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Modern Treatment Planning

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1 Modern Treatment Planning
Florian Cremers Klinik für Strahlentherapie Campus Lübeck

2 Dose effect curves: in vitro und in vivo
Murine tumour AT 17 cell culture Number of clonogenic tumor cells Clones of surviving cells after irradiation Deep ascent of local control within a small dose range mouse model Local tumour control

3 Tumor control versus tissue damage
local tumor control (T) Damage of healthy tissue (N) Probability [%] Complicationless cure H = T(1-N) Dose Bild modified according to: Holthusen H: Erfahrungen über die Verträglichkeitsgrenze für Röntgenstrahlen und deren Nutzanwendung. Strahlentherapie 1936; 57:

4 Goal of Radiotherapy Supply the tumor with sufficient dose while optimally sparing the healthy tissue

5 Linear Accelerator Radiation Equipment Basics
Linear Accelerator CLINAC 2100 DHX (clinical linear accelerator) different beam qualities and energies photons: 6 MV X and 18 MV X electrons: 6 MeV, 9 MeV, 12 MeV, 16 MeV, 20 MeV

6 Computed tomography CT (Basis for treatment planning)
tomography (greek „τομή tome“ = slice and „γράφειν graphein“ = write) CT is a computer based evaluation of multiple X-ray photographs of an object from different directions (projections)  reconstruction of 2D/3D images

7 Oncologic Volumes according to ICRU
ITV CTV GTV ICRU: International Commission of Radiation Units

8 Oncologic volumes according to ICRU

9 Oncologic volumes

10 Example: Recurrence of a Glioblastoma

11 Example: Recurrence of a Glioblastoma

12 Example: Recurrence of a Glioblastoma
CT with GTV and PTV

13 Example: Recurrence of a Glioblastoma

14 Example: Recurrence of a Glioblastoma
3D view

15 Goal of treatment planning
Supply the tumor with sufficient dose while optimally sparing the healthy tissue No less than 95% and no more than 107% of the prescription dose to the PTV (ICRU recommendation) PTV ITV CTV 95% GTV Tissue outside the PTV cannot be completely spared as in all transmitted healthy tissues dose will be applied as well! ALARA principle!!! „As Low As Reasonably Achievable“

16 Example Breast cancer (Mamma carcinoma)

17 Different fields in Colourwash

18 Plan evaluation (Dose-Volume Histogram DVH)
? % 20 % 20% 20 Gy 20 Gy

19 Dosis-Volume Histogram (Mamma + Supra)
100 Planning Target Volume (PTV) Volumen [%] Organ At Risk (OAR) 20 % 20 Gy Dose [%] 100

20 Dose-Volume Histogram (Mamma + Supra)
100 Planning Target Volume (PTV) Volume [%] Organ At Risk (OAR) 20 % 20 Gy Dose [%] 100

21 Example: Bronchial Carcinoma
bronchial carcinoma – treatment planning

22 Cảm ơn nhiều !

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