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The Cask of Amontillado

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Presentation on theme: "The Cask of Amontillado"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cask of Amontillado

2 Project In the short story, The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe, our characters are set in a carnival/masquerade type scene before one meets their demise. This project will be centered on that theme. Each of you will be creating a character that will attend the masquerade and effect the plot in some way. You will each be provided with a blank paper copy of a masquerade mask. Your first task will be to figure out this new character and decorate their mask. BE creative; DO NOT just color it. Think out of the box (I will display some example in class and on our website).

3 Mask Options You can choose one of these mask options for your character. But you can also use something else you find. I have great examples using both formats. This is where you can as creative as possible.

4 Project cont. Now that you have the character in mask, you have now write a story. This is to be written as a story not a summary of what would happen. I need to know WHO your character is, HOW they effect the plot, and if they KNOW Montresor or Fortunato. It should be one page in length, typed. Please be creative, stick to the plot of the story (I will allow you to create an “alternate ending”), and like always, be school appropriate. Remember, your character has to add something to the story. Even characters that are not in stories for a long period of time (Tim), effect the story significantly. I’ll provide you some examples in class.

5 DUE DATES Getting this paper signed will be a HOMEWORK grade.
WHITE 4 & 6: May 5th GREEN 1, 3, 5: May 6th

6 The order of the presentations will be RANDOMLY selected!
DUE DATES cont. Your project needs to be completed and ready to present. Your presentation grade will be separate from your project grade! Projects are due: GREEN 1, 3, 5: May 14th WHITE 4 & 6: May 15th The order of the presentations will be RANDOMLY selected!

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