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The Detector Status Overall progress Subsystem status

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1 The Detector Status Overall progress Subsystem status
The next steps and workshop goals Francesco Forti, INFN and University, Pisa SuperB Workshop IX, Perugia, June 16, 2009

2 Detector Proto-Techboard
Detector Coordinators – B.Ratcliff, F. Forti Technical Coordinator – W.Wisnieswki SVT – G. Rizzo DCH – G. Finocchiaro PID – N.Arnaud, J.Va’vra EMC – D.Hitlin  F.Porter, C.Cecchi IFR – R.Calabrese Magnet – W.Wisniewski Electronics, Trigger, DAQ – D. Breton, U. Marconi Online/DAQ – Offline SW – Simulation coordinator – D.Brown Fast simulation – M. Rama Full Simulation – F. Bianchi Rad monitor – Lumi monitor – Background simulation – M.Boscolo, E.Paoloni Machine Detector Interface – Structure inside subsystem being setup Some engineers identified June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

3 Detector R&D plan for the TDR
Main parts of Babar to reuse Quartz bars of the DIRC Barrel EMC CsI(Tl) crystal and mechanical structure Superconducting coil and flux return yoke. Sys R&D Engineering SVT Layer 0 thin pixels Low mass mechanical support Silicon strip layers Readout architecture DCH High speed waveform digitizing CF mechanical structure Gas speed, cell size Barrel PID Photon detection for quartz bars Standoff box replacement Forw PID Time of flight option Focusing RICH option Mechanical integration. Electronics EMC LYSO characterization Light detection Readout electronics Forward EMC mechanical support IFR Fiber disposition in scintillator Location of photo-detectors ETD High speed data link Radiation hard devices Trigger strategy Bhabha rejection June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

4 Manuela Boscolo Eugenio Paoloni
Background Manuela Boscolo Eugenio Paoloni

5 F.Forti - Detector Status
Machine backgrounds Two colliding beams radiative Bhabha  dominant effect on lifetime e+e- e+e- production  ~3% contribution to lifetime, important source for SVT layer-0 Single beam synchrotron radiation  strictly connected to IR design Touschek  negligible in BaBar, important in SuperB beam-gas intra-beam scattering June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

6 F.Forti - Detector Status
Background status Geant 4 model Interaction region has been modeled The magnetic field is in place Beam pipe model is in place Pair production source simulated with Geant4 Multiple scattering on beam pipe important Effect on design of beam pipe and layer 0 Critically undermanned effort Background simulation essential for the design of many subdetectors Some additional manpower foreseen, but more is needed June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

7 SVT Giuliana Rizzo

8 F.Forti - Detector Status
SVT Update R&D work reorganized to prepare a baseline for TDR with: Layer0 based on hybrid pixels: Better chance (w.r.t to newer technologies) to meet the Layer0 requirements for the TDR timescale 50x50 mm2 pitch - first front-end chip & pixel sensor in production in Sept. ‘09. R&D on pixel module support/cooling & interfaces (similar for all pixel options) Layer1-Layer5 similar to BaBar SVT Layer0 pixel options under study Hybrid Pixels CMOS DNW MAPS Lower material & improved performance Continue R&D on thin pixels technology (SLIM5VIPIX Collaboration-INFN) CMOS DNW MAPS + Vertical Integration technology very promising for Layer 0 but not yet mature for TDR timescale. First DNW MAPS chip realized with two thin CMOS layers interconnected  first results by end of 2009  if positive could be seriously considered for Layer0 performance improvement Sensor Digital tier Analog tier Wafer bonding & electrical interconn. Pixels with Vertical Integration June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

9 SVT – management structure (responsibility for TDR preparation)
SVT Convener G.Rizzo Det. Optimization- N. Neri FastSim – TBD FullSim – TBD MDI & Backg. – E. Paoloni temporarily SVT SW Mechanical Structure Phys (TBD) + F. Bosi (Eng.) External Layers Coordination L.Vitale Layer 0 Coordination G. Rizzo temporarily Electronics DAQ & DT M. Villa-M. Citterio Mechanical structure Sensors L. Bosisio Front-end Electronics V. Re HDI-Peripheral Electronics M.Citterio Testbeam S. Bettarini June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

10 DCH Giuseppe Finocchiaro

11 F.Forti - Detector Status
DCH – Management WBS structure defined timeline still to be outlined Funding request from Canadian collaborators Budget granted by NSERC for travel and personnel related to the TDR for two years: Apr 2009-Mar 2010 New request for hardware associated with prototypes to be submitted this fall based on TDR studies completed by October. Organizational issues Contact persons to the 5 main areas are identified Rama (DGWG, FastSim), Finocchiaro (Background), Robertson (FullSim), Felici (Electronics) June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

