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Michele Dugger Team Lead

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Presentation on theme: "Michele Dugger Team Lead"— Presentation transcript:

1 Michele Dugger Team Lead
Specialized Events Michele Dugger Team Lead

2 Purpose How WolfePak can handle special events such as: Voided Tickets
Transfer of Tickets Netted Statements Marketer Statements and Payments Run Statement Options customized to the Operator’s wants This presentation will show you a variety of WolfePak’s new features such as marking tickets as voided, transferring tickets, Netted statements for those Buy and sell customers, paying marketers, and new Operator Run Statement options. All of the new features were put in place to help save and make daily or monthly processes more efficient.

3 Void Tickets Allows for the identification of missing tickets
Will not extract to Revenue Will not print on Operator Run Statements WolfePak has added the ability to mark Run Tickets as voided. The ability to mark tickets as voided allows you to better track tickets and helps identify missing tickets. This was put in place for those of us who still have to deal with those old school paper tickets. Most often, you give a driver a ticket book. They leave a copy at the lease and turn a copy into you. Well what happens if a ticket gets coffee spilled on it you can’t read it ? More importantly what if you have a ticket missing every month and your driver is stealing oil and selling it. Before you had no way of knowing a ticket was missing, but now you do. A few facts about the new Void Ticket feature are: Voided tickets will not extract to Revenue. Voided tickets will also not print on Operator Run Statement In fact the only info required to enter when marking a ticket as voided is the Ticket date and the ticket number.

4 Void Tickets Notice the new Void Ticket check box on the Run Ticket

5 Void Tickets Once the Run Ticket is marked Voided and saved, the system will automatically move the ticket from the Entry>Daily Run Ticket area to the Historical> Daily Run Ticket area. The ticket is then locked and cannot be altered.

6 Transfer Tickets Ability to Transfer Tickets from one station to another Used for tracking Inventory No Price effect Another new feature WolfePak has added to help improve efficiency and the tracking of inventory is the Transfer Tickets feature. This new menu item gives you the ability to transfer tickets from one offload station to another offload station. Some real world examples of why you may want to use this feature might include moving oil from one or your tanks to a blending station, or maybe a tank was damaged and you need to move the oil to a different tank. This new option is used for tracking the transfer of oil for inventory purposes and will have no price effect on the ticket at all

7 Transfer Tickets This new feature is located under the Enter Ticket section of the menu “Transfer Tickets and because it is a separate entry form from the Enter Run Ticket screen system security can be set-up to only allow certain users to use the feature.

8 Transfer Tickets To use the new Transfer Tickets Entry-
Enter the date of the transfer, in this example we will use 7/31/2018, Enter the ticket number and then the station we want to transfer the oil from, in this example I moved oil from my “ABS” (Abilene Station) and then don’t forget to designate the Tank/Meter . Next, we enter the station the station we transferred the oil to, in this example it is my Delivery station and the applicable tank/meter. And finally enter the net BBLS that we transferred. The system will automatically create a new ticket with the same ticket number ”Transfer-1” with a ticket date of 7/31/2018. This time the Load property on the new ticket is the station that we transferred the oil from and the ticket source states “Transferred”. The offload station is the station we chose to transfer the oil to “DELIVE”. Notice this new ticket has no pricing information and therefore has no price effect. Again this feature is for the tracking of inventory only.

9 Trades with Netting of BBLS
Allows First Purchasers who are using the Buy (Run Statement) and the Sales (Sales Statement) to net the two within the system. Netted Statements will keep Buy info in a separate section from the Sales for ease of reading. Will either Pay Operator or Operator will owe Purchaser G/L Entries are treated as if Operator was not Netted This new feature allows First Purchasers who are using the Buy (Run Statement) and the Sales (Sales Statement) to net the two within the system. Netted Statements will keep Buy info in a separate section from the Sales for ease of reading. When the statement is generated it will either Pay the Operator or the Operator will owe for Purchases General Ledger Entries are treated as if Operator were not Netted.

10 Trades with Netting of BBLS

11 Buy/Sale Load Tab - Run Ticket is entered to the property with the Buy Contract Offload - Offload is entered to the station with the Sales Contract

12 Buy/Sale

13 Statements

14 Marketer Statements and Payments
Ability to send Marketer Statements as well as Payments Set up Scales and Rates Set up Marketer in Payroll and assign Marketer Rate Attach Marketer Rate to Price Contract Enter Tickets Seamlessly send Marketer info to the Payroll system for payment

15 Setup

16 Setup

17 Payroll Setup

18 Price Contract

19 Enter Tickets

20 Marketer Statement

21 Preliminary Report

22 Final Report

23 Final Report

24 Payroll Cycle

25 Marketer Payment

26 Operator Run Statement Options
Determine how each Operator’s Run Statement will look Mass Change Option Allows for you to save time by running each operator’s statement as they would like to see it, without having to run the statement multiple times

27 Operator Run Statement Options

28 Mass Change Utility

29 Run Statements

30 Questions ?

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