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His Parents Early Life Event Leading Up To The Founding Of Georgia (2 slides) Oglethorpe's Guidance War of Jenkins Ear Later Life The End Sources.

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3 His Parents Early Life Event Leading Up To The Founding Of Georgia (2 slides) Oglethorpe's Guidance War of Jenkins Ear Later Life The End Sources

4 James Oglethorpe comes from two Jacobite parents. His father, Theophilus, was a man with unwavering loyalty to the crown, the right to represent Haslemere in Parliament, and an amazing military career. His mother, Eleanor, was a woman with even more loyalty to the crown and was more religious than her husband. James Oglethorpe got his courage, loyalty, and religious beliefs from these two important people.

5 As a teen, young James Jamie Oglethorpe was enrolled in Corpus Christi College. However, his learning of the defense against the Turks enthralled him so much that he was compelled to enroll into a military academy in France. James had already gained a brilliant military career and a seat in the House of Commons before he reached 30.

6 James was always concerned about the problems of England, mostly those of defense and debtors Being in the House of Commons showed him just how bad these problems really were. He gained the trust of the fellow members of the House of Commons during an investigation of the jail cells (this was brought about by corrupt men putting enemies in jail and cut them off from their supply of money so that the enemies wouldnt be a problem anymore). During the investigation, they learned that the prisoners were being mistreated by the jailers.

7 As Oglethorpe saw the condition that the debtors were in, he decided to ask the king to make a colony for the indebted prisoners to work off their debts, but the king didnt have enough money for new colony to be founded. Oglethorpe and a group of 20 men were given permission to use the land between South Carolina and Florida as the new colonys location, if Oglethorpe could afford it, because the other colonies needed a buffer (or a protective) colony. After a couple of years of collecting funds, Oglethorpe set sail, with 114 colonists in tow, for the land that became Georgia.

8 As Oglethorpe and the Trustees began Georgia, they had some things taken away. Land was limited and only males could have land. There was no rum or other alcoholic stimulants. There were no slaves allowed. Despite the restrictions, everyone worked happily. You may be asking yourself Why? The answer is Oglethorpe himself. Oglethorpe was more of a father figure to the colonists than anything else. They loved and respected Oglethorpe because he treated them like he would treat his own sons and daughters. When someone got sick, almost as soon as Oglethorpe heard about it he was at that persons side.

9 During a war that took place mainly in Europe, Oglethorpe was certain that a Spanish attack on Georgia was inevitable. Oglethorpe asked everyone he could and should ask in England for funds for defensive purposes. He also called upon his good friend, Tomochichi, to help. The Highland Scots also helped defend the colony during this war.

10 Oglethorpe left Georgia after the war for court-martial because of Lieutenant Colonel Cook, who was removed from the service. Oglethorpe was acquitted of the charges. Oglethorpe married in 1744. He married Sir Nathan Wrights only daughter, Elizabeth. After a few minor skirmishes with Charles Stuart, Oglethorpe retired to a life of peace (more or less) with his wife. He died on June 30 th, 1785.


12 Resources: Oglethorpe: A Brief Biography: Phinizy Spalding -history-solomons-lodge-1 History war/british/james-edward-oglethorpe.htm

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