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Please take out the white sheet of paper and fold it into a trifold!

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Presentation on theme: "Please take out the white sheet of paper and fold it into a trifold!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take out the white sheet of paper and fold it into a trifold!
Write your REAL name on the center fold, legibly! Decorate it if you would like, you will be using this as a name tag for the next few weeks. After you have finished place it at the front of your desk so that I can see your name and work on the student information sheet.

2 11th Grade Advanced Placement United States History Room D104
Mrs. Finley’s 11th Grade Advanced Placement United States History Room D104

3 This is an AP class … APUSH is a fast paced, intensive, upper level course that requires A LOT of work. It is tailored towards Juniors with previous AP course work. You will have HOMEWORK almost EVERY class day. You will be responsible for reading the ENTIRE BOOK. You will not be given extensions. You are expected to turn in completed work when it is due. You will have weekly quizzes, unit test, and multiple research papers.

4 Education I graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a Bachelor’s of Art in History, my minor was in music. I graduated in 2007 with Latin Honors Magna Cum Laude!

5 Education Cont’d I graduated from UTA in 2012 with my Master’s Degree of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. I graduated with honors, with a 4.0!

6 Education Cont’d In March 2016, I completed my Principal Certification Program through Lamar University!

7 I am married

8 I have 3 kids Charlie Tyler Zachary


10 This is my 6th year teaching and my 2nd year teaching at Arlington High School!

11 Previous Teaching Experience
Prior to joining Colt Country, I was a teacher at Dallas ISD where I taught 8th grade U.S. History for four years. In 2015 I was awarded the distinct honor of Teacher of the Year for the school year.

12 Picture Time …


14 Classroom Rules RESPECT all school faculty members and students.
Do not talk back, no cursing, no fighting! LISTEN to directions the FIRST time they are given. Always ensure a PROPER LEARNING ENVIRONMENT for yourself and for others. Come to class PREPARED and ready to learn! Respect school property. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. NO food, drinks, or gum in the classroom. NO cellphones during class period! NO CHEATING!!!

15 Possible Consequences
Warning After school detention Student/Teacher conference Phone call to parent Parent/Teacher conference Office referral Exclusion from school/extracurricular activities In School Suspension Cheating will result in an automatic zero and office referral

16 Late-Work Homework is due on the due date. Extensions will only be given in extenuating circumstances (ex: death in family … not your dog!) Late work is NEVER accepted. All work done in class is due at the end of class. If you do not finish it in class you have until 8 am the following morning to get it to me, otherwise you are given a ZERO!

17 Make-up Work When you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed and to get your make up work into me on time. You will be given two days after you return from your absence to turn you work in for full credit, after that it will be considered late.

18 Procedures Come in and quietly take your assigned seat.
Get out your class spiral and immediately begin working on your BELLRINGER You may find your notes from the previous class helpful. If you finish early double check your answers and sit quietly while you wait for the rest of the class to finish. Identify the classroom objective for the day What are you learning about today??? Begin lesson for the day – take NOTES (Cornell style preferable) Work on the lesson activity/assignment Complete your assignment in a timely manner, if you finish early look over your work then visit the CURRENT EVENTS table for some light reading an extra credit.

19 Procedures Cont’d Turn in your completed assignment
Summarization of key points from the day’s lesson. Complete your D.O.L You will turn this in at the end of class! When I give the OK, put all items up and get ready for class dismissal. Make sure to put your class notebook back in the appropriate bin. On your way out of class hand me your D.O.L. This is your EXIT TICKET; you will not be able to leave class without it! Failure to turn in your DOL at the end of class will result in a classroom detention.

20 For this class you will need:
You are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn EVERY day! Pencil Red pen Note cards High lighter For this class you will need: Expo Markers You are responsible for supplying these items and are expected to have them by Friday. A spiral (should have today) Your AVID binder (need by Wednesday) Notebook paper

21 Classroom Contract You must bring these back, signed, the next class period. The classroom contract is for a grade and failure to bring them back will result in a zero. Failure to sign does not exempt you from the class rules, procedures, and consequences.

22 Any ???’s

23 Video Analysis
After watching the clip, complete the assignment “Video Clip Analysis”. You will need to analyze how this clip illustrates the importance of the study of history!!!

24 If your life had a title …
… what would it be? If you wrote a biography of your life, what would the title be? On a blank sheet of paper, write down the title you chose and a brief explanation of why. Be prepared to share out.

25 Group Activty Find a partner on the OPPOSITE side of the room. Someone that you are not already friends with. Introduce yourself, tell your title, and explain why. When you hear the bell, switch to a new partner, begin the process again.

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