12 F.Forti - Detector Status
DCH –ongoing work Studies on system design Fast simulation studies on subsystems boundaries for design optimization – LNF Detailed simulation of gas mixtures and cell geometry with Magboltz/Garfield/Heed – Carleton Comparison and Preliminary overall design for drift chamber (e.g. endplate considerations, square vs. hexagonal cells, all-stereo, etc) – TRIUMF/UBC Laboratory work at LNF Gas infrastructure completely redone External tracker recomissioned Test tubes inserted and working First cosmic ray data collected (80%He-20%isob.) Analysis ongoing Laboratory work at UVic experimental validation of Magboltz/Garfield/Heed description of candidate gas properties (gain, drift velocity, diffusion, clustering) June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

13 F.Forti - Detector Status
DCH - plans Plans for the Perugia meeting Review of ongoing activities Define timeline for TDR Choosing among main DCH design options: Shape of endplates Cell geometry Gas mixture crucially depends on the expected backgrounds. The single most important piece of information we need for the design of the SuperB DCH is the background simulation June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

14 Nicolas Arnaud Jerry Va’vra
PID Nicolas Arnaud Jerry Va’vra

15 F.Forti - Detector Status
PID group progress (1/2) Orsay: - FastSim developments: selectors, general PID code, forward TOF detector - DGWG studies - Glue study of BaBar bar boxes using di-muon events - Just initiated engineering study of the forward PID region - Proposal to be submitted for a SuperB co-funding of two activities: / Design of prototype electronics boards for barrel and forward PID detectors / Test bench to study PMTs (in particular MCP-PMTs) Paris: - One individual physicist is joining the PID system (part-time involvement) - Formal lab commitment expected by Fall if things proceed well SLAC: - Study of ASIC BLAB2 chip electronics on FDIRC prototype in Cosmic Ray Telescope (CRT) - Study of ASIC Target chip done on a TOF prototype with a laser - New SOB design, made of a solid fused silica  Laboratory Directed R&D (LDRD) proposal - An iteration of a new TOF geometry will be proposed to the PID/EMC group Hawaii: - Various studies of the BLAB2 chip to understand its behavior in the CRT test - Work on new Monte-Carlo constants for FDIRC prototype’s test in CRT - Continuing support of the DAQ system & off-line analysis for the CRT test June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

16 F.Forti - Detector Status
PID group progress (2/2) Ljubljana: - Aging tests of MCP-PMTs in progress - Evaluation of the aging behavior of MaPMTs in HERA-B in progress Padova: - Engineering study of the barrel PID - Work on understanding SiPMTs for a forward TOF detector Cincinati: - FastSim studies of the PID barrel: make the simulation more realistic test additional reco methods to extract more information Novosibirsk: - Continuation of Focusing Aerogel RICH (FARICH) R&D / MC: momentum resolution, impact on Vub through inclusive semileptonic B decays / FastSim implementation / tests of front-end electronics - Collaboration with SLAC on the MC simulation of the PID barrel - Construction of a beam line at the collider VEPP-4M to test prototypes Maryland: - Plans for a laser setup to study MaPMTs June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

17 F.Forti - Detector Status
This week Parallel sessions - 3 (Tue. evening, Wed. morning) dedicated to status reports (groups, R&Ds) - 1 (Wed. afternoon) common with EMC to discuss about the forward PID detector  more discussion expected at the integration // session on Thu. evening Main goals - Status update of the barrel PID activities: QA, disassembly & reassembly procedures, etc. - Getting a better understanding of the forward PID system: / first performance studies / location & space constraints on the SuperB forward side  design + mechanical studies Timeline - no evolution (limited manpower & money) - decision about the forward PID in the coming year - clarification of the DIRC bar boxes status expected in the coming months June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

18 Claudia Cecchi David Hitlin
EMC Claudia Cecchi David Hitlin

19 F.Forti - Detector Status
EMC status - I Forward endcap Much progress in understanding detailed crystal layout and mechanical structure for the beam test Michel Lebeau on board for structural design Goal is a to have an alveolar structure in hand by October One half of LYSO crystals ordered from St. Gobain Crystal dimensional tolerances still being sorted out Other half to be ordered presently from SIPAT/SIC CLEO CsI(Tl) crystals to be used on perimeter to catch tails of showers will be in hand by the end of June Still in very early stages of understanding the full endcap mechanical design An LYSO crystal with PD and APD readout has been exposed to LNF electron beam – results being analyzed The type of readout to be used is still under discussion June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

20 F.Forti - Detector Status
EMC status II Rear endcap Preliminary results from fast sim study of effect of rear endcap coverage on improving S/B in B→ tn bear out original estimates of ~factor of 2 improvement New logarithmic spiral strip design cuts number of channels by one order of magnitude, to 1152 channels of fiber/SiPM readout Alternating layers of right spiral, left spiral, radial provides good effective segmentation, spatial resolution and ambiguity resolution Studies of spiral fabrication and readout are underway 2020 31 cm 75 cm June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

