data visualization Science Art
Data visualization—and communicating with data in general—sits at the intersection of science and art

13 Collect good/bad examples
You will teach them skills but need to also show them good examples of presentations.

14 Exploratory vs explanatory 100 oysters example, 2 pearls

15 Concentrate on the “pearls’ of your analysis
Concentrate on the “pearls’ of your analysis. Don’t make your audience “open” and look at everything else.

16 Bob’s class story – students were told I was a non-statistician and they were to report to me a summary. They really presented to him instead even though they also had papers to turn in for grading. Missed the point. And that is how so many students “miss” being able to present well.

17 Spreadsheets are for calculations not for communication.
Include as hidden slides if more info is needed. (Slide #_Enter) Spreadsheets, formulas or graphs with far too much on them. Slide # + Enter for hidden slides

18 Sanitary Sewer Overflows. Table Red numbers – what do they mean
Sanitary Sewer Overflows. Table Red numbers – what do they mean? Title what does it mean?

19 Author took info and put into a graphical representation that “said” something.



22 Nolan Haims webinar Present Your Data
Nolan Haims webinar Present Your Data. Took a lot of time to create the graph on the left but the one on the right is much easier to “read” and understand.

23 Take complex
Take complex graphics charts/tables that the audience won’t understand PPT Slide Makeover #65 Audience will not do math Determine best denominator (per x) Calculate the “per x” values Show the differences in a simple graph

24 Break into pieces
Break it into pieces that the audience will understand. Visual Slide Revolution -

25 The Rule of Two’s is super simple
The Rule of Two’s is super simple. It means that when given a pie chart, you’re only allowed to format two pieces of data. That’s it, only two, which forces you to be crystal clear in what you want to talk about. Step #1: Format the one specific data point in your pie chart that you want to talk about. Step #2: Combine all of the other categories into a single category. Step #3: Add a title describing your highlighted portion.

26 Charts 3-D Many of you will have charts in your presentations and PPT has many charting features, but just be aware that the trend is away from 3-D charts. Though pretty they are hard to read accurately because do you read the values from the front of the 3-D or the back?

27 Charts 2-D 2_D charts are better because 2-D ones are more accurate and simpler. Play around with removing white space too.

28 Bar charts vs. column charts
Bar charts often are better to visually understand.

29 Nolan Haims –
Nolan Haims – This is good but Nolan Haims –

30 Nolan Haims –
Nolan Haims – this is even better. Nolan Haims –

31 Icons good

32 https://nutsandboltsspeedtraining

33 Encourage new trends You will teach them skills but need to also show them good examples of presentations.

34 How to Use Imagery Like the Pros!, Nolan Haims
How to Use Imagery Like the Pros! This is an example of poor use of imagery. How to Use Imagery Like the Pros!, Nolan Haims

35 How to Use Imagery Like the Pros!, Nolan Haims
How to Use Imagery Like the Pros! Same message but image is more impactful. How to Use Imagery Like the Pros!, Nolan Haims


37 Infographics Infographics are another trend. And there are many websites that make the creation of these infographics possible.

38 Flipping Everyone has heard of flipping classrooms - maybe time to flip presentations. Start with results, and then the process

39 This model is successful IF can summarize well
This model is successful IF can summarize well. Encourage students to figure out how they could put analysis first and then drill down to more details. Speaking Up: Surviving Executive Presentations  By Frederick Gilbert Speaking Up: Surviving Executive Presentations By Frederick Gilbert p.105

40 Story telling Extremely effective way to get points across. Cooking example. Follow recipe or once understand how to cook, start experimenting on your own. Tell a story if possible.

41 Know audience Students need to know how to communicate to decision makers who will debate, give input, and make decisions focused on the topic to give audience what they need

42 Presentation slides vs handouts
If the slides have all your content, your PPT will probably be boring. Prepare extra handouts to give at the end if more info is important. Want audience to listen to you, not be reading.

43 Skills You can’t teach them how to use presentation software but you can encourage them to learn how to use them.

44 Outstanding Communicators
How many of you require group presentations in your courses? What about individual ones? Think about your requirements. Are they business professional or more academic in nature.

45 Presentations that Communicate Results
Presentations that Communicate Results Goal to help students better understand the importance of being able to communicate analytical results. Bob’s class story.

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