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TerraNova/ Supera Survey Assessment

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1 TerraNova/ Supera Survey Assessment
Gabe p. allen elementary Spring 2018

2 Critical Deadlines- Coordinator Manual Pg. 6
Test Name April 23-27, 2018 *Test must be administered as predetermined by district Conduct regular and makeup testing.* April 23: prep day April 24: Reading April 25: Math April 26: Makeup testing Day April 27: Makeup testing Day April 30, 2018 Per Request May 1-2, 2018 – Per DWTC assigned schedule All “Scorable” TerraNova, Third Edition Complete Battery and TerraNova SUPERA test materials must be hand delivered to the Assessment Service Center located at South Ervay Street for packaging and shipment. The schedule of returning materials has been set by the DWTC. May 3, 2018 All “Non-Scorable” TerraNova, Third Edition Complete Battery and TerraNova SUPERA test materials must be mailed to the Assessment Service Center. May 30, 2018 Online Reporting results should be available

3 Campus Terra Nova/Supera Survey Schedule-
Note to TCs (To ensure the appropriate test is given, TC’s should give All teachers a copy of schedule and emphasize that schedule should be followed accordingly. Failure to do so could result in an irregularity.) Test Name Reading Math Make-Up Day 1 Make-Up Day 2 (if needed) Date April 24 April 25 April 26 April 27 Group Tested Kinder TN/ Supera 1st TN/ Supera 2nd TN/ Supera

4 Note to K-1 Test Administrators
Only Reading parts 1 and 2, and Math parts 1 and 2 are being administered in Dallas ISD. Science, Social Studies, Spelling and Vocabulary ARE NOT being administered.

5 Accommodations- Coordinator Manual Pg. 6
Extended time (i.e., up to “time and a half”, ex. 30 min = 45 min) may be used ONLY if SPED/504 already addressed it and has been deemed necessary and routinely utilized in the classroom. RTI and ELL may not receive extended time. Oral Administration- Only SPED/504 students may receive oral administration per IEP for Mathematics only. RTI and ELL may not receive oral administration. There is no oral Administration for Reading Math- questions and answers may be read aloud per IEP Regular ED class (Minimum group size)- Group administration requirements for testing are to have a minimum of 10 (ten) students for regular education groups; while SPED/504 students may be accommodated in small groups (ONLY per IEP or SEVERE behavior (severe as in the entire school knows the student )

6 Accommodations Continued- Coordinator Manual Pg. 6
Large Print-Large print books are not available. If a student needs large print, a campus may use a projector to display or a magnifying page. Campuses must ensure that test security is maintained. ELL Students-ELL students do not receive accommodations for TerraNova. Exemptions for newcomers are made on case by case basis, please refer to the DISD EK Regulation Testing Policy and/or contact the Bilingual/ELL Department as needed. Off Level Testing -Special education students receiving instruction off-grade level may also be tested off-grade level. A student who receives special education services may be tested on only one grade level on one answer document per test (i.e. all subtests must be from same grade level). These students must be tested within test- level restrictions as shown below: On-Grade Test Level Off- Grade Test Level Option Level 10 (K) Level 10 (K) or exempt per ARD Level 11 (1st) Level 11 (1st), Level 10 (K) Level 12 (2nd) Level 12(2nd), Level 11(1st), Level 10(K)

7 Getting Started

8 Seating charts- Every class must submit a seating chart for each day of testing using the DISD TerraNova/Supera Seating Chart. Complete both Part I and II of seating chart Completely fill out ALL information at the top of both pages Complete all student columns, if a student does not finish a subtest within allotted time, place check beside name for scoring reference.

9 Preparing for Testing- Coordinator Manual Pg. 8
Test Administrators may review the manual to familiarize themselves with instructions in a supervised setting with the test coordinator. Test administrators should only review the grade level in which they will administer test. Test administrators should never review the grade level in which they teach. Administer test in the predetermined order. NOTE: The TerraNova and Supera books will have barcode labels. There is no need to hand code if the student barcode label information is correct. Students that do not receive barcode labels will need to have their identifying information hand coded. (If a barcode label was not included for a student or if any information on the barcode label is incorrect, then you must complete the demographic information inside the front cover of the test book as described in Test Coordinator Manual) If students are able to complete the student‐identifying information themselves, draw a model of the answer document’s front cover on the chalkboard to guide them in completing the form. If students are not able to complete the student‐identifying information, complete all the student‐identifying information, including correct birth dates, on the answer documents prior to distributing them.

