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Contextual and Critical Studies

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1 Contextual and Critical Studies
Stage 1 Semester 2 Jan to May 2008

2 Reading Images

3 and Objects

4 ‘Isms’ 1882 Manet Bar at the Folie-Bergeres ImpressionISM

5 The STORY of Art Pre-history The Classical Period Medieval Art
The Renaissance The Baroque The Neo Classical Romanticism………….

6 Ad infinitum Impressionism Post Impressionism Fauvism Expressionism
Cubism Surrealism Abstract Expressionism Minimalism

7 Ad infinitismismismism…

8 “The End of the History of Art ”

9 (H. Belting. The End of the History of Art. 1984)
Hans Belting – 1984 “- the commitment to the concept of all-embracing, universal ‘history of art’ – suddenly strikes us as peculiar” (H. Belting. The End of the History of Art. 1984)

10 “Contemporary art is too pluralistic in intention and realization to allow itself to be captured along a single dimension” Danto there is “a recent loss of faith in a great and compelling narrative, in the way things must be seen” Belting

11 the objects and images of the past can be, and have been, “read” in an increasing number of different ways - “no single approach can be definitive” (L. Schneider Adams. 1996)

12 “When an article analyses the images of women in paintings rather than the qualities of the brushwork, or when a gallery lecturer ignores the sheen of the Virgin Mary’s robes, the new art history is casting its shadow” Rees, A. and Borzello, F

13 Returning the male ‘gaze’

14 ….society uses design as a mode of social communication”

15 Contesting contemporary power

16 The End of the History of Art ? 1984.
Hans Belting “Our theme is rather the emancipation from received models of the historical presentation of art….” (AND design) The End of the History of Art ? 1984.

17 Looking and Seeing more than before….?

18 Some writers, some perspectives
Clement Greenberg Le Corbusier Roland Barthes Robert Venturi Walter Benjamin John Berger

19 Lecture and Seminar 1 Lecture 1 Monday, 4 February 1.00pm
Lecture Theatre 225, Business School Seminar 1 Wednesday 6 Feb or Wednesday 13 Feb Come prepared, having done the reading

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