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Interpreting Distance vs. Time Versus Velocity vs. Time GRAPHS

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Presentation on theme: "Interpreting Distance vs. Time Versus Velocity vs. Time GRAPHS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpreting Distance vs. Time Versus Velocity vs. Time GRAPHS

2 Interpreting the different graphs
Interpreting the different graphs. What information can you get from each? V E L O C I T Y (m/s) D I S T A N C E (m) T I M E (s) T I M E (s) Leg Motion of DT Graph Motion of VT Graph 1 2 3 4

3 Interpreting the different graphs
Interpreting the different graphs. What information can you get from each? V E L O C I T Y (m/s) D I S T A N C E (m) T I M E (s) T I M E (s) Leg Motion of DT Graph Motion of VT Graph 1 Constant speed Away from Start Positive Acceleration; Speeding up 2 Not Moving; At Rest; Stationary Constant Speed/Velocity 3 Constant Speed toward Start Negative Acceleration; Deceleration; Slowing Down 4 Constant Speed Away from Start Positive Acceleration; Speeding Up

4 D I S T A N C E (m) V E L O C I T Y (m/s) T I M E (s) T I M E (s) Leg Motion of DT Graph Motion of VT Graph 1 2 3 4

5 D I S T A N C E (m) V E L O C I T Y (m/s) T I M E (s) T I M E (s) Leg Motion of DT Graph Motion of VT Graph 1 Constant speed Toward Start Negative Acceleration; Deceleration; Slowing Down 2 Constant Speed; Away from Start Positive Acceleration; Speeding Up 3 Not Moving; At Rest; Stationary Constant Velocity/Speed 4 Constant Speed Back toward start

6 V E L O C I T Y (m/s) D I S T A N C E (m) T I M E (s) T I M E (s) Leg Motion of DT Graph Motion of VT Graph 1 2 3

7 Leg Motion of DT Graph Motion of VT Graph
C I T Y (m/s) D I S T A N C E (m) T I M E (s) T I M E (s) Leg Motion of DT Graph Motion of VT Graph 1 Constant Speed Away from Start Positive Acceleration; Speeding Up 2 Not Moving; At Rest; Stationary Constant speed/Velocity 3 Constant Speed Toward Start Negative Acceleration; Deceleration; Slowing Down

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