10 TerraNova and Supera Survey Student Book Labels
(Note to Test Coordinator: it is recommended to adhere labels at the end of testing or have teachers adhere at the end of testing day one to ensure the correct labels are used and books are not wasted on students who may WD or may not test) As stated, TerraNova and Supera books have barcode labels specific to each student. Each book will have a specific student label adhered to the cover. If labels are placed on books prior to testing, Ensure students receive their own booklet. DO NOT randomly pass out books. Pay close attention to students with similar or same names to ensure student receives correct book. Test administrators should have students check their name prior to beginning the test to ensure correct booklet was received. If a student is given another student’s booklet and test, this is considered an irregularity and the test administrator will need to submit an irregularity statement to the campus TC.

11 TerraNova and Supera Survey Student Book Labels
Doe, John 00/00/0000 Doe, John 00/00/0000 WRONG LABEL FOR SUPERA Supera Labels Doe, John 00/00/0000 Doe, John 00/00/0000 WRONG LABEL FOR TerraNova TerraNova Labels

12 TerraNova Student Book/Answer Sheet- Coordinator Manual pgs. 12-14
The homeroom teacher should be listed in the teacher name blank You will only need to manually bubble the student identification information IF (1) a barcode label is not available for a student, OR (2) any precoded data on the barcode label is incorrect (with the exception of the Teacher Name, School Name, and District since those fields are not actually bubbled on the document and are not scanned).

13 Supera Survey Student Book/Answer Sheet- Coordinator Manual pgs. 16-18
You will only need to manually bubble the student identification information IF (1) a barcode label is not available for a student, OR (2) any precoded data on the barcode label is incorrect (with the exception of the Teacher Name, School Name, and District since those fields are not actually bubbled on the document and are not scanned). Teacher name can be placed on the district line. For teacher put homeroom teacher

14 Irregularities No. No. No Not in my House

15 Avoid an Irregularity Teachers may never view test book for the grade they teach. If student labels are adhered to books, make sure student receives their correct book. Do not randomly pass out books. Pay close attention to students with similar or same names to ensure student receives correct book. Teachers must follow the time limits according to the schedule in Appendix F. Classes that extend beyond the allotted time limit per Appendix F may not be scored as this is considered an irregularity. Teachers should monitor time to ensure subtest can be completed within the time limit. Reading/LA is combined and BOTH Part I and II MUST be completed in the same day. Math part I and II MUST be completed in the same day. Class/subtest start and stop times for both part I and II MUST be included on the seating chart. Do not give Science, Social Studies, Spelling or Vocabulary. The only test administered is Reading (Part 1 and 2) and Math (Part 1 and 2)

16 After Testing Wait there’s More

17 Answer Documents- Preparing to Submit to TC
Immediately after the testing session, the examiner collects the test documents from the students and checks the physical condition, including dark, clear marking. Then the documents are checked for accurate student‐identification information, and nonvalid tests are identified. Step 1- Collect and Inspect book: pg. 10 Test Coordinator Manual If you find this…. do this: scratch paper tape of any kind Post-it™ Notes staples pins paper clips Remove them. light marks incomplete erasures stray marks Erase inappropriate marks or make marks heavier as needed. bent corners folds in document creases in document paper damaged by erasures ripped or torn sheets Copy the filled-in circles onto a clean, unused document. Use a No. 2 pencil only. Use a soft eraser. Mark responses with solid, dark, filled-in circles. Note: Please carefully count test documents to ensure that a document has been collected from each student who was tested. Remove scratch paper from books, and give to CTC to destroy. Ensure no markings are on bar codes (both top horizontal and side bar codes of book. Please note bar codes are on the front and back of each book. Make sure books are flat and have not been bent. Separate Absentees and put those with completed absentee form. ***Note to test coordinator: Do not include these students with scorables to turn in unless you complete a makeup within the assessment window.

18 Answer Documents- Preparing to Submit to TC
Immediately after the testing session, the examiner collects the test documents from the students and checks the physical condition, including dark, clear marking. Then the documents are checked for accurate student‐identification information, and nonvalid tests are identified. Step 2- Complete a Group Information Sheet (GIS). Group Information Sheets are scannable headers submitted with each tested group to account for total tests being submitted for that group: page 9/22-23 of Test Coordinator Manual *Complete section 1 and 3, all other areas are pre-coded *Complete an additional GIS for students who test off level Mark actual grade level even if testing off level Alphabetize scorable books and return to test coordinator, with your Group Information Sheet on the top. If dual kids, Supera Survey books and GIS will be alpha and in one stack; Terra Nova books and GIS will be alpha and in a separate stack. This will be reviewed for accuracy when your CTC quality controls your test material. *The number testing should match the total student books being submitted for scoring. For example 027 would mean 27 total student books were being submitted for scoring. Be sure to write and bubble number

19 Questions

20 Additional information may be reviewed at http://www. dallasisd
Please sign your oath and principal oath (principal only) and give to the testing coordinator. Thank you for your attention.

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