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Workshop Guideline Swissphotonics NTN Christoph Harder October 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop Guideline Swissphotonics NTN Christoph Harder October 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop Guideline Swissphotonics NTN Christoph Harder October 2015
Revision Beni Müller July 2017 Workshop_Guidelines_2017.pptx

2 Format Lab Tour before the workshop (morning)
Registration + Coffee (at least 30 minutes) informal welcome by board Welcome Address by Rector, CEO, Cantonal Representatives or another VIP Talks At least 3 talks from industry on market demand roadmap and challenges (state of the art & technologies requested by the market) Networking Break (at least 30 minutes) Talks At least 3 talks from academia on technology development roadmap Gap Closure Discussion: Identify gap between market demand and technology development roadmap. Ideas on how to close the gap: In separate rooms with report to the plenum Only if not possible, rump session: 3 to 5 people have 1 foil to make a stimulating statement, followed by podium discussion. Apéro Riche (at least 1 hour) 2

3 Time line -4 months before the workshop: Reservations for the rooms have to be made before requesting presentations from the speakers. -4 months: Contact Christoph to set topic and goals: Provide 50 to 100 word abstract of workshop Commit program chair and local chair. General chair: Beni, Christian, Christoph. -3 months: Contact speakers to get commitment and workshop title: Provide speaker list to Beni. Local chair organizes Lab Tour. -2 months: Program published on website: First notification -2 weeks: Second notification if necessary. Never put more than 3 dates in 1 and never dispatch more than 2 s in 1 month. 3

4 Responsibilities Program Chair (content responsibility)
Responsible for the lab tour and rooms (The rooms need to be reserved before asking the speakers to present). Responsible for the welcome from local representatives. The board and the program chair needs to be at the workshop location 30 minutes before the workshop starts. General Chairs (Christoph, Beni and Christian) Beni will do all the detail work: Print the documents (speaker list, participants list, program, flyer) and takes care about the website, catering, technic and registration. Christian will send out notifications. Report What goals have been achieved ? What was missing ? 4

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