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Warm-up List and explain at least 5 things that “changed”on the “homefront” when America joined World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up List and explain at least 5 things that “changed”on the “homefront” when America joined World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up List and explain at least 5 things that “changed”on the “homefront” when America joined World War I

2 Anti-War Sentiment, Civil Liberties & Government Response

3 Opposition The Government created the Committee on Public Information (CPI) to educate the public and pass on information about the war People were still opposed to the war Dodging the draft Conscientious objectors Alvin York Women’s International League for Peace

4 Government Cracks Down on Dissent
Authorities took people who worked against the goal of winning the war very seriously Espionage Act 1917 Up to 20 year imprisonment & $10,000 fine for anyone found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment or causing insubordination in the armed forces Sedition Act 1918 Amendment to Espionage act, outlawed any “disloyal, profane, scurrilous or abusive language” intended to cause contempt, scorn toward the government, Constitution, or flag Bureau of Investigation-Justice Department After the war became Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

5 Cases-1919 Schenk v. United States Debs v. United States
Charles Schenk mailed pamphlets urging men to resist conscription Created the “clear and present danger” doctrine Debs v. United States Guilt of Eugene Debs for antiwar speech Abrams v. United States Four Russian immigrants printed pamphlets denouncing American intervention in Russian Revolution

6 Changes in Society Americans experienced new burst of patriotism.
Many Americans attack symbols of German culture; discriminated against German Americans Hamburgers- “liberty steaks” Made to give up speaking German Women and African Americans find new roles in war economy. African Americans move north in Great Migration to fill new jobs in military industry Women find jobs in manufacturing plants building military equipment Increased immigration from Mexico as Mexicans came across the border to find jobs—many stayed in California and formed barrios (Hispanic neighborhoods) Labor strife reached a new high Shipyards in Seattle; policemen in Boston; 350,000 steelworkers demanded 8-hour day and wage increases

7 Activity:

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