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PixelGAN Autoencoders

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1 PixelGAN Autoencoders
Alireza Makhzani, Brendan Frey University of Toronto Liu ze Dec 30th, 2017 中国科学技术大学 University of Science and Technology of China

2 Outline 1. Background 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments
PixelCNNs Variational Autoencoders Adversarial Autoencoders 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders Limitations of VAE/AAE Structure and Training Benefits of PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments 4. Conclusion

3 Outline 1. Background 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments
PixelCNNs Variational Autoencoders Adversarial Autoencoders 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders Limitations of VAE/AAE Structure and Training Benefits of PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments 4. Conclusion

4 PixelCNNs

5 Contional PixelCNNs h h

6 Conditional PixelCNNs
h h Learn the image statistics directly at the pixel level. Good at modelling low-level pixel statistics. Conditional PixelCNNs can learn conditional densities. Samples lack global structure. Lacking latent representation.

7 Variational Autoencoders
Good at capturing the global structure, but samples are blurry.

8 Adversarial Autoencoders
Code Space of MNIST: Gaussian Prior Mixture of Gaussians

9 Outline 1. Background 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments
PixelCNNs Variational Autoencoders Adversarial Autoencoders 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders Limitations of VAE/AAE Structure and Training Benefits of PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments 4. Conclusion

10 Limitations of VAE/AAE
✦ All the image statistics are captured by the single latent vector. VAE label, style global and local p(z) Latent Variable Deterministic (factorized Gaussians) p(x|z) None

11 Structure and Training
Cost function of PixelGAN = Reconstruction + Adversarial Cost

12 Benefits of PixelGAN Autoencoders
✦ The image statistics are captured jointly by the latent vector and the autoregressive decoder. p(z) Latent Variable p(x|z) PixelCNN

13 Benefits of PixelGAN Autoencoders
✦ The image statistics are captured jointly by the latent vector and the autoregressive decoder. PixelGAN (Gaussian) PixelGAN (Categorical) Discrete (label) Global (low-frequency) p(z) Latent Variable Local (high-frequency) Continuous (Style) p(x|z) PixelCNN

14 PixelGAN (Categorical)
Benefits of PixelGAN Autoencoders ✦ The image statistics are captured jointly by the latent vector and the autoregressive decoder. PixelGAN (Gaussian) PixelGAN (Categorical) Discrete (label) Global (low-frequency) p(z) Latent Variable Local (high-frequency) Continuous (Style) p(x|z) PixelCNN Semi-supervised Learning

15 Outline 1. Background 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments
PixelCNNs Variational Autoencoders Adversarial Autoencoders 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders Limitations of VAE/AAE Structure and Training Benefits of PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments 4. Conclusion

16 Global vs. Local Decomposition

17 Code Space Code Space of MNIST:

18 PixelGAN Autoencoders with Categorical Priors

19 Discrete vs. Continuous Decomposition (Clustering)

20 Discrete vs. Continuous Decomposition (Clustering)

21 Unsupervised Clustering
5% Error rate

22 Semi-supervised Learning

23 Semi-supervised Classification

24 Outline 1. Background 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments
PixelCNNs Variational Autoencoders Adversarial Autoencoders 2. PixelGAN Autoencoders Limitations of VAE/AAE Structure and Training Benefits of PixelGAN Autoencoders 3. Experiments 4. Conclusion

25 Unsupervised Clustering
A Proposed the PixelGAN autoencoder, which is a generative autoencoder that combines a generative PixelCNN with a GAN inference network that can impose arbitrary priors on the latent code. B Showed that imposing different distributions as the prior enables us to learn a latent representation that captures the type of statistics that we care about, while the remaining structure of the image is captured by the PixelCNN decoder. C Demonstrate the application of PixelGAN autoencoders in downstream tasks such as semi-supervised learning; Discussed how these architectures have other potentials such as learning cross-domain relations between two different domains

26 Thank you!

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