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Annan Academy S2 Information Evening

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1 Annan Academy S2 Information Evening
24th January 2018

2 Programme Curriculum for Excellence and structure of the Curriculum
S3 Curriculum and its place within the BGE The Senior Phase Completing the Pupil Curriculum Plan for S3

3 Curriculum For Excellence
Broad General Education from S1 to S3. Focus on Experiences and Outcomes and progression through these: Early: Pre-school and P1, or later for some 1st: To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some 2nd: To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some 3rd and 4th: S1 to S3, but earlier or later for some (4th level broadly equates to SCQF Level 4 – e.g General level at S Grade, new National 4) Senior Phase from S4 to S6. Working towards National Qualifications and other awards

4 Broad General Education S1 to S3
All pupils must have a Broad General Education from S1 to S3 S1 and S2 Study all subjects S3 Continue to study all subjects Personalise learning by identifying areas to study in greater depth - but still within a Broad General Education Study a blend of Subject Courses and a Theme

5 Subject Courses and Themes
Give opportunities for greater depth of learning in subjects in which pupils wish to specialise. This will be based on pupils’ future needs and aspirations. Themes: Give breadth of learning to maintain a Broad General Education Generally bring together learning, through experiences and outcomes, from across a number of subject or curricular areas Give the possibility of continuing a broader range of interests into the Senior Phase

6 Subject Courses and Themes
Where a pupil is not choosing to study a subject in greater depth through a Subject Course, they will maintain learning in that area through a Theme ( or possibly through Core provision) Pupils will study 8 subject courses and 1 theme Pupils will also study Core Subjects (for 1 or 2 periods each week) – PE, RME, French, HFT, where they are not studying these as Subject Courses. (These will be allocated automatically depending on the Subject Courses chosen and should not be indicated on the Curricular Plan Form)

7 Curricular Areas Language and Literacy Mathematics and Numeracy
English, Modern Foreign Languages Mathematics and Numeracy Science Biology, Chemistry, Physics Social Studies Geography, History, Modern Studies Technologies Computing, Technical, Administration Expressive Arts Art, Drama, Music Health and Wellbeing PE, Home Economics, PSE Religious Studies

8 Senior Phase S4 – S6 In S4 to S6 pupils will be studying for the new National Qualifications Pupils will study 6 subjects in S4, 5 subjects in S5, and up to 5 subjects in S6

9 Senior Phase S4 – S6 New Qualification Old Qualification SCQF Level
National 1, 2 Access 1, 2 1, 2 National 3 S Grade - Foundation, Access 3 3 National 4 S Grade – General, Intermediate 1 4 National 5 S Grade – Credit, Intermediate 2 5 Higher 6 Advanced Higher 7

10 New National Qualification Assessment
Courses at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Some have elements which are internally assessed but moderated by SQA. They will also have an external examination which is graded (A to D). In courses at National 1 to National 4 all assessment is internal but moderated by SQA. Courses are Pass/Fail with no grades.

11 Senior Phase S4 to S6 In the second half of S3, pupils will plan pathways through the Senior Phase towards their planned post-school destination Support to do this from School staff Parents SDS Colleges etc Careers evening Pupils will be able to review and revise pathways each year.

12 S3 Curriculum and completing the Pupil Curriculum Plan
Continue to study all subjects 8 Subject Courses and 1 Theme Information to help: S3 Curriculum Information Booklet Pupil Reports Pupil Curriculum Plan Form

13 Annan Academy S2 Information Evening
24th January 2018

14 THE TRANSFER PROCESS Reports – already issued
S2 Parents Evening – 11th January Curriculum Information Booklet Curriculum Plan forms issued Pupil Support visit tutor-groups Information Evening – Wed 24th January Pupil and Parent meetings with Pupil Support – w/c 29th January

15 S3 curricular Plan form

16 Points to Note NOTES: Pupils who wish to take the Beginners’ German must also choose French as a subject course and must have a recommendation by their teacher for the Beginners’ German as a second foreign language. The Media Theme is aimed at pupils who had one period of a Modern Foreign Language in S2. Completed Pupil Curriculum Plan forms must be returned to Tutors by Friday 9th February 2018.

17 Groups 1 to 3 NOTES: The ‘Combined Science’course is aimed at pupils who have yet to achieve at level 3 in Science. The Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses are aimed at pupils who have achieved at level 3 and will be working on Level 4 Experiences and Outcomes S2 Teachers have made recommendations regarding Subject Courses for S3.

18 Choose three subjects and one theme
Groups 4 to 7 Choose three subjects and one theme

19 Groups 8 to 9


21 …and finally

22 S3 CURRICULUM PLAN FORM Reminder: choose 8 subjects and one theme Please ensure that you return the completed form by the deadline date: 9th February 2018

23 Annan Academy S2 Information Evening
24th January 2018

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