21 IFR Roberto Calabrese

22 F.Forti - Detector Status
From Orsay to Perugia IFR End of Orsay meeting R&D needs evaluate different readout options evaluate the possibility to bring the photon-detectors out of the iron impact of neutron background on SiPM Iron Structure: new structure vs partial recycle of BaBar iron (or total recycle) impact on the budget impact on the performances Now studies in progress + simulation needed studies completed (will be reported in this meeting) preliminary tests done first cost evaluation waiting for the simulation June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

23 F.Forti - Detector Status
From Orsay to Perugia IFR End of Orsay meeting Simulation and detector optimization need to build reconstruction tools in the full simulation to optimize the detector perform detector optimization Fast sim: need to parameterize the hadronic showers - improve the muon selector Prototype preparation structure design started electronics design started Management structure almost fine. few roles still to be covered - persons identified Now first version of digitizer, clusterizer and track fitter almost ready ready to begin optimization - background simulation needed first version ready design continues - need to take into account modification from R&D studies waiting for contracts June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

24 F.Forti - Detector Status
Goal for this meeting IFR Review advancements and achievements in all the development areas Particular focus on simulation for detector optimization: a lot of work still to do at least preliminary results needed by September to match the prototype schedule Discuss the effect of the neutron background on the detector and plan for further studies and possible remediation. Review the TDR preparation process and plan short and medium term activities. June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

25 Dominique Breton Umberto Marconi
ETD Dominique Breton Umberto Marconi

26 Document describing ETD
The document describing the proposed architecture of the ETD system has been released last week: It is the result of 3 months of continuous work, including numerous meetings with experts of the domain. It defines the common electronics design: Fast Control and Timing System (FCTS) Control and readout links (Links) Common Front-End Electronics (CFEE) Hardware Trigger (L1T) Read Out Module Boards (ROM) Experiment control system (ECS) It will be presented by D.Breton in the detector introductory session, and discussed in the ETD parallel sessions. We hope to have fruitful discussions about it here this week. June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

27 F.Forti - Detector Status
The proposed scheme June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

28 F.Forti - Detector Status
Next steps After the discussions which will take place during this workshop, the document will be upgraded to become the basis for the overall design. It will also be the basis for the ETD section of the TDR. Then we will be able to distribute the work between different teams. Candidatures are welcome. Don’t forget the L1 trigger ... R&D has started concerning the links A few presentations are foreseen about serializers embedded in FPGAs in the ETD parallel sessions. But no easy solution emerged for the irradiated area, even if some good ideas have to be farther studied. We have to estimate if the change in the machine characteristics won’t have too big consequences on our requirements. June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

29 F.Forti - Detector Status
Detector decisions Major “Global Geometry” decisions (Change design of flux return ?) Forward PID: if and what technology ? Backward EMC Less major “Geometry” decisions SVT Layer 0 radius and internal geometry DCH shape Transition radius between SVT and DCH PID readout technology (and size) Forward EMC geometry IFR absorber distribution Guidance from physics June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

30 Matteo Rama Achille Stocchi
DGWG Matteo Rama Achille Stocchi

31 F.Forti - Detector Status
Detector geometry WG Progress since the meeting in Orsay SVT and DCH Definition of new detector baselines for SVT and DCH Studies of the impact on track reconstruction of different DCH/SVT transition radii Startup of activity to evaluate the impact of a reduced boost on time-dependent measurements and particle reconstruction PID Ongoing studies of the impact of a forward PID device on several benchmark physics channels (K(*)nn, Breco had/SL,…) EMC Definition of the strategy to study the impact on physics of the fwd EMC options Ongoing study of Btau nu and the impact of a bwd EMC IFR Defined tentative plan Detector configurations and benchmark channels Discussed the general strategy to evaluate the physics reach of the main det. options June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status 31

32 Main goals for this workshop
Give a clear indication of the tracker performance vs. the SVT/DCH transition radius Provide first estimates of the impact of a reduced boost option (bg=0.23 instead of 0.28) on physics Investigate further the impact of a fwd PID device and bwd EM calorimeter Review and update the short/medium term WG plans Two DGWG parallel session on Thursday, plus a possible Tracking parallel session on Wednesday tracking bwd EMC June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

33 People

34 F.Forti - Detector Status
WBS for TDR Developed Work Breakdown Structure for TDR preparation June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

35 Developed a hiring plan
Most urgent positions to be filled identified Although more will be needed as plan develops Funding through region Lazio TDR funds and/or co-funding from other agencies Total of 19 positions (phys+engineers) Different priorities being assessed June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

36 F.Forti - Detector Status
Conclusions Detector structure established Subsystems up and running But need more manpower Decisions to be made for TDR identified Workshop goals: Report system R&D status, plans and goals. Develop a better understanding of accelerator developments and impacts on the detector Develop planning milestones for remainder of TDR phase Understand cross system interactions better. Understand and specify the documents needed for the TDR phase and when they are needed. Consider how to find/involve more institutions and people in your areas June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

37 F.Forti - Detector Status
Workshop plan June 16, 2009 F.Forti - Detector Status

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