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Major Battles of the Civil War

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1 Major Battles of the Civil War

2 First Bull Run – July 1861 Manassas, VA
Union expected a quick victory – led by General Irvin McDowell Confederate General Thomas Jackson rallied his troops to stand firm against Union troops – earned nickname Stonewall Jackson Confederates held their ground & Union troops retreated back to Washington, D.C. Lincoln replaced McDowell w/ George McClellan

3 Battle of the Ironclads March 1862
Ironclad – warship covered w/ protective iron plates Battle off coast of VA Monitor – Union Ironclad Merrimack – Confederate Ironclad Battle was a draw

4 Battle of Shiloh - April 1862
Shiloh, TN Union troops led by Ulysses S. Grant Confederate troops led by General Albert Sidney Johnston Confederates - surprise attack on Grant’s troops Union forced Confederates to withdraw from the railroad center Union gained control of western Tennessee & part of Mississippi River

5 Lincoln Fires Another General
George McClellan was too cautious and slow to attack Lincoln replaced him with John Pope

6 Second Bull Run - August 1862
Somewhat of a repeat of First Bull Run Union General Pope attacked Confederate General Robert E. Lee split his army and attacked from behind Union retreated Lincoln replaced General Pope with George McClellan

7 Battle of Antietam Sharpsburg, Maryland Bloodiest DAY of the Civil War
Union - 12,000 casualties Confederates - 14, 000 casualties McClellan’s troops attacked large part of Lee’s army Lee pulled men back McClellan did not continue to attack North claimed victory because Lee retreated Lincoln fired McClellan AGAIN Replaced him with Ambrose Burnside Don’t be hatin’ on my sideburns!

8 Battle of Fredericksburg - Dec. 1862
Fredericksburg, VA Union led by Burnside Confederates led by Lee Confederate victory

9 Emancipation Proclamation – January 1, 1863
Freed the slaves ONLY in areas fighting against the Union, not in the border states Ignored by the South Ended any chance of Confederate surrender

10 Battle of Vicksburg Vicksburg, Mississippi
Siege - surround an area & don’t let anything in or out Union cut off Confederate supplies After 6 weeks, Confederate surrendered Vicksburg Anaconda Plan worked in Vicksburg

11 Battle of Chancellorsville - May 1863
Lincoln replaced Burnside w/ General Joe Hooker Lee split his army in two again Stonewall Jackson - Lee’s right hand man - was accidentally shot by his own men - he lost his arm and died a week later Confederate victory

12 Battle of Gettysburg - July 1863
1st day Confederates took early advantage Union received reinforcements & two days later won battle 50,000 casualties - bloodiest battle Lincoln puts General Ulysses S. Grant in charge of Union army

13 Gettysburg Address - Nov. 1863
People gathered to honor fallen soldiers at Gettysburg Lincoln gave speech to inspire the Union to win the war

14 Sherman’s March to the Sea Sept. 1864-Feb. 1865
Union General William Tecumseh Sherman marched 60,000 troops from Tennessee/Georgia border to Savannah, Georgia destroying whatever was in their path Burned Atlanta & Savannah Then marched north toward the Carolinas

15 Battle of Petersburg Summer of 1864-Spring 1865
Lee & Confederates tried to break Union siege at Petersburg, but failed & retreated towards NC Grant burned and took Richmond – April 3, 1865 Lee & troops trapped in town of Appomattox Court House

16 Appomattox Courthouse
Lee surrendered to Grant on April9, 1865 Confederates had to give up weapons

17 Lincoln’s Assassination
April 14, 1865 Confederate sympathizer, John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the head at Ford’s theater Believed to be part of a conspiracy to kill several key Union leaders Booth trapped and shot 2 weeks later

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