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I Worship You Almighty God

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Presentation on theme: "I Worship You Almighty God"— Presentation transcript:

1 I Worship You Almighty God

2 I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You. O Prince of Peace, that is what I love to do.

3 I give You praise, for You are my righteousness, I worship You, Almighty God, I give You my life.

4 I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You. O Prince of Peace, that is what I love to do.

5 I give You praise, for You are my righteousness, I worship You, Almighty God, I give You my life.

6 我 敬 拜 祢,全 能 真 神, wo jing bai ni quan neng zhen shen 有 谁 能 像 祢? you shui neng xiang ni 我 敬 拜 祢, 和 平 君 王, wo jing bai ni he ping jun wang 我 心 何 等 渴 慕 祢! wo xin he deng ke mu ni

7 我 赞 美 祢! 祢 是 我 的 公 义, wo zan mei ni ni shi wo di gong yi 我 敬 拜 祢, 全 能 真 神, wo jing bai ni quan neng zhen shen 我 献 上 我 心。 wo xian shang wo xin

8 I give You my life